diff --git a/robotframework_browser_translation_fi/__init__.py b/robotframework_browser_translation_fi/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1c46dea --- /dev/null +++ b/robotframework_browser_translation_fi/__init__.py @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +from pathlib import Path +from typing import TypedDict + + +class Language(TypedDict): + language: str + path: str + + +def get_language() -> Language: + folder = Path(__file__).parent + + return {"language": "fi", "path": str(folder / "translation.json")} diff --git a/robotframework_browser_translation_fi/translation.json b/robotframework_browser_translation_fi/translation.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ba5d661 --- /dev/null +++ b/robotframework_browser_translation_fi/translation.json @@ -0,0 +1,538 @@ +{ + "cancel_download": { + "name": "peruuta_lataus", + "doc": "Peruuttaa aktiivisen latauksen.\n\n | =Argumentit= | =Kuvaus= |\n | lataus | `DownloadInfo` -objekti tai latauksen tunniste, joka peruutetaan. |\n\n [https://forum.robotframework.org/t//6478|Kommentti >>]\n " + }, + "close_browser": { + "name": "sulje_selain", + "doc": "Sulkee nykyisen selaimen.\n\n Aktiivinen selain asetetaan selaimeksi, joka oli aktiivinen ennen tätä. Sulkee kaikki tämän\n selaimen kontekstit ja sivut. Katso `Selain, Konteksti ja Sivu` lisätietoja selaimesta ja\n siihen liittyvistä käsitteistä.\n\n\n | =Argumentti= | =Kuvaus= |\n | ``selain`` | Suljettava selain. ``NYKYINEN`` valitsee aktiivisen selaimen. ``KAIKKI`` sulkee kaikki selaimet. Kun annetaan selaimen tunniste, kyseinen selain sulkeutuu. |\n\n\n\n Esimerkki:\n | `Sulje Selain` KAIKKI # Sulkee kaikki selaimet\n | `Sulje Selain` NYKYINEN # Sulje nykyinen selain\n | `Sulje Selain` # Sulje nykyinen selain\n | `Sulje Selain` ${id} # Sulje tunnistetta vastaava selain\n\n [https://forum.robotframework.org/t//4239|Kommentti >>]\n " + }, + "close_browser_server": { + "name": "sulje_selain_palvelin", + "doc": "Sulje Playwright-selaimen palvelin, joka on tunnistettu sen verkkosokettipäätepisteen (wsEndpoint) perusteella.\n\n wsEndpoint-merkkijono palautetaan `Launch Browser Server`-toiminnolla ja sitä käytetään myös `Connect To Browser`-toiminnossa.\n\n | =Argumentit= | =Kuvaus= |\n | ``wsEndpoint`` | Selaimen palvelimen osoite. Esimerkki: ``ws://``|\n " + }, + "close_context": { + "name": "sulje_konteksti", + "doc": "Sulkee kontekstin.\n\n Aktiivinen konteksti asetetaan kontekstiksi, joka oli aktiivinen ennen tätä. Sulkee tähän kontekstiin kuuluvat sivut.\n Katso `Selain, Konteksti ja Sivu` lisätietoja kontekstista ja siihen liittyvistä käsitteistä.\n\n | =Argumentti= | =Kuvaus= |\n | ``konteksti`` | Suljettava konteksti. ``NYKYINEN`` valitsee aktiivisen kontekstin. ``KAIKKI`` sulkee kaikki kontekstit. Kun annetaan kontekstin tunniste, kyseinen konteksti sulkeutuu. |\n | ``selain`` | Selain, jossa konteksti suljetaan. ``NYKYINEN`` valitsee aktiivisen selaimen. ``KAIKKI`` sulkee kaikki selaimet. Kun annetaan selaimen tunniste, kyseinen selain sulkeutuu. |\n\n Esimerkki:\n | `Sulje Konteksti` # Sulkee nykyisen kontekstin ja nykyisen selaimen\n | `Sulje Konteksti` NYKYINEN NYKYINEN # Sulkee nykyisen kontekstin ja nykyisen selaimen\n | `Sulje Konteksti` KAIKKI NYKYINEN # Sulkee kaikki nykyisen selaimen kontekstit ja nykyisen selaimen\n | `Sulje Konteksti` KAIKKI KAIKKI # Sulkee kaikki nykyisen selaimen kontekstit ja kaikki selaimet\n\n [https://forum.robotframework.org/t//4240|Kommentti >>]\n " + }, + "close_page": { + "name": "sulje_sivu", + "doc": "Sulkee ``sivun`` ``kontekstissa`` ``selaimessa``.\n\n Oletusarvoisesti nykyiselle kaikille kolmelle. Aktiivinen sivu asetetaan sivuksi, joka oli aktiivinen ennen tätä.\n Katso `Selain, Konteksti ja Sivu` lisätietoja sivusta ja siihen liittyvistä käsitteistä.\n\n ``runBeforeUnload`` määrittelee, missä suoritetaan\n [https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Window/beforeunload_event|ennen purkautumista]\n sivunkäsittelijät. Oletusarvoisesti epätosi.\n\n\n | =Argumentti= | =Kuvaus= |\n | ``sivu`` | Suljettava sivu. ``NYKYINEN`` valitsee aktiivisen sivun. ``KAIKKI`` sulkee kaikki sivut. Kun annetaan sivun tunniste, kyseinen sivu sulkeutuu. |\n | ``konteksti`` | Konteksti, jossa sivu suljetaan. ``NYKYINEN`` valitsee aktiivisen kontekstin. ``KAIKKI`` sulkee kaikki kontekstit. Kun annetaan kontekstin tunniste, kyseinen konteksti sulkeutuu. |\n | ``selain`` | Selain, jossa sivu suljetaan. ``NYKYINEN`` valitsee aktiivisen selaimen. ``KAIKKI`` sulkee kaikki selaimet. Kun annetaan selaimen tunniste, kyseinen selain sulkeutuu. |\n\n Palauttaa listan sanakirjoista, jotka sisältävät tunnisteen, virheet ja konsoliviestit sivulta.\n\n Esimerkki\n | `Sulje Sivu` # Sulkee nykyisen sivun, nykyisen kontekstin ja selaimen sisällä\n | `Sulje Sivu` NYKYINEN NYKYINEN NYKYINEN # Sulkee nykyisen sivun, nykyisen kontekstin ja selaimen sisällä\n | `Sulje Sivu` KAIKKI KAIKKI KAIKKI # Sulkee kaikki sivut, kaikissa konteksteissa ja selaimissa\n\n [https://forum.robotframework.org/t//4241|Kommentti >>]\n " + }, + "connect_to_browser": { + "name": "yhdistä_selaimelle", + "doc": "Yhdistä Playwright-selaimen palvelimeen playwrightin verkkosoketin tai Chrome DevTools -protokollan kautta.\n\n Katso `Launch Browser Server` lisätietoja siitä, miten käynnistetään Playwright-selaimen palvelin.\n\n Katso `Selain, Konteksti ja Sivu` lisätietoja selaimesta ja siihen liittyvistä käsitteistä.\n\n Palauttaa vakaan tunnisteen yhdistetylle selaimelle.\n\n | =Argumentti= | =Kuvaus= |\n | ``wsEndpoint`` | Osoite, johon yhdistetään. Joko ``ws://`` tai ``http://`` jos käytetään cdp:tä. |\n | ``selain`` | Avaa määritetyn selaimen. Oletusarvoisesti ``chromium``. |\n | ``käytä_cdp`` | Yhdistä selaimelle Chrome DevTools -protokollan kautta. Oletusarvoisesti epätosi. Toimii vain kromiin perustuvien selainten kanssa. |\n\n Selaimelle yhdistämiseksi Chrome DevTools -protokollan kautta selaimen on käynnistyttävä tämä protokolla käytössä.