Releases: Mangopay/mangopay2-php-sdk
MangoPay v2 - Breaking Release
This new version of the SDK allows for the use of v2.01 of the Mangopay API, which predominantly is related to the address fields becoming an object instead of a string as they were previously - this is therefore a breaking change and you must update your application (creation/management of Bank Accounts and Users) before being able to use this version of the SDK. More information about the changes required:
Official release for MangoPay API v2 (
Apply PSR-4 specification.
Official release for MangoPay API v2 (
- Add RefundReason property for Refund entity
- Add InitialTransactionType property for Refund entity
- Add sorting option for users and events
- Fix for unit tests for wallets
Official release for MangoPay API v2 (
Add temporary calls to the v2 API to our migration project to allow users to move from v1 to v2.
MangoPay API v2
- New pay-in type: Direct Debit
- New BankWireRef (optional) parameter to Bank Wire pay-outs
- New UserId property to the KYC document object
- 2 new lists of KYC documents - for a user and for a client
- New KYC_VALIDATION_ASKED type of event
- Add sort option to some lists:
- KYC documents
- transactions for user
- KYC documents for user
- wallets for user
- cards for user
- bank accounts for user
As usual, see for full documentation
Official release for MangoPay API v2 (
- Add composer definition
- Fix documentation block
- Update cardPreAuthorization class
- PHP 5.3 & PHP 5.4 compatibility
- Add property "ResultMessage" to the card registration class
- SSL security issue
- Add missing properties for pay-in and pay-out objects
Official release for MangoPay API v2 (
Authentication fix
Official release for MangoPay API v2 (
- Edit CARD object - disable a card
- add notifications and events for KYC documents
Official release for MangoPay API v2 (
Added features:
• New payment methods allowing the management of Hook projects with different EventType.
• Addition of 5 new types of BankAccounts available (IBAN,GB, US, CA, Other).
• Add new property "Details" for BankAccount entity and move properties IBAN and BIC to BankAccountDetailsIBAN class.
Examples of create new BankAccount objects:
IBAN type:
$account = new \MangoPay\BankAccount();
$account->OwnerName = 'Owner name';
$account->OwnerAddress = 'Owner address';
$account->Details = new \MangoPay\BankAccountDetailsIBAN();
$account->Details->IBAN = 'FR7618829754160173622224154';
$account->Details->BIC = 'CMBRFR2BCME';
GB type:
$account = new \MangoPay\BankAccount();
$account->OwnerName = 'Owner name';
$account->OwnerAddress = 'Owner address';
$account->Details = new \MangoPay\BankAccountDetailsGB();
$account->Details->AccountNumber = '234234234234';
$account->Details->SortCode = '234334';
Official release for MangoPay API v2 (
• Move property CardId from PayInExecutionDetailsDirect class to PayInPaymentDetailsCard class
Added features:
• Card pre-authorization
• PayInBankWire
• Get user transactions
• Get user cards