The 28 a can be found in the note: Verification 27
There are three kinds of Regular Expression
We want to answer the question: ==What expressiveness do Star-free Regular Expressions have?==
We know that Restricted Regular Expression (and General ones) are as expressive as regular languages, and, similarly, ω-regular expressions are as expressive as ω-regular languages.
What about star-free regular expressions?
We are going to prove that they are as expressive as the first-order fragment of S1S, where quantification is restricted to first-order variables (positions in sequences).
What does this mean: The *
gives the ability of second order logic. As the Star-free Regular Expressions do not have the Kleene star it can not use the power of second order logic.
An analogous result holds for star-free and first-order ω-languages.
As we will see, they are also as expressive as the propositional temporal logic of linear time.
For the sake of simplicity, we restrict ourselves to the finite case.
[!Note] [[Theorem 21]] Let
$A$ be a finite alphabet. A language$W \subseteq A^*$ is star-free if and only if$(\iff)$ it is first order definable in S1SA (with the ordering relation$<$ and unary predicates$Q_A$ for all$a \in A$ )
==REMARK== While
Hence, S1SA with the ordering relation < and unary predicates
3.1.1 First direction: Star-free Regular Expressions $\rightarrow$ S1SA
The Star-free Regular Expressions
It exploits the close correspondence between the operators
What does this mean:
$\neg \emptyset$ there needs to be some letters from the universe. -
$a \cup c$ then follows a$a$ or a$c$ - ~ complement
$\sim(\neg \emptyset \cdot b \cdot \neg \emptyset)$ No b should occur after the steps 1.,2.,3. ($(\neg \emptyset \cdot b \cdot \neg \emptyset )$ would mean there needs to be something then a$b$ then again something)
over the alphabet
Therefore we can show that we can translate all signs from Star-free Regular Expressions into S1SA.
[!Note] Why is there a * in a star free expression?
It represents the universe and could also be expressed as
$\neg \emptyset$ . What is not allowed is for instance$ab^*$
The proof is by induction on the structure of the star-free expression.
We have
What are
$\phi'$ is only valid till x i.e.$<x$ -
$\psi'$ is only valid after x i.e.$x<$
Now we have to show the other direction
3.1.2 Second direction: S1SA $\rightarrow$ Star-free Regular Expressions
The proof is by induction on the quantifier depth of formulas (and definitely less straightforward).
We focus on the most interesting and difficult case of the inductive step: the existential quantifier.
We consider the formula
Lets look at the proof idea:
We rewrite the formula
We introduce two fundametal relations:
$\equiv_n$ n-equivalence (as known form V&V 7) The equivalence relation$\equiv_n$ over $A^$ is defined as follows for all $u,v \in A^$$u \equiv_n v$ if and only if$u$ and$v$ satisfy the same sentences of quantifier depth n -
$\equiv_{(n,1)}$ (n,1)-equivalence The equivalence relation$\equiv_{(n,1)}$ over$A^* \times \mathbb{N}$ is defined as follows: for all$u,v \in A^*$ and$r,s \in \mathbb{N}$ :$(u,r)\equiv_{(n,1)}(v,s)$ if and only if$(u,r)$ and$(v,s)$ satisfy the same formulas$\phi(x)$ of quantifier depth$n$
To deal with formulas with free variables (one in our case) we consider words with one distinguished position, that is, pairs
For any
For any
Both facts can be proven by induction on the quantifier depth n.
The next proposition easily follows:
Proposition 1:
Any formula
How is this usefull:
We have a limited set of Equivalence classes. We can represent the formula
Proposition 2:
- if
$u \equiv_n v$ and$u' \equiv_n v'$ then$uu' \equiv_n vv'$ - if
$u \equiv_n v$ ,$a\in A$ and$u' \equiv_n v'$ then$(uau';,|u|+1) \equiv_{(n,1)} (vav',|v|+1)$
Proposition two can easily be proven by exploiting the Ehrenfeucht-Fraise game game theoretic characterization of
Remark 1: Unlike Proposition 1, Proposition 2 depends on the signature of S1SA (binary ordering relation and unary predicates only)
Remark 2: The validity of Proposition 2 is not restricted to finite words: it holds for any linear order expanded by unary predicates
Now we try all of this on paper:
[!Reminder:] There is a correspondences between
$u \equiv_n v$ and existence of a winning strategy for the duplicator in a game of$n$ rounds on the structures of$u$ ,$v$.
Now we will proof using the Ehrenfeucht-Fraise game the following feature of the Congruence:
Lets consider the case of
How can we visually show the notion that the duplicator has a winning game:
What is the rationale of the Duplicator in round 2: He has two constraints:
- he needs to choose a
$c$ - the
$c$ needs to be left of the$b$ chosen by the spoiler in turn 1.
The Duplicator can play for
The same holds true for
Lets now consider the the strategy for the duplicator in the game
The nice thing here is that we have every time two structure
This means that we can build a winning strategy also in the
The problem is that there is also a binary relation (there is a relation between elements of
==Start VV29B==
Lets finish the proof now:
As a prelimnary step we observe that, in order to find the star-free counterpart of the formula
What we see here is the application of ==Proposition 1==:
Now we use a basic result of logic. If we have a quantification infront of a disjunction we can exchange quantifier and disjunction (move it in).
Let us now consider a tripplet
As we have a finite set of equivalence classes as
If there exists
This allows us to conclude that all words in
Since by the inductive hypothesis,
The relationships between star-free expressions and formulas of the first-order fragment of S1SA is tighter than expressed in McNaughton-Papert theorem.
It is indeed possible to show that the classification of star-free regular languages by dot-depth, that is, the number of alternations between concatenation and Boolean operations in the expressions that define them ==coincide== with the classification of languages definable in the first-order fragment of S1SA in terms of quantifier alternation depth.
[!note] [[Theorem 22]] Let
$A$ be a finite alphabet. An$\omega \text{-language}$ $L \subseteq A^{\omega}$ is first order definable in S1SA if and only if$L$ is obtained from$A^{\omega}$ by repeated application of Boolean operations and concatenations with star-free sets/languages$W \subseteq A^*$ on the left
Ladner showed that star free