\n Tämä tapahtuu yleensä käynnistämällä Chrome-selain argumentilla ``--remote-debugging-port=9222`` tai vastaavalla.\n Kun selain toimii aktiivisena CDP:llä, on mahdollista yhdistää siihen joko verkkosoketin (``ws://``)\n tai HTTP:n (``http://``) kautta. HTTP-yhteys voidaan ottaa käyttöön, kun ``käytä_cdp`` on asetettu todeksi.\n Tyypillinen osoite CDP-yhteydelle on ````.\n\n [https://forum.robotframework.org/t//4242|Kommentti >>]\n " + }, + "get_browser_catalog": { + "name": "hanki_selainkatalogi", + "doc": "Palauttaa kaikki selaimet, niiden avoimet kontekstit ja näissä konteksteissa avoimet sivut.\n\n Katso `Selain, Konteksti ja Sivu` lisätietoja näistä käsitteistä.\n\n | =Argumentit= | =Kuvaus= |\n | assertion_operator | Valinnainen tarkistusoperaattori. Katso lisätietoja `Väitteet`-osiosta. |\n | assertion_expected | Valinnainen odotettu arvo. Katso lisätietoja `Väitteet`-osiosta. |\n | viesti | Valinnainen mukautettu viesti epäonnistumistilanteessa. Katso lisätietoja `Väitteet`-osiosta. |\n\n Data jäsentyy Pythonin listaksi, joka sisältää avoimia objekteja edustavia tietoja.\n\n Juuritasolla data sisältää listan avoimista selaimista.\n\n Dataa voidaan manipuloida myös ``assertion_operator`` avulla esimerkiksi löytääkseen\n tietyn tunnisteen indeksin tai sivun otsikon avulla ``then``-operaattorilla.\n\n Paluuarvoa voidaan myös verrata odotettuun arvoon.\n\n Esimerkki:\n | [\n | {\n | \"tyyppi\": \"chromium\",\n | \"id\": \"browser=96207191-8147-44e7-b9ac-5e04f2709c1d\",\n | \"kontekstit\": [\n | {\n | \"tyyppi\": \"konteksti\",\n | \"id\": \"context=525d8e5b-3c4e-4baa-bfd4-dfdbc6e86089\",\n | \"aktiivinenSivu\": \"page=f90c97b8-eaaf-47f2-98b2-ccefd3450f12\",\n | \"sivut\": [\n | {\n | \"tyyppi\": \"sivu\",\n | \"otsikko\": \"Robocorp\",\n | \"url\": \"https://robocorp.com/\",\n | \"id\": \"page=7ac15782-22d2-48b4-8591-ff17663fa737\",\n | \"aikaleima\": 1598607713.858\n | },\n | {\n | \"tyyppi\": \"sivu\",\n | \"otsikko\": \"Home - Reaktor\",\n | \"url\": \"https://www.reaktor.com/\",\n | \"id\": \"page=f90c97b8-eaaf-47f2-98b2-ccefd3450f12\",\n | \"aikaleima\": 1598607714.702\n | }\n | ]\n | }\n | ],\n | \"aktiivinenKonteksti\": \"context=525d8e5b-3c4e-4baa-bfd4-dfdbc6e86089\",\n | \"aktiivinenSelain\": false\n | },\n | {\n | \"tyyppi\": \"firefox\",\n | \"id\": \"browser=ad99abac-17a9-472b-ac7f-d6352630834e\",\n | \"kontekstit\": [\n | {\n | \"tyyppi\": \"konteksti\",\n | \"id\": \"context=bc64f1ba-5e76-46dd-9735-4bd344afb9c0\",\n | \"aktiivinenSivu\": \"page=8baf2991-5eaf-444d-a318-8045f914e96a\",\n | \"sivut\": [\n | {\n | \"tyyppi\": \"sivu\",\n | \"otsikko\": \"Software-Qualitätssicherung und Softwaretest\",\n | \"url\": \"https://www.imbus.de/\",\n | \"id\": \"page=8baf2991-5eaf-444d-a318-8045f914e96a\",\n | \"aikaleima\": 1598607716.828\n | }\n | ]\n | }\n | ],\n | \"aktiivinenKonteksti\": \"context=bc64f1ba-5e76-46dd-9735-4bd344afb9c0\",\n | \"aktiivinenSelain\": true\n | }\n | ]\n\n [https://forum.robotframework.org/t//4259|Kommentti >>]\n " + }, + "get_browser_ids": { + "name": "hanki_selaimen_tunnisteet", + "doc": "Palauttaa avoimien selainten tunnisteiden listan.\n Katso `Selain, Konteksti ja Sivu` lisätietoja selaimesta ja siihen liittyvistä käsitteistä.\n\n\n ``selain`` Oletusarvo on ``KAIKKI``\n - ``KAIKKI`` / ``MIKÄ TAHANSA`` Palauttaa kaikki tunnisteet listana.\n - ``AKTIIVINEN`` / ``NYKYINEN`` Palauttaa tällä hetkellä aktiivisen selaimen tunnisteen listana.\n\n | =Argumentit= | =Kuvaus= |\n | ``selain`` | Selain, josta tunnisteet halutaan hakea. ``KAIKKI`` kaikista avoimista selaimista, ``AKTIIVINEN`` tällä hetkellä aktiivisesta selaimesta tai selaimen tunniste, josta tunnisteet halutaan hakea. |\n\n AKTIIVINEN selain on synonyymi NYKYISELLE selaimelle.\n\n [https://forum.robotframework.org/t//4260|Kommentti >>]\n " + }, + "get_console_log": { + "name": "hanki_konsoliloki", + "doc": "Palauttaa aktiivisen sivun konsolilokin.\n\n Jos väitteitä käytetään ja ne epäonnistuvat, tämä avainsana epäonnistuu välittömästi ilman uudelleenyritystä.\n\n | =Argumentit= | =Kuvaus= |\n | assertion_operator | Valinnainen väitteiden operaattori. Katso lisätietoja `Väitteet`-osiosta. |\n | assertion_expected | Valinnainen odotettu arvo. Katso lisätietoja `Väitteet`-osiosta. |\n | viesti | Valinnainen mukautettu viesti epäonnistumistilanteessa. Katso lisätietoja `Väitteet`-osiosta. |\n | full | Jos tosi, palauttaa koko konsolilokin. Jos epätosi, palauttaa vain uudet merkinnät, jotka on lisätty viime kerrasta lähtien. |\n | last | Jos asetettu, palauttaa vain viimeiset n merkintää. Voi olla `int`-muotoinen merkkijono merkintöjen lukumääräksi tai `timedelta`-muotoinen aikaväliksi. |\n\n Palautettu data on konsoliviestien `list`.\n\n Konsoliviesti on `dict` seuraavalla rakenteella:\n | {\n | \"type\": str,\n | \"text\": str,\n | \"location\": {\n | \"url\": str,\n | \"lineNumber\": int,\n | \"columnNumber\": int\n | },\n | \"time\": str\n | }\n\n Esimerkki:\n | [{\n | 'type': 'log',\n | 'text': 'Stuff loaded...',\n | 'location': {\n | 'url': 'https://example.com/js/chunk-769742de.6a462276.js',\n | 'lineNumber': 60,\n | 'columnNumber': 63771\n | },\n | 'time': '2023-02-05T17:42:52.064Z'\n | }]\n\n Avaimet:\n | =Avain= | =Kuvaus= |\n | ``type`` | Yksi seuraavista arvoista: ``log``, ``debug``, ``info``, ``error``, ``warning``, ``dir``, ``dirxml``, ``table``, ``trace``, ``clear``, ``startGroup``, ``startGroupCollapsed``, ``endGroup``, ``assert``, ``profile``, ``profileEnd``, ``count``, ``timeEnd`` |\n | ``text`` | Konsoliviestin teksti. |\n | ``location.url`` | Tämän viestin luoneen resurssin URL. |\n | ``location.lineNumber`` | Tämän viestin luoneen resurssin rivinumero (nollapohjainen). |\n | ``location.columnNumber`` | Tämän viestin luoneen resurssin sarakenumero (nollapohjainen). |\n | ``time`` | Lokiviestin aikaleima ISO 8601 -merkkijonona. |\n\n [https://forum.robotframework.org/t//5267|Kommentti >>]\n " + }, + "get_context_ids": { + "name": "get_context_ids", + "doc": "Returns a list of context ids based on the browser selection.