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Lark Grammar for M2 language
Frédéric Chapoton edited this page Apr 25, 2024
10 revisions
This is related to issue #2889.
It would be convenient to have a formal model for the M2 language. This would in particular allow syntax checks of all files in the common library and packages.
Here is the Lark documentation:
A basic tentative was started in #2893, stuck at a preliminary stage.
This is remotely related to the question of highliting code, as allowed by
Here is a sample ipython session:
from lark import Lark
with open("macaulay2.lark") as f:
w = f.read()
m2parser = Lark(w, start='start')
tree = m2parser.parse(open("M2/M2/Macaulay2/packages/DiffAlg.m2").read())
and here the tentative grammar:
// this entry point is for a file input
start: (_NEWLINE | expr)*
COMMENT: /--[^\n]*/
| /--.*\n/
| /-\*.*\*-/
| ";"
FUNCTION: "sin" | "cos" | "tan" | "abs" | "acos"
| "agm" | "asin" | "atan" | "atan2"
| "zeta" | "tanh" | "sqrt" | "sec" | "sech"
| "erf" | "erfc" | "coth" | "csc" | "eint"
expr: SYMBOL
| string
| operator_exp
| command
| timing
| assignment
| lists_and_sequences
| hash_table
| branching
| bool
| symbols
| make_function
| function_call
| function_def
| table_access
string: STRING
| "toString" expr
| (string "|")+ string
mapping: expr "=>" expr
// functions
typing: ":=" mapping
function_call: (SYMBOL | FUNCTION) "(" expr ("," expr)* ")"
| SYMBOL expr
function_def: function_call typing? "->" expr
make_function: (lists_and_sequences|SYMBOL) typing? "->" expr
command: "newPackage" "(" string ("," mapping)* ")" -> new_package
| "select" "(" lists_and_sequences "," expr ")"
| "position(" expr ("," expr) ")"
| "needs" string -> needs_package
| "method" "(" mapping? ")"
| "instance" "(" expr "," SYMBOL ")"
| "class" expr
// operators
unary_pre_op: "-" -> minus
| "+" -> plus
| "#" -> cardinality
unary_post_op: "(*)"
| "^*"
| "^!"
| "_*"
| "_!"
| "~"
| "!"
binary_op: "+" -> plus
| "-" -> minus
| "*" -> times
| "/" -> div
| "//" -> floordiv
| "**" -> power
| "++" -> doubleplus
| "^"
| "^^"
| "^**"
| "<<" | ">>"
| "<==>" -> equiv
| "<=="
| "<==="
| "==>"
| "===>"
| "@" | "@@"
| "&" | "%"
| "|" | "|-" | "||"
| ".." | "..<" | ":" | "_"
| "."
operator_exp: unary_pre_op expr
| expr unary_post_op
| expr binary_op expr
// boolean and comparison tests
comparison: expr "==" expr -> equal
| expr "!=" expr -> unequal
| expr "===" expr -> strict_equal
| expr "=!=" expr -> strict_unequal
| expr "<" expr -> less
| expr "<=" expr -> less_or_equal
| expr ">" expr -> greater
| expr ">=" expr -> greater_or_equal
BOOLEAN: "true" | "false"
bool: bool "and" bool -> and
| bool "or" bool -> or
| bool "xor" bool -> xor
| "not" bool -> not
| comparison
| "all" "(" expr "," expr")" -> all
// new and symbols
// new: "new" hash_table ["of" hash_table] "from" hash_table ":=" (A,B,c) "->" expr
symbols: "global" SYMBOL
| "local" SYMBOL
| "symbol" SYMBOL
| "protect" SYMBOL
| "threadVariable" SYMBOL
// assignment
assignment: expr "=" expr
| (expr|SYMBOL) ":=" expr
| expr "<-" expr
comparison_operator: "?"
// subscripting and object access
accessing: "_" expr -> subscript
| "." expr -> access_via_key
| "#" expr? -> length_or_access
| ".?" expr -> check_for_key
| "#?" -> check_value
table_access: expr accessing
// branching
branching: "if" bool "then" expr ["else" expr]
| "while" bool ["list" expr] ["do" expr]
| "for" expr ["from" expr] ["to" expr] ["when" bool] ["list" expr] ["do" expr]
| "break" expr?
| "continue" expr?
| "return" expr?
// exceptions and errors
exception: "error" string
| "try" expr ["then" expr] ["else" expr]
| "catch" expr
| "throw" expr
| "shield" expr
// timing and alarms
timing: "alarm" NN
| "time" expr
| "timing" expr
| "sleep" NN
| "nanosleep" NN
| "elapsedTime" expr
| "elapsedTiming" expr
// lists, sets, sequences, arrays
bare_sequence: expr ("," expr)*
lists_and_sequences: ("{" bare_sequence "}" | "{" "}")
| "(" bare_sequence ")"
| "[" bare_sequence "]"
| "<|" bare_sequence "|>"
| "set" ("{" bare_sequence "}" | "{" "}")
// mapping over hash tables
hash_table: "{" mapping ("," mapping)* "}"
hash_table_operation: "applyValues(" hash_table "," expr ")"
| "applyKeys(" hash_table "," expr ")"
| "applyPairs(" hash_table "," expr ")"
| "scanValues(" hash_table "," expr ")"
| "scanKeys(" hash_table "," expr ")"
| "scanPairs(" hash_table "," expr ")"
| "scan(" hash_table "," expr ")"
// "merge(" A B C ")"
// combine: "combine(" A B C D E")"
_NEWLINE: ( /\r?\n[\t ]*/ | COMMENT )+
%import common.ESCAPED_STRING -> STRING
%import common.SIGNED_NUMBER
%import common.WORD
%import common.LETTER
%import common.NEWLINE
%import common.INT -> NN
%import common.SIGNED_INT -> ZZ
%import common.SIGNED_FLOAT -> RR
%import common.WS
%ignore WS
%ignore COMMENT
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