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Daniel R. Grayson edited this page Jun 16, 2014 · 26 revisions

How to use git with Macaulay2

Install git, if necessary, by getting it here:

The follow the instructions in one of the following two sections.

For non-package-developers

To get the source code of Macaulay2 if you are not a package developer, one "clones" our git repository with the following shell command:

  • git clone

The source code will appear in a directory called M2, which you may rename if you wish. In that directory you can find the following items of interest:

  • Source code for the package Foo: the file M2/Macaulay2/packages/Foo.m2 and possibly the directory M2/Macaulay2/packages/Foo/ and its contents.
  • Instructions for building Macaulay2: M2/INSTALL

For package developers

Start by "forking" the Macaulay2 repository, by following the following steps in a browser.

Tell git what your name and email address are, for correct labelling of your updates, with commands like:

  • git config --global "John Doe"
  • git config --global [email protected]

Then use the following shell command to get a copy of your copy of the source code of Macaulay2:

Edit and test your code. Whenever you want to send your changes to your local copy of M2, proceed as follows:

  • Review the status of your files with
    • git status
  • Review your changes, if necessary, with git diff
  • Add the files whose changes are to be committed with git add FILENAME ...
  • Commit the files to your local copy of the repository:
    • Issue the command git commit
    • An editor window will pop up in which you should type a message describing the changes, with this format:
      • First line is 50 characters or less
      • Then a blank line
      • Remaining text should be wrapped at 72 characters
  • An alternative to the two steps above, if you are ready to commit all the files that you have changed, is git commit -a
  • Push the commited changes to your fork of M2 at github: git push

Repeat at will. Whenever you want to send your changes to the central Macaulay2 repository, do this in a browser:

To import the latest changes from the Macaulay2 repository into your repository and try to merge your code with them, use:

  • git pull master

To import the latest changes from the Macaulay2 repository into your repository without trying to merge your code with them, use:

  • git fetch

To display the history of your changes graphically, use this command:

  • gitk

To show the history of all of your branches and any branches imported from the Macaulay2 repository, use:

  • gitk --all
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