\n See `Browser, Context and Page` for more information about Context and related concepts.\n\n ``ALL`` and ``ANY`` are synonyms.\n ``ACTIVE`` and ``CURRENT`` are also synonyms.\n\n | =Arguments= | =Description= |\n | ``context`` | The context to get the ids from. ``ALL`` will return all ids from selected browser(s), ``ACTIVE`` for the one active context of each selected browser. |\n | ``browser`` | The browser to get the context ids from. ``ALL`` Context ids from all open browsers shall be fetched. ``ACTIVE`` Only context ids from the active browser shall be fetched. |\n\n The ACTIVE context of the ACTIVE Browser is the ``Current`` Context.\n\n [https://forum.robotframework.org/t//4264|Comment >>]\n " + }, + "get_page_errors": { + "name": "get_page_errors", + "doc": "Returns the page errors of the active page.\n\n If assertions are used and fail, this keyword will fail immediately without retrying.\n\n | =Arguments= | =Description= |\n | assertion_operator | Optional assertion operator. See `Assertions` for more information. |\n | assertion_expected | Optional expected value. See `Assertions` for more information. |\n | message | Optional custom message to use on failure. See `Assertions` for more information. |\n | full | If true, returns the full console log. If false, returns only new entries that were added since last time. |\n | last | If set, returns only the last n entries. Can be `int` for number of entries or `timedelta` for time period. |\n\n The returned data is a `list` of error messages.\n\n An error message is a `dict` with the following structure:\n | {\n | \"name\": str,\n | \"message\": str,\n | \"stack\": str,\n | \"time\": str\n | }\n\n Example:\n | [{\n | 'name': 'ReferenceError',\n | 'message': 'YT is not defined',\n | 'stack': 'ReferenceError: YT is not defined\\n at HTMLIFrameElement.onload (https://example.com/:20:2245)',\n | 'time': '2023-02-05T20:08:48.912Z'\n | }]\n\n Keys:\n | =Key= | =Description= |\n | ``name`` | The name/type of the error. |\n | ``message`` | The human readable error message. |\n | ``stack`` | The stack trace of the error, if given. |\n | ``time`` | The timestamp of the error as ISO 8601 string. |\n\n [https://forum.robotframework.org/t//5268|Comment >>]\n " + }, + "get_page_ids": { + "name": "get_page_ids", + "doc": "Returns a list of page ids based on the context and browser selection.\n See `Browser, Context and Page` for more information about Page and related concepts.\n\n ``ALL`` and ``ANY`` are synonyms.\n ``ACTIVE`` and ``CURRENT`` are also synonyms.\n\n | =Arguments= | =Description= |\n | ``page`` | The page to get the ids from. ``ALL`` Returns all page ids as a list. ``ACTIVE`` Returns the id of the active page as a list. |\n | ``context`` | The context to get the page ids from. ``ALL`` Page ids from all contexts shall be fetched. ``ACTIVE`` Only page ids from the active context shall be fetched. |\n | ``browser`` | The browser to get the page ids from. ``ALL`` Page ids from all open browsers shall be fetched. ``ACTIVE`` Only page ids from the active browser shall be fetched. |\n\n\n Example:\n | Test Case\n | `New Page` http://www.imbus.de\n | `New Page` http://www.reaktor.com\n | ${current_page}= `Get Page IDs` ACTIVE ACTIVE ACTIVE\n | Log Current page ID is: ${current_page}[0]\n | ${all_pages}= `Get Page IDs` CURRENT CURRENT ALL\n | Log Many These are all Page IDs @{all_pages}\n\n The ACTIVE page of the ACTIVE context of the ACTIVE Browser is the ``Current`` Page.\n\n [https://forum.robotframework.org/t//4274|Comment >>]\n " + }, + "launch_browser_server": { + "name": "launch_browser_server", + "doc": "Launches a new playwright Browser server with specified options.\n\n Returns a websocket endpoint (wsEndpoint) string that can be used to connect to the server.\n\n | =Arguments= | =Description= |\n | ``port`` | Port to use for the browser server. Defaults to 0, which results in a random free port being assigned. |\n | ``wsPath`` | If set, Playwright will listen on the given path in addition to the main port. For security, this defaults to an unguessable string. |\n\n Check `New Browser` for the other argument docs.\n\n The launched browser server can be used to connect to it with `Connect To Browser` keyword.\n This keyword can also be used from command line with ``rfbrowser launch-browser-server`` command.\n\n see [https://playwright.dev/docs/api/class-browserserver#browser-server|Playwright documentation] for more information.\n\n [https://forum.robotframework.org/t//4306|Comment >>]\n " + }, + "new_browser": { + "name": "new_browser", + "doc": "Create a new playwright Browser with specified options.\n\n See `Browser, Context and Page` for more information about Browser and related concepts.\n\n Returns a stable identifier for the created browser.