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In this class we will translate a [[Simple Programming Language|SPL]] programm to [[Fair Transition Systems|FTS]] [[Deterministic Finite State Automata|Automata]].

1 Labels

Used in two ways:

  • identifying instructions
  • localize where the control pointer is


multiple labels can define the same place of the control pointer

We create a [[Equivalence Relation]] that allows us to identify labels that are associated with the same location.

$$l_y \sim _L l_x$$

This means that $l_y$ an $l_x$ are associated with the same program counter position.

![[Verification 17_image_1.png]]

As a description from above

  1. case $l \sim l_1$ and only to $l_1$ -> this is a concatination
  2. case $l \sim l_1 \sim l_2 \sim ....\sim l_k$ this is a conditional
  3. $l \sim l_1$ and only to $l_1$ -> this is a assignment -> local declaration does not

How does this look for our example of the GCD: ![[Verification 17_image_2.png]]

![[Verification 17_image_3.png]]

How does the $[l_2]$ class work out?

  1. we have $l_2$ is infront of a conditonal (case 2)
  2. then we have a concatination (case 1), $l_2$ is equal to the first command of the concatination

1.1 [[Post-location]]s

Is an instruction executed, a new location is reached. This location is called [[Post-location]].

Example: ![[Verification 17_image_4.png]]

The [[Post-location]] of this instruction $S$ is the location of the last command that is executed i.e. $S_k$.

i.e. $post(S) = post(s_k) = l_k$ for all other commands i.e. $l_i...l_{k-1}$ the [[Post-location]] is simply $l_{i+1}$

Other examples:

![[Verification 17_image_5.png]]

How does it look with our GCD example?

![[Verification 17_image_6.png]]

1.2 The [[Ancestor relation]]

If $S'$ is a sub instruction of S, S is called the ancestor of $S'$

![[Verification 17_image_7.png]]

Example for [[Ancestor relation|LCA]]:

![[Verification 17_image_8.png]]

==What does this mean==: Looking at the [[Ancestor relation|LCA]] we can see if the instructions can be executed in parallel or need to be executed one after another.

When can we execute two instructions in parallel?

[!note] parallel instructions If $S_i$ and $S_j$ have a cooperation instruction ($||$) S, where $S_i \neq S_j$ and $S_j \neq S$ and $S_i \neq S$ then they are parallel instructions and we can execute them in parallel. Otherwise we call them instructions in conflict

Example: ![[Verification 17_image_9.png]]

1.3 Semantics of [[Simple Programming Language|SPL]] programms

The [[semantics]] of an [[Simple Programming Language|SPL]] program are simmilar to an [[Fair Transition Systems|FTS]]: $${V,\Theta,\mathcal{T},\mathcal{J},\mathcal{C}}$$ The computation of an [[Simple Programming Language|SPL]] program are the computations of a corresponding [[Fair Transition Systems|FTS]]

1.4 $V$ the variables

$V$ collects the set $Y={y_1,...,y_n}$ of program variables and a control variable $\pi$.

The control variable saves the location of the control during execution.

$$V = {y_1,y_2....,y_n} \cup {\pi}$$

1.4.1 Example at the GCD


The domain of $\pi$ is the powerset of ${[I_1],[I_2],[I_4],[I_6],[I_7]...,[I_8]}$

The value of $\pi$ is a subset of ${[I_1],[I_2],[I_4],[I_6],[I_7]...,[I_8]}$. It might be just one of them or all of them.

==Special case== Asynchronous channel: For every asynchronous channel one gets one variable for storing the variable written to the channel. Synchronous channel: There is no need of an additonal variable as the value is written and read at the same time.

Notation: $@_l$ is a shorthand for $[l] \in \pi$ $@_l'$ is a shorthand for $[l] \in \pi'$ so the location in the next state

1.5 The initial condition $\Theta$

The intial condition consist of the conditions for the input variables (in this case $a,b$) and the initial variables (in this case $y_1,y_2$) and a starting position for $\pi$

The conditions are:

  • $a>0$
  • $b>0$
  • $y_1=a$
  • $y_2=b$
  • $\pi={[l_1]}$

![[Verification 17_image_10.png]]

1.6 The set of transistions $\mathcal{T}$

  1. The set of transitions has also the ideling transition $\mathcal{T_I}$ which does not move the change any of the variables.
  2. All transitions are [[self-disabling]] meaning that at least the control variable is changed.

Abbreviations: ![[Verification 17_image_11.png]]

==$pres$ stands for preserve==

1.6.1 Lets start translating basic instructions: $l: skip(\hat{l})$

$\rho_l:move(l,\hat{l}) \land pres(Y)$
explenation: it moves the control location from $l$ to $l'$ but preserves all other variables assignment $l: \bar{u}:=\bar{e}; \hat{l}$

 $\rho_l: move(l,\hat{l}) \land \bar{u'}= \bar{e} \land pres(y-{\hat{u}})$
 explenation: it moves the control location, assignes $e$ to the value of $u$. All variables are preserved, except $u$. await $c;\hat{l'}$ :

  • $\rho_l: move(l,\hat{l}) \land c \land pres(Y)$ explenation: when c is true the entire statement gets true and executed. if c is not true the statement cant be true. Asynchronous send: $I: \alpha \leftarrow e; \hat{l}:$

$\rho_l: move(l,\hat{l}) \land \alpha' = \alpha \cdot e \land pres(Y-{\alpha})$

  • $\cdot$ is the concationation operation Asynchronous receive: $I: \alpha \leftarrow e; \hat{l}:$

$\rho_l: move(l,\hat{l}) \land |\alpha|>0 \land \alpha = \alpha' \cdot u' \land pres(Y-{u,\alpha})$ The transition is only enabled if the channel is not empty

$\alpha =u' \cdot \alpha'$ is a fancy way of saying we remove an element from $\alpha$. It means the old $\alpha$ value is the new $\alpha$ value concatenated with $u'$ meaning that $\alpha'$ is $u'$ less than the original $\alpha$. Synchronous send/receive:

![[Verification 17_image_12.png]]

explanation: we move the control in the two processes from l to $l'$ and from $m$ to $m'$ simultaneously. The control needs to be at $l$ and $m$ simultaneously otherwise the command is not enabled . We move the value from the variable $e$ to $u$. Request

![[Verification 17_image_13.png]] Release

![[Verification 17_image_14.png]] $I: noncritial; \hat{I}$

  • $\rho_l:move(l,\hat{l}) \land pres(Y)$ $I: critial; \hat{I}$

  • $\rho_l:move(l,\hat{l}) \land pres(Y)$

critical and noncrital look the same but they have different termination conditons. $critical$ has [[Justice]] $noncritical$ does not need [[Justice]] nor [[Compassion]] Produce

![[Verification 17_image_15.png]] Consume

![[Verification 17_image_16.png]]

1.6.2 lets translate Compound instructions If then else

![[Verification 17_image_17.png]]

It is implemented by having two subformulas $\rho_T$ and $\rho F$ where only one of the two can be true as one contains $\neg c$ and one $c$ While

![[Verification 17_image_18.png]]

In the cooperation instruction we model first the entry step $\rho_l^E$ and then the exit step $\rho_l^X$. We move the control to the sub-instruction $l_i$