diff --git a/docs/reference/classes-prototype-c.md b/docs/reference/classes-prototype-c.md
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+# Prototype C ("Detections with confidence")
+This prototype relies on fewer tables, with one record in each, and leans more heavily on behavior in code.
+> [!WARN]
+> The intent was to collapse Categorizations into Detections by moving booleans to floats, but this looses important
+nuance from the original prototype A-minus it was based on.
+## Shared preface
+The same color scheme is used for both prototypes:
+* Terms, which flow in continuously with Search Events;
+* A knowledge graph, which includes the categories, detectors, and relationships
+ between the two which TACOS defines and maintains, and which is consulted during categorization; and
+* The linkages between these terms and the graph, which record which signals are
+ detected in each term, and how those signals are interpreted to place the term into a category.
+A simple way to describe the Categorization workflow would be to say that Categorization involves populating the blue
+tables in the diagrams below.
+## Categorization
+ direction LR
+ Term --< Detection: has many
+ class Term
+ Term: +Integer id
+ Term: +String phrase
+ Term: calculateCategory()
+ class Detection
+ Detection: +Integer id
+ Detection: +Integer term_id
+ Detection: +Integer detector_version
+ Detection: +Float DOI
+ Detection: +Float ISBN
+ Detection: +Float ISSN
+ Detection: +Float PMID
+ Detection: +Float Journal
+ Detection: +Float SuggestedResource
+ Detection: initialize()
+ Detection: setDetectionVersion()
+ Detection: recordDetections()
+ Detection: recordPatterns()
+ Detection: recordJournals()
+ Detection: recordSuggestedResource()
+ style Term fill:#000,stroke:#66c2a5,color:#66c2a5
+ style Category fill:#000,stroke:#fc8d62,color:#fc8d62
+ style Detector fill:#000,stroke:#fc8d62,color:#fc8d62
+ style Detection fill:#000,stroke:#8da0cb,color:#8da0cb
+### Order of operations
+1. A new `Term` is registered.
+2. A `Detection` record for that `Term` is created (which allows repeat detection operations as TACOS gains new
+ capabilities). Rather than storing a boolean, we store a float to represent how confident we are that the detection is able to be used for categorization. This approach feels flawed
+### Category values
+Not worked out as the model seems flawed and was abandoned after initial discussion.
+### Calculating the category scores
+Not worked out as the model seems flawed.
+## Validations
+Not worked out as the model seems flawed.