\n\n | =Arguments= | =Description= |\n | ``browser`` | Opens the specified [#type-SupportedBrowsers|browser]. Defaults to chromium. |\n | ``headless`` | Set to False if you want a GUI. Defaults to True. |\n | ``args`` | Additional arguments to pass to the browser instance. The list of Chromium flags can be found [http://peter.sh/experiments/chromium-command-line-switches/|here]. Defaults to None. |\n | ``channel`` | Allows to operate against the stock Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge browsers. For more details see: [https://playwright.dev/docs/browsers#google-chrome--microsoft-edge|Playwright documentation]. |\n | ``chromiumSandbox`` | Enable Chromium sandboxing. Defaults to False. |\n | ``devtools`` | Chromium-only Whether to auto-open a Developer Tools panel for each tab. |\n | ``downloadsPath`` | If specified, accepted downloads are downloaded into this folder. Otherwise, temporary folder is created and is deleted when browser is closed. Regarding file deletion, see the docs of `Download` and `Promise To Wait For Download`. |\n | ``env`` | Specifies environment variables that will be visible to the browser. Dictionary keys are variable names, values are the content. Defaults to None. |\n | ``executablePath`` | Path to a browser executable to run instead of the bundled one. If executablePath is a relative path, then it is resolved relative to current working directory. Note that Playwright only works with the bundled Chromium, Firefox or WebKit, use at your own risk. Defaults to None. |\n | ``firefoxUserPrefs`` |Firefox user preferences. Learn more about the Firefox user preferences at [https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/about-config-editor-firefox|about:config]. |\n | ``handleSIGHUP`` | Close the browser process on SIGHUP. Defaults to True. |\n | ``handleSIGINT`` | Close the browser process on Ctrl-C. Defaults to True. |\n | ``handleSIGTERM`` | Close the browser process on SIGTERM. Defaults to True. |\n | ``ignoreDefaultArgs`` | If True, Playwright does not pass its own configurations args and only uses the ones from args. If a list is given, then filters out the given default arguments. Dangerous option; use with care. Defaults to False. |\n | ``proxy`` | Network [#type-Proxy|Proxy] settings. Structure: ``{'server': , 'bypass': , 'username': , 'password': }`` |\n | ``reuse_existing`` | If set to True, an existing browser instance, that matches the same arguments, will be reused. If no same configured Browser exist, a new one is started. Defaults to True. |\n | ``slowMo`` | Slows down Playwright operations by the specified amount of milliseconds. Useful so that you can see what is going on. Defaults to no delay. |\n | ``timeout`` | Maximum time in Robot Framework time format to wait for the browser instance to start. Defaults to 30 seconds. Pass 0 to disable timeout. |\n\n\n [https://forum.robotframework.org/t//4306|Comment >>]\n " + }, + "new_context": { + "name": "new_context", + "doc": "Create a new BrowserContext with specified options.\n\n See `Browser, Context and Page` for more information about BrowserContext.\n\n Returns a stable identifier for the created context\n that can be used in `Switch Context`.\n\n\n | =Arguments= | =Description= |\n | ``acceptDownloads`` | Whether to automatically download all the attachments. Defaults to True where all the downloads are accepted. |\n | ``baseURL`` | When using `Go To`, `Wait For Request` or `Wait For Response` it takes the base URL in consideration by using the URL() constructor for building the corresponding URL. Unset by default. Examples: ``baseURL=http://localhost:3000`` and navigating to ``/bar.html`` results in ``http://localhost:3000/bar.html``. ``baseURL=http://localhost:3000/foo/`` and navigating to ``./bar.html`` results in ``http://localhost:3000/foo/bar.html``. ``baseURL=http://localhost:3000/foo`` (without trailing slash) and navigating to ``./bar.html`` results in ``http://localhost:3000/bar.html``. |\n | ``bypassCSP`` | Toggles bypassing page's Content-Security-Policy. Defaults to False. |\n | ``colorScheme`` | Emulates `'prefers-colors-scheme'` media feature, supported values are `'light'`, `'dark'`, `'no-preference'`. |\n | ``defaultBrowserType`` | If no browser is open and `New Context` opens a new browser with defaults, it now uses this setting. Very useful together with `Get Device` keyword. |\n | ``deviceScaleFactor`` | Specify device scale factor (can be thought of as dpr). Defaults to ``1``. |\n | ``extraHTTPHeaders`` | A dictionary containing additional HTTP headers to be sent with every request. All header values must be strings. |\n | ``forcedColors`` | Emulates `forced-colors` media feature, supported values are `active` and `none`. |\n | ``geolocation`` | A dictionary containing ``latitude`` and ``longitude`` or ``accuracy`` to emulate. If ``latitude`` or ``longitude`` is not specified, the device geolocation won't be overriden. |\n | ``hasTouch`` | Specifies if viewport supports touch events. Defaults to False. |\n | ``httpCredentials`` | Credentials for [https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Authentication|HTTP authentication]. |\n | ``ignoreHTTPSErrors`` | Whether to ignore HTTPS errors during navigation. Defaults to False. |\n | ``isMobile`` | Whether the meta viewport tag is taken into account and touch events are enabled. Defaults to False. |\n | ``javaScriptEnabled`` | Whether or not to enable JavaScript in the context. Defaults to True. |\n | ``locale`` | Specify user locale, for example ``en-GB``, ``de-DE``, etc. |\n | ``offline`` | Toggles browser's offline mode. Defaults to False. |\n | ``permissions`` | A list containing permissions to grant to all pages in this context. All permissions that are not listed here will be automatically denied. |\n | ``proxy`` | Network proxy settings to use with this context. Defaults to None. *NOTE:* For Chromium on Windows the browser needs to be launched with the global proxy for this option to work. If all contexts override the proxy, global proxy will be never used and can be any string, for example ``proxy={ server: 'http://per-context' }``. |\n | ``recordHar`` | Enables [http://www.softwareishard.com/blog/har-12-spec/|HAR] recording for all pages into to a file. Must be path to file, example ${OUTPUT_DIR}/har.file. If not specified, the HAR is not recorded. Make sure to await context to close for the to be saved. |\n | ``recordVideo`` | Enables video recording for all pages into a folder. If not specified videos are not recorded. Make sure to close context for videos to be saved. Video is not support in remote browsers. |\n | ``reduceMotion`` | Emulates `prefers-reduced-motion` media feature, supported values are `reduce`, `no-preference`. |\n | ``screen`` | Emulates consistent window screen size available inside web page via window.screen. Is only used when the viewport is set. Example {'width': 414, 'height': 896} |\n | ``serviceWorkers`` | Whether to allow sites to register Service workers. Defaults to 'allow'. |\n | ``storageState`` | Restores the storage stated created by the `Save Storage State` keyword. Must mbe full path to the file. |\n | ``timezoneId`` | Changes the timezone of the context. See [https://source.chromium.org/chromium/chromium/src/+/master:third_party/icu/source/data/misc/metaZones.txt|ICU`s metaZones.txt] for a list of supported timezone IDs. |\n | ``tracing`` | File name where the [https://playwright.dev/docs/api/class-tracing/|tracing] file is saved. Example trace.zip will be saved to ${OUTPUT_DIR}/traces.zip. Temporary trace files will be saved to ${OUTPUT_DIR}/Browser/traces. If file name is defined, tracing will be enabled for all pages in the context. Tracing is automatically closed when context is closed. Temporary trace files will be automatically deleted at start of each test execution. Trace file can be opened after the test execution by running command from shell: ``rfbrowser show-trace /path/to/trace.zip``. |\n | ``userAgent`` | Specific user agent to use in this context. |\n | ``viewport`` | A dictionary containing ``width`` and ``height``. Emulates consistent viewport for each page. Defaults to 1280x720. null disables the default viewport. If ``width`` and ``height`` is ``0``, the viewport will scale with the window. |\n\n\n Example:\n | Test an iPhone\n | ${device}= `Get Device` iPhone X\n | `New Context` &{device} # unpacking here with &\n | `New Page` http://example.com\n\n A BrowserContext is the Playwright object that controls a single browser profile.\n Within a context caches and cookies are shared. See\n [https://playwright.dev/docs/api/class-browser#browsernewcontextoptions|Playwright browser.newContext]\n for a list of supported options.\n\n If there's no open Browser this keyword will open one. Does not create pages.\n\n [https://forum.robotframework.org/t//4307|Comment >>]\n " + }, + "new_page": { + "name": "new_page", + "doc": "Open a new Page.\n\n A Page is the Playwright equivalent to a tab. See `Browser, Context and Page`\n for more information about Page concept.\n\n | =Arguments= | =Description= |\n | ``url`` | Optional URL to navigate the page to. The url should include protocol, e.g. `https://` |\n | ``wait_until`` | When to consider operation succeeded, defaults to load. Events can be either: ``domcontentloaded`` - consider operation to be finished when the DOMContentLoaded event is fired. ``load`` - consider operation to be finished when the load event is fired. ``networkidle`` - consider operation to be finished when there are no network connections for at least 500 ms. ``commit`` - consider operation to be finished when network response is received and the document started loading. |\n\n\n Returns `NewPageDetails` as dictionary for created page.\n `NewPageDetails` (dict) contains the keys ``page_id`` and ``video_path``. ``page_id`` is a stable identifier for\n the created page. ``video_path`` is path to the created video or empty if video is not\n created.\n\n When a `New Page` is called without an open browser, `New Browser`\n and `New Context` are executed with default values first.\n\n [https://forum.robotframework.org/t//4308|Comment >>]\n " + }, + "new_persistent_context": { + "name": "new_persistent_context", + "doc": "Open a new\n [https://playwright.dev/docs/api/class-browsertype#browser-type-launch-persistent-context | persistent context].\n\n `New Persistent Context` does basically executes `New Browser`, `New Context` and `New Page` in one step with setting a profile at the same time.\n\n This keyword returns a tuple of browser id, context id and page details. (New in Browser 15.0.0)\n\n | =Argument= | =Description= |\n | ``userDataDir`` | Path to a User Data Directory, which stores browser session data like cookies and local storage. More details for Chromium and Firefox. Note that Chromium's user data directory is the parent directory of the \"Profile Path\" seen at chrome://version. Pass an empty string to use a temporary directory instead. |\n | ``browser`` | Browser type to use. Default is Chromium. |\n | ``headless`` | Whether to run browser in headless mode. Defaults to ``True``. |\n | other arguments | Please see `New Browser`, `New Context` and `New Page` for more information about the other arguments. |\n\n If you want to use extensions you need to download the extension as a .zip, enable loading the extension, and load the extensions using chromium arguments like below. Extensions only work with chromium and with a headful browser.\n\n | ${launch_args}= Set Variable [\"--disable-extensions-except=./ublock/uBlock0.chromium\", \"--load-extension=./ublock/uBlock0.chromium\"]\n | ${browserId} ${contextId} ${pageDetails}= `New Persistent Context` browser=chromium headless=False url=https://robocon,io args=${launch_args}\n\n Check `New Browser`, `New Context` and `New Page` for the specific argument docs.\n\n [https://forum.robotframework.org/t//4309|Comment >>]\n " + }, + "open_browser": { + "name": "open_browser", + "doc": "Opens a new browser instance. Use this keyword for quick experiments or debugging sessions.