Example of a [[Buechi automata]]:
Why do we not make
==note:== the transition from
![[Verification 20_image_1.jpeg]]
The [[Finite State Automata]] are closed towards certain operations against what operations are [[Buechi automata]] closed against.
[!note] [[Theorem 8]]
- if
$V \subseteq A^*$ is regular, then$V^w$ is [[w-regular]].- If
$V \subseteq A^*$ is regular and$L \subseteq A^w$ is [[w-regular]], then$V \cdot L$ is [[w-regular]].$L_1,L_2 \subseteq A^w$ are [[w-regular]], then$L_1 \cup L_2$ and$L_1 \cap L_2$ are [[w-regular]] as well.
What does
That means this are the infinite word obtained by concatinating the individual words of the finite word language
==the proves of this theorem is in [[exercises session 20]].==
[[Theorem 5|Closure Property]] reduces all interesting problems to the [[emptyness problem]]. For instance the [[Model-checking]] problem.
How do we find the complement of a language in the infinite case? Rather easy in the finite case: all final cases become not finite cases, the non-final states become the final states.
A [[Buechi automata]] for
2 possiblities:
- go to final state
![[Verification 20_image_2.jpeg]]
2 changes:
$(s,a,q_f) \rightarrow (s,a,q_0)$ -
$q_0$ becomes final state of the [[Buechi automata]] and becomes another final state.
==Why do we not replace the other
[!note] Definition [[w-regular|w-regular-expression]] An [[w-regular|w-regular-expression]] has the form
$\cup_{i=1}^n \quad U_i \cdot V_i^w$ where$U_i$ and$V_i$ are regular expressions for$i=1,...,n$
let us connect [[w-regular|w-regular-language]]s (languages recognized by [[Buechi automata]]) and [[w-regular|w-regular-expression]]s.
The construction is the following:
We denote by $s \rightarrow_w s^$ the exsistence of a computation of the $\mathcal{A}$ on $w$ that leads us from $s$ to $s^
![[Verification 20_image_3.jpeg]]
An example:
$$s \rightarrow s^$$ For each pair of states $s,s^
\in Q$ we define
[!note] [[Theorem 9]] For all [[Buechi automata]] there exists a [[w-regular|w-regular-expression]] that defines the same language
A sucessful computation of a [[Buechi automata]] always looks like this:
![[Verification 20_image_4.jpeg]]
All states that allow me to go from
- direction [[w-regular|w-regular-expression]]
$\to$ [[Buechi automata|Buechi-automaton]]
[[w-regular|w-regular-expression]]s have the form
To build a [[Buechi automata]] that recognizes
==First direction proven==
Build a [[Buechi automata|Buechi-automaton]] for [[Justice]].
flowchart LR
q -- a_i --> q'
q -- a_j --> q''
We need to take care that we have ==transitions== from
At least one of the transitions happens infinitely many times.
We need to exclude that it is possible that a state
Each automaton that we design, will give justice to only one transition. We need one of this automatons for each transition where we demand justice. 1.
- We create a [[Justice]] [[Deterministic Finite State Automata|Automaton]] for the state
$a_i$ - if a state is never enabled, the state can not be taken. [[Justice]] does not matter for this state. (Therefore the
not enabled, not taken
state is a final state) - If the state is reached we arrive at the state
enabled taken
. This is what we want! A state is enabled, and taken, therefore it is a final state. - There are two ways to change the state. First the instruction is changed, i.e. from enabled to disabled and vice versa. As well as if a word is read in (of course the instruction needs to be enabled to read in the instruction for which the justice-state machine is build)
![[Verification 20_image_5.jpeg]]
[!note] [[ultimately periodic w-word]] An [[omega-words|w-word]]
$\alpha \in A^w$ is called [[ultimately periodic w-word|ultimately periodic]] if$\alpha=u\cdot v^w$ for some$u,v \in A^*$
![[Verification 20_image_6.jpeg]]
Remark: This [[ultimately periodic w-word]]s are finitely describable. One can represent them only using the prefix
Remark 2: How do normal [[omega-words|w-word]]s look like
![[Verification 20_image_7.jpeg]]
[!note] [[Corollary 4]] Every non-empty [[w-regular|w-regular-language]]
$L$ includes at least one ultimately periodic word
==Example== of a language of [[omega-words|w-word]]s that is not [[w-regular]].
We show that there is a language that does not include any [[ultimately periodic w-word]]. If there exists such a word, the language is not [[w-regular]].
![[Verification 20_image_8.jpeg]]
By contradiction we assume that
Show us a example of a non-[[ultimately periodic w-word]].
Then a solution could be
[!note] [[Theorem 10]] The emptyness problem for [[Buechi automata]] is decidable.
==proof:== ![[Verification 20_image_9.jpeg]]
The emptynes problem of a [[Buechi automata]] (i.e. the emptyness of a Language) is first a reachability problem (is there a path from
What do we need this for? We want to do [[Model-checking]]. We want to show that all computation of a given system satisfy a certain property.
The [[Model-checking]] problem (which is also called [[Model-checking| inclusion problem]] i.e.
Until now we know that [[Buechi automata]] are closed under [[Intersection]] but we do not know anything about [[Complementation]].
We are going to prove that [[Buechi automata]] are closed also under [[Complementation]].
The complement is defined as:
Closedness towards [[w-regular|w-regular-language]]s means that also the complement of