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1 Algorithms of [[FO - First order logic]]

2 Model-checking

def model-checking:
	if \phi = R(x1,x2...,xk): //R(x1)-> symbol itself,
		if(x1^s,...xk^s) element of R^s:\\ R^s(x1^s) -> meaning of the symbol
			return True
			return False
		elif phi=phi1 or phi2:
			return Model-check(phi1,S) or Model-check(phi2,S)
		elif phi = phi1 and phi2:
		elif phi= exists(x)\phi':
		for u elementof(U^s) do
			if model-check(phi',S[x:=u]):
				return True
				return False

What is the complexity: $|U^s|\cdot |\phi|$ PSPACE-complete

3 [[Satisfiability]]

Theorem (Trakhtenbrot 50') Satisfiability of [[FO - First order logic]] is undecidable Proof: by reduction from Domino to [[FO - First order logic]]

Idea: first we show that the Halting-problem is easier than Domino and Domino is easier that [[FO - First order logic|FO]] [[Satisfiability]]. Then we show that Satisfiability is undecidable in the Halting-problem from there follows that also in Domino and [[FO - First order logic|FO]] Satisfiability is undecidable.

[[reduction]]: An algorithm F that solves Domino using an oracle that returns solutions to FO-Satisfiability

[[Domino-Problem]] Also known as tiling problem input: finite set of 4-sided dominos: ![[Verification 5_image_1.png|300]] The dominos can either have fields with numbers (dominos with the same number can be connected) or a white field that is used for the border of the rectangle we want to lay.

Goal: to lay a complete rectangle without holes with the dominos of any size with a white border ![[Verification 5_image_2.png|300]]

Special rules:

  • one does not need to use all the dominos of the set
  • One can reuse dominos of the set

This problem is undecidable! No computer can solve it unless we fix the size of the rectangle.

Fun fact: this problem occurs often in literature as one can define a lot of different variants that cover (almost) all complexity classes.

  1. NP: One has to tile a square with fixed size n
  2. PSPACE: If one has to tile a corridor fixed width n but arbitrary height m
  3. Undecidable class: Arbitrary height and length

[[Lemma 7]]: The [[Domino-Problem]]/tiling problem is undecidable (by reduction from halting)

Proof: By reduction: we need to find a function that transforms the input of the halting problem into an input

Given [[Turing machine]] $T$ with 3 states: What do the colors mean: The colors denote the control states of the machine: blue : initial state (for instance $q_0$) green : second state (for instance $q_1$) red : holding state (for instance $q_h$)

What do the dots mean: The dot means that the tile represents a writable cell. If there is a white field it means that the tape ends there.

What do the tiles mean:

  • The head is else where the tiles are copied into the next like this into the next row. ![[Verification 5_image_3.png|300]]

  • The read/write head is over the left tile. The state of the square of tape is changed from $a$ to $b$ and the read/write head is moved to the right. The state changes from blue ($q_0$) to green($q_1$) ![[Verification 5_image_4.png|300]]

  • The read/write head is over the right tile. The state of the square of tape is changed from $a$ to $b$ and the read/write head is moved to the left. The state changes from green ($q_1$) to blue ($q_0$). ![[Verification 5_image_5.png|300]]

  • Initial state ![[Verification 5_image_6.png|300]]

  • halting state ![[Verification 5_image_7.png|300]]

A full [[Turing machine]] reduction looks then like this: ![[Verification 5_image_8.png|300]]

After converting from [[Turing machine]] to [[Domino-Problem]] we now need to transform the Domino problem to A [[FO - First order logic]] formula.

i.e. Given a set of dominos so that: $\phi \text{satisfiable} \iff \text{dominos can be arranged in a white bordered rectangle}$

The formula should describe the correct tiling of the rectangle.

$$\begin{equation} S: \begin{cases} U^S & =\text{{All possible positions where a domino could lie}}\\ H(-,-)^S & =\text{{Describes if two tiles are next to each other horizontally} }\\ V(-,-)^S & =\text{{Describes if two tiles are next to each other verrtically}}\\ N_d(-)^S & =\text{{Describes the $d^{th}$ position of a tile}} \end{cases} \end{equation} $$

Special sets: $MH$ the set of all tiles that can match together horizontally $MV$ the set of all tiles that can match together vertically

  1. $\phi_1$=There is a grid" Relations $H(-,-)$ and $V(-,-)$ are partial [[bijection]]s such that: $$\forall x,y,z \quad (H(x,y)\land V(x,z)) \implies \exists w \quad (H(z,w) \land (V(y,w)))$$

Meaning: If there is a tile at the position $x$ and a tile $z$ above it and a tile $y$ to the right of it. There must be another tile $w$ that is to the right of $z$ and above $y$

![[Verification 5_image_9.png|200]]