\n\n Use `New Page` directly instead of `Open Browser` for production and automated execution.\n See `Browser, Context and Page` for more information about Browser and related concepts.\n\n Creates a new browser, context and page with specified settings.\n\n\n | =Argument= | =Description= |\n | ``url`` | Navigates to URL if provided. Defaults to None. |\n | ``browser`` | Specifies which browser to use. The supported browsers are listed in the table below. |\n | ``headless`` | If set to False, a GUI is provided otherwise it is hidden. Defaults to False. |\n | ``pause_on_failure`` | Stop execution when failure detected and leave browser open. Defaults to True. |\n | ``bypassCSP`` | Defaults to bypassing CSP and enabling custom script attach to the page. |\n\n Browsers:\n\n | = Value = | = Name(s) = |\n | ``firefox`` | [https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/new|Firefox] |\n | ``chromium`` | [https://www.chromium.org/Home|Chromium] |\n | ``webkit`` | [https://webkit.org/|webkit] |\n\n [https://forum.robotframework.org/t//4310|Comment >>]\n " + }, + "save_storage_state": { + "name": "save_storage_state", + "doc": "Saves the current active context storage state to a file.\n\n Web apps use cookie-based or token-based authentication, where\n authenticated state is stored as\n [https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Cookies|cookies]\n or in\n [https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Storage|local storage].\n Keyword retrieves the storage state from authenticated contexts and\n save it to disk. Then `New Context` can be created with prepopulated\n state.\n\n Please note state file may contains secrets and should not be shared\n with people outside of your organisation.\n\n The file is created in ${OUTPUTDIR}/browser/state folder and file(s)\n are automatically deleted when new test execution starts. File path\n is returned by the keyword.\n\n Example:\n | Test Case\n | `New context`\n | `New Page` https://login.page.html\n | # Perform login\n | `Fill Secret` id=username $username\n | `Fill Secret` id=password $password\n | `Click` id=button\n | `Get Text` id=header == Something\n | # Save storage to disk\n | ${state_file} = `Save Storage State`\n | # Create new context with saved state\n | `New context` storageState=${state_file}\n | `New Page` https://login.page.html\n | # Login is not needed because authentication is read from state file\n | `Get Text` id=header == Something\n\n [https://forum.robotframework.org/t//4318|Comment >>]\n " + }, + "set_default_run_before_unload": { + "name": "set_default_run_before_unload", + "doc": "Set default runBeforeUnload value when `Close Page` is called indirectly.\n\n Close Page is called indirectly when\n [https://marketsquare.github.io/robotframework-browser/Browser.html#Automatic%20page%20and%20context%20closing|automatic page closing]\n is done. The default value is false and this keyword can be used to change value.\n Returns the old runBeforeUnload value.\n\n [https://forum.robotframework.org/t/6203|Comment >>]\n " + }, + "switch_browser": { + "name": "switch_browser", + "doc": "Switches the currently active Browser to another open Browser.\n\n Returns a stable identifier for the previous browser.\n See `Browser, Context and Page` for more information about Browser and related concepts.\n\n | =Arguments= | =Description= |\n | id | The id of the browser to switch to. Example: ``browser=96207191-8147-44e7-b9ac-5e04f2709c1d``. A browser id is returned by `New Browser` when it is started or can be fetched from the browser catalog when returned by `Get Browser Catalog`. |\n\n [https://forum.robotframework.org/t//4334|Comment >>]\n " + }, + "switch_context": { + "name": "switch_context", + "doc": "Switches the active BrowserContext to another open context.\n\n Returns a stable identifier for the previous context.\n See `Browser, Context and Page` for more information about Context and related concepts.\n\n | =Arguments= | =Description= |\n | ``id`` | The id of the context to switch to. Example: ``context=525d8e5b-3c4e-4baa-bfd4-dfdbc6e86089``. A context id is returned by `New Context` when it is started or can be fetched from the browser catalog when returned by `Get Browser Catalog`. |\n | ``browser`` | The browser in which to search for that context. ``CURRENT`` for the currently active browser, ``ALL`` to search in all open browsers or the id of the browser where to switch context. |\n\n Example:\n | ${first_context} = `New Context`\n | `New Page` ${URL1}\n | ${second_context} = `New Context`\n | `New Page` ${URL2}\n | `Switch Context` ${first_context} # Switches back to first context and page.\n\n [https://forum.robotframework.org/t//4335|Comment >>]\n " + }, + "switch_page": { + "name": "switch_page", + "doc": "Switches the active browser page to another open page by ``id`` or ``NEW``.\n\n Returns a stable identifier ``id`` for the previous page.\n See `Browser, Context and Page` for more information about Page and related concepts.\n\n | =Arguments= | =Description= |\n | ``id`` | The id or alias of the page to switch to. Example: ``page=8baf2991-5eaf-444d-a318-8045f914e96a`` or ``NEW``. Can be a string or a dictionary returned by `New Page` Keyword. A page id can be fetched from the browser catalog when returned by `Get Browser Catalog`. ``NEW`` can be used to switch to a pop-up that just has been opened by the webpage, ``CURRENT`` can be used to switch to the active page of a different context or browser, identified by their id. |\n | ``context`` | The context in which to search for that page. ``CURRENT`` for the currently active context, ``ALL`` to search in all open contexts or the id of the context where to switch page. |\n | ``browser`` | The browser in which to search for that page. ``CURRENT`` for the currently active browser, ``ALL`` to search in all open browsers or the id of the browser where to switch page. |\n\n ``New`` may timeout if no new pages exists before library timeout.