We want to make instruction that are not atomic, execute in a single step, i.e. make them atomic. We need to figure out what the influence of all the instructions on the variables are but not the control variable i.e.
To more easily refer to this change of variables of
In the easiest case we only remove the skip
, asynchronous send and receive
In the more complex cases it is defined as follows:
$\delta[\text{when }c \text{ do } S]: c \land \delta[S]$ ==note: when is only enabled if c is true== -
$\delta[\text{if c then }S_1 \text{ else } S_2]: (c \land \delta[S_1]) \lor (\neg c \land \delta[S_2])$ special case:
$\delta[\text{if c then }S_1 ]: (c \land \delta[S_1]) \lor (\neg c \land Pres(Y))$ ==note: if is always enabled== -
selection and concatenation ![[Verification 18_image_1.png]]
An example: ![[Verification 18_image_2.png]]
- $l:
;\hat{l}:$ -
$\rho_l: \delta[S] \land move(l,\hat{l})$ It differs from$l: S;\hat{l}:$ in that with only$S$ one would need to define every individual step of$S$ . This is not atomic.
![[Verification 18_image_3.png]]
We calculate the delta by:
- first executing
$T_1$ - then
$T_2$ - Then we do the assignment
$u:=e$ - Then
$S_1$ - Then
- grouped instructions including communication instructions
- the
instruction for the managment of semaphores
An example of a [[Reactive Program]]: ![[Verification 18_image_4.png]]
P2 never terminates
Since we require [[Justice]] we will move from
This is not a addmissible [[P-Computation]] as only
Another un-[[Justice|just]] program: ![[Verification 18_image_5.png]]
It can also not guarantee termination: We can not guarantee that the condition is true from a certain point on.
The point is that the controller can never be sure that
Another case: ![[Verification 18_image_6.png]]
One can not get stuck at
![[Verification 18_image_7.png]]
Now the classical [[Mutual exclusion Problem]]:
![[Verification 18_image_8.png]]
What is [[Mutual exclusion Problem|Mutual exclusion]]? We want to make sure that only one of the programs can access the shared resource.
[[Accessibility property]]: If a program tries to access a resource, sometimes in the future, it will be able to access the resource. It will never be the case that it can never access the resource.
How do we show [[Mutual exclusion Problem|mutual exclusion]]? Can show only using [[Justice]]
![[Verification 18_image_9.png]]
How do we prove [[Accessibility property|accessibility]] Here we need both [[Justice]] and [[Compassion]] ![[Verification 18_image_10.png]]
![[Verification 18_image_11.png]]