  1. $\phi_2=$There is exactly one domino at each node For every domino $d$ we have a relation $N_d$ describing its position for which holds $$\forall x (\bigvee_d N_d(x)) \land ...$$ meaning: Every domino $d$ has a position with $N_d(x)$ describing the position. $$... \land (\bigwedge_{d\neq d'} \neg(N_d(x) \land N_{d'}(x)) )$$ meaning: For each domino it is not possible that it lies at two positions $N d$ and $N{d'}$

  2. $\phi_3$=Sides of adjacent dominos need to match (have the same numbers) $$\forall x,y(H(x,y) \implies \bigvee_{(d,d') \in MH} N_d(x) \land N_{d'}(y)\land \quad ...$$ meaning: When two tiles x and y are next to each other horizontally (H(-,-) relation) then the dominos need to be part of the set $MH$ which contains all dominos which can fit together horizontally. $$...\quad (V(x,y) \implies \bigvee_{(d,d') \in VH} N_d(x) \land N_{d'}(y)$$ meaning: When two tiles x and y are next to each other horizontally (H(-,-) relation) then the dominos need to be part of the set $MH$ which contains all dominos which can fit together horizontally.

    Important : MH and MV are not relationship symbols but sets of dominos.

  3. $\phi_4=$Borders are white exercise! $WH$ -> dominos containing white fields on their horizontal parts $WV$ -> dominos containing white fields on their vertical parts

    1. Horizontal case: $\forall x ((\exists y H(x,y) \land (\forall z H(x,z) \implies z=y)) \implies \bigvee_{d \in WH} N_d(x))$ meaning: if a domino is at a position and has only one neighbor $(y=z)$ it means that this domino must have white fields at the horizontal edges.

    2. Vertical case $\forall x ((\exists y V(x,y) \land (\forall z V(x,z) \implies z=y)) \implies \bigvee_{d \in WH} N_d(x))$ meaning: if a domino is at a position and has only one neighbor $(y=z)$ it means that this domino must have white fields at the horizontal edges.

    Now we have to combine the 4 subformulas to one big one: If there exists a Domino that fulfills all the requirements stated in the formulas

    $\exists x (\phi_1 \land \phi_2 \land \phi_3 \land \phi_4)$

    Summary : We know that the halting problem in the [[Turing machine]] is undecidable. Further we know that the turing machine can be reduced to the domino problem and the domino problem can be reduced to a satisfiability problem in [[FO - First order logic]].


Propositional Logic QBF FO - First order logic
[[Model-checking]] P [[PSPACE]] [[PSPACE]]
[[Satisfiability]] NP [[PSPACE]] Undecidable
[[Validity]] coNP [[PSPACE]] Undecidable
[[logical equivalence]] coNP [[PSPACE]] undecidable

[!Note] Why does the Undecidability of [[Satisfiability]] imply that [[Validity]] is Undecidable. > [[Validity]] can be reduced to [[Satisfiability]] i.e.

[[Satisfiability]] has this definition $\exists S \quad S \models \phi$ [[Validity]] has this definition $\forall S \quad S \models \phi$

$\forall S \quad S \models \phi$ is logically equivalent to: meaning: all S model $\phi$ $\forall S \quad S \not\models \neg\phi$ which is logically equivalent to: meaning: All S don't models $\neg \phi$ $\neg(\exists S \quad S \models \neg \phi)$ which is a satisfiability problem meaning: There does not exist a single S that models $\neg \phi$

[!Note] why is equivalence also undecidable? We can reduce it from [[Validity]] We have two formulas $\phi_1$ and $\phi_2$ then we define a formula $\phi_3=\phi_1 \iff \phi_2$ Then we do a validity check on $\phi_3$ $\forall S \quad S \models \phi_3$ Therefore as Validity is undecidable also [[logical equivalence]] is undecidable.


Change of perspective: Before: we were given a formula and had to check if it holds on a structure. Now : We have a given structure what are the formulas that hold on that Structure

We are given a Structure Theory $FO[U^S,R^S,...,x^S,..] =$ set of formulas $\phi$ that hold on the structure $S=(U^S,R^S,...,x^S)$

$U^S =$ Universe $R^S,...=$ all relational Symbols $x^S,...=$ definition of free variables

4.1 Examples

Note: $'='$ is always in the signature

4.1.1 $$FO[\mathbb{N},<]$$

Usecase: is the structure with which one describes discrete,linear time. Contains the formulas: $$\exists x (x=x)$$ meaning: tautology, defines the meaning of $=$ $$\forall x \exists y (x<y)$$ meaning: There follows a y after every x. Way to define infinity $$\exists y \forall x \neg(x < y)$$ meaning: workaround to not define $>$ -> there is not just always a element bigger but also a element smaller than x $$\forall xy (x=y \lor x < y \lor y <x)...$$ meaning: the element is either equal,greater or smaller than x

4.1.2 $$\text{Presburg arithmetic: } FO[\mathbb{N},+]$$

4.1.3 $$\text{Peano arithmetic: } FO[\mathbb{N},+,\cdot]$$

4.1.4 $$\text{Tarski arithmetic: } FO[\mathbb{R},+,\cdot]$$

4.1.5 $$FO[\text{RadoGraph}]$$