Code recovery
Connect with SSH key to your server.
Use the command :git clone https://github.com/MalronWall/OC_Fo-Back_P6.git
Download this repository.
Use a FTP client, for example FileZilla and connect to the server.
Use the FTP client to transfert the repository on your server.
Update environnements variables in the .env file with your values. At the very least you need to define the SYMFONY_ENV=prod
Vendors installation
If you can use Composer in your server, use
composer install --no-dev -ao
for optimized installation of vendors.
If you can't use Composer, download Composer.phar and usephp composer.phar install --no-dev -ao
. -
If you can't use the both solutions, use your FTP client to download all vendors.
This solution is to be used only if no solution with Composer works.
Assets install
Run the command
yarn install
andyarn encore production
for assets. -
Database creation
Use the command
php bin/console doctrine:database:create
for database creation.
Use the commandphp bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate
for creation of the tables.
Use the commandphp bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load
for load some data in database.