\n\n Example:\n | `Click` button#pops_up # Open new page\n | ${previous} = `Switch Page` NEW\n\n [https://forum.robotframework.org/t//4336|Comment >>]\n " + }, + "clear_permissions": { + "name": "clear_permissions", + "doc": "Clears all permissions from the current context.\n\n [https://forum.robotframework.org/t//4236|Comment >>]\n " + }, + "go_back": { + "name": "go_back", + "doc": "Navigates to the previous page in history.\n\n [https://forum.robotframework.org/t//4289|Comment >>]\n " + }, + "go_forward": { + "name": "go_forward", + "doc": "Navigates to the next page in history.\n\n [https://forum.robotframework.org/t//4290|Comment >>]\n " + }, + "go_to": { + "name": "go_to", + "doc": "Navigates to the given ``url``.\n\n | =Arguments= | =Description= |\n | ``url`` | URL to be navigated to. |\n | ``timeout`` | time to wait page to load. If not defined will use the library default timeout. |\n | ``wait_until`` | When to consider operation succeeded, defaults to load. Events can be either: ``domcontentloaded`` - consider operation to be finished when the DOMContentLoaded event is fired. ``load`` - consider operation to be finished when the load event is fired. ``networkidle`` - consider operation to be finished when there are no network connections for at least 500 ms. ``commit`` - consider operation to be finished when network response is received and the document started loading. |\n\n\n Returns the HTTP status code for the navigation request as integer or 0 if non received.\n\n [https://forum.robotframework.org/t//4291|Comment >>]\n " + }, + "grant_permissions": { + "name": "grant_permissions", + "doc": "Grants permissions to the current context.\n\n | =Arguments= | =Description= |\n | ``permissions`` | is a list of permissions to grant. Permissions can be one of the following: geolocation, notifications, camera, microphone, |\n | ``origin`` | The origin to grant permissions to, e.g. \"https://example.com\". |\n\n Example:\n | `New Context`\n | `Grant Permissions` geolocation\n\n [https://forum.robotframework.org/t//4292|Comment >>]\n " + }, + "reload": { + "name": "reload", + "doc": "Reloads current active page.\n\n [https://forum.robotframework.org/t//4317|Comment >>]\n " + }, + "set_browser_timeout": { + "name": "set_browser_timeout", + "doc": "Sets the timeout used by most input and getter keywords.\n\n | =Arguments= | =Description= |\n | ``timeout`` | Timeout of it is for current playwright context and for new contexts. Supports Robot Framework [https://robotframework.org/robotframework/latest/RobotFrameworkUserGuide.html#time-format|time format] . Returns the previous value of the timeout. |\n | ``scope`` | Scope defines the live time of that setting. Available values are ``Global``, ``Suite`` or ``Test`` / ``Task``. See `Scope Settings` for more details. |\n\n Example:\n | ${old_timeout} = `Set Browser Timeout` 1m 30 seconds\n | Click //button\n | `Set Browser Timeout` ${old_timeout}\n\n [https://forum.robotframework.org/t//4328|Comment >>]\n " + }, + "set_geolocation": { + "name": "set_geolocation", + "doc": "Updated the correct Context's geolocation.\n\n Latitude can be between -90 and 90 and longitude can be between -180 and 180.\n Accuracy of the location must be positive number and defaults to 0. When\n creating context, grant ``geolocation`` permission for pages to read its geolocation.\n\n | =Arguments= | =Description= |\n | ``latitude`` | Latitude between -90 and 90. |\n | ``longitude`` | Longitude between -180 and 180. |\n | ``accuracy`` | Non-negative accuracy value. Defaults to 0. |\n\n Example:\n | ${permissions} = Create List geolocation\n | `New Context` permissions=${permissions}\n | `Set Geolocation` 60.173708, 24.982263 3 # Points to Korkeasaari in Helsinki.\n\n [https://forum.robotframework.org/t//4329|Comment >>]\n " + }, + "set_offline": { + "name": "set_offline", + "doc": "Toggles current Context's offline emulation.\n\n | =Arguments= | =Description= |\n | ``offline`` | Toggles the offline mode. Set to False to switch back to online mode. Defaults to True. |\n\n [https://forum.robotframework.org/t//4330|Comment >>]\n " + }, + "set_retry_assertions_for": { + "name": "set_retry_assertions_for", + "doc": "Sets the timeout used in retrying assertions when they fail.\n\n | =Arguments= | =Description= |\n | ``timeout`` | Assertion retry timeout will determine how long Browser library will retry an assertion to be true. |\n | ``scope`` | Scope defines the live time of that setting. Available values are ``Global``, ``Suite`` or ``Test`` / ``Task``. See `Scope` for more details. |\n\n The other keyword `Set Browser timeout` controls how long Playwright\n will perform waiting in the node side for Elements to fulfill the\n requirements of the specific keyword.\n\n Returns the previous value of the assertion retry timeout.\n\n Example:\n | `Set Browser Timeout` 10 seconds\n | ${old} = `Set Retry Assertions For` 30s\n | `Get Title` == Login Page\n | `Set Retry Assertions For` ${old}\n\n Example waits 10 seconds on Playwright to get the page title and library\n will retry 30 seconds to make sure that title is correct.\n\n [https://forum.robotframework.org/t//4331|Comment >>]\n " + }, + "set_selector_prefix": { + "name": "set_selector_prefix", + "doc": "Sets the prefix for all selectors in the given scope.\n\n | =Arguments= | =Description= |\n | ``prefix`` | Prefix for all selectors. Prefix and selector will be separated by a single space. Use ``${None}`` or ``${EMPTY}`` to disable the prefix. |\n | ``scope`` | Scope defines the live time of that setting. Available values are ``Global``, ``Suite`` or ``Test`` / ``Task``. See `Scope` for more details. |\n\n Returns the previous value of the prefix.