Modality: The course is offered in streaming. And it will be recorded Monday 1430 QnA Exam two parts:
- Oral examination
- Indepth study + seminar: a seminar is a talk on a specific topic (agreed with us) and given in front of us and possibly other students. List of topics
- There are optional excercises one should definitely do
- Background knowledge: on logic, automata, regular expressions, and games
- Fair transition systems, automata on infinite objects
- Temporal logic
- Algorithms: satisfiable checking, model checking, synthesis
- Verification and Validation techniques for Ai and cybersecurity
Aim of the course: Key words: formal specification and verification/ Validation
- verify the consistency of a specification
- check the validity of an expected property of a program
- to synthesize a [[correct-by-construction controler]].
Reactive programs/systems vs transformational programs