Let's try useing the IntuneDevices table to count how many devices we have per Operating Systems
{% hint style="danger" %} This is an example of a wrong query. The bellow query is getting data that are generated for the past 7 days, returns a count of the records per summarization group by OS column. The problem with this query is IntuneDevices table gets all the devices' data once per day, which means there are duplicate rows. {% endhint %}
| where TimeGenerated > ago (7d) and isnotempty(OS)
| summarize count() by OS
{% hint style="success" %} Let fixed the above query. I will use arg_max() aggregation to maximized TimeGenerated (means latest data in this case), return OS for each device's SerialNumber. I use SerialNumber instead DeviceName because sometime we might reinstall the same device again using a different device name, I don't want to have duplicated data result {% endhint %}
| where TimeGenerated > ago (7d) and isnotempty(OS) //Get data that are generated in 7 days. and only if OS information is not empty
| summarize arg_max(TimeGenerated, OS) by SerialNumber //returun latest generated data of OS information based on device's serial number
| summarize count() by OS // Total count OS based on OS
{% hint style="info" %} An even better query, we filter out those devices that haven't contacted Intune for over 60 days. {% endhint %}
| where TimeGenerated > ago (7d)
and isnotempty(OS)
and todatetime(LastContact) > ago(60d) //We need to convert LastContact to date time format
| summarize arg_max(TimeGenerated, OS) by SerialNumber
| summarize count() by OS