\n\n Example:\n | ${old} = `Set Selector Prefix` iframe#embedded_page >>>\n | `Click` button#login_btn # Clicks on button inside iframe with the selector ``iframe#embedded_page >>> button#login_btn``\n | `Set Selector Prefix` ${old}\n\n Example will click on button with id ``login_btn`` inside iframe with id ``embedded_page``.\n The resulting selector will be ``iframe#embedded_page >>> button#login_btn``.\n\n The effect of this prefix can be disable by prefixing any selector with ``!prefix ``, with a trailing space,\n for single keyword calls. i.e. ``!prefix id=btn_outside_a_frame``\n\n `Get Element`, `Get Elements`, `Get Element By` and `Get Element By Role`\n do automatically prefix the returned selector with ``!prefix `` so that it is possible to use\n them directly without setting the prefix to ``${None}`` before usage.\n\n [https://forum.robotframework.org/t//4741|Comment >>]\n " + }, + "set_viewport_size": { + "name": "set_viewport_size", + "doc": "Sets current Pages viewport size to specified dimensions.\n\n In the case of multiple pages in a single browser,\n each page can have its own viewport size. However,\n `New Context` allows to set viewport size (and more) for all\n later opened pages in the context at once.\n\n `Set Viewport Size` will resize the page.\n A lot of websites don't expect phones to change size,\n so you should set the viewport size before navigating to\n the page with `New Context` before opening the page itself.\n\n | =Arguments= | =Description= |\n | ``width`` | Sets the width size. |\n | ``height`` | Sets the height size. |\n\n [https://forum.robotframework.org/t//4333|Comment >>]\n " + }, + "show_keyword_banner": { + "name": "show_keyword_banner", + "doc": "Controls if the keyword banner is shown on page or not.\n\n Keyword call banner is a css overlay that shows the currently executed keyword directly on page.\n This is useful for debugging and for showing the test execution on video recordings.\n By default, the banner is not shown on page except when running in presenter mode.\n\n The banner can be controlled by an import setting of Browser library. (see `Importing` section)\n\n | =Arguments= | =Description= |\n | ``show`` | If `True` banner is shown on page. If `False` banner is not shown on page. If `None` banner is shown on page only when running in presenter mode. |\n | ``style`` | Additional css styles to be applied to the banner. These styles are css settings and may override the existing ones for the banner. |\n | ``scope`` | Scope defines the live time of that setting. Available values are ``Global``, ``Suite`` or ``Test`` / ``Task``. See `Scope` for more details. |\n\n Example:\n | Show Keyword Banner True top: 5px; bottom: auto; left: 5px; background-color: #00909077; font-size: 9px; color: black; # Show banner on top left corner with custom styles\n | Show Keyword Banner False # Hide banner\n\n [https://forum.robotframework.org/t//4716|Comment >>]\n " + }, + "take_screenshot": { + "name": "take_screenshot", + "doc": "Takes a screenshot of the current window or element and saves it to disk.\n\n | =Arguments= | =Description= |\n | ``filename`` | Filename into which to save. The file will be saved into the robot framework ${OUTPUTDIR}/browser/screenshot directory by default, but it can be overwritten by providing custom path or filename. String ``{index}`` in filename will be replaced with a rolling number. Use this to not override filenames. If filename equals to EMBED (case insensitive) or ${NONE}, then screenshot is embedded as Base64 image to the log.html. The image is saved temporally to the disk and warning is displayed if removing the temporary file fails. The ${OUTPUTDIR}/browser/ is removed at the first suite startup. |\n | ``selector`` | Take a screenshot of the element matched by selector. See the `Finding elements` section for details about the selectors. If not provided take a screenshot of current viewport. |\n | ``crop`` | Crops the taken screenshot to the given box. It takes same dictionary as returned from `Get BoundingBox`. Cropping only works on page screenshot, so if no selector is given. |\n | ``disableAnimations`` | When set to ``True``, stops CSS animations, CSS transitions and Web Animations. Animations get different treatment depending on their duration: - finite animations are fast-forwarded to completion, so they'll fire transitionend event. - infinite animations are canceled to initial state, and then played over after the screenshot. |\n | ``fileType`` | ``png`` or ``jpeg`` Specify screenshot type, defaults to ``png`` . |\n | ``fullPage`` | When True, takes a screenshot of the full scrollable page, instead of the currently visible viewport. Defaults to False. |\n | ``log_screenshot`` | When set to ``False`` the screenshot is taken but not logged into log.html. |\n | ``mask`` | Specify selectors that should be masked when the screenshot is taken. Masked elements will be overlayed with a pink box ``#FF00FF`` that completely covers its bounding box. Argument can take a single selector string or a list of selector strings if multiple different elements should be masked. |\n | ``maskColor`` | Specify the color of the overlay box for masked elements, in CSS color format. Default color is pink #FF00FF. |\n | ``omitBackground`` | Hides default white background and allows capturing screenshots with transparency. Not applicable to jpeg images. |\n | ``quality`` | The quality of the image, between 0-100. Not applicable to png images. |\n | ``scale`` | ``css`` or ``device``. ``css`` will reduce the image size and ``device`` keeps image in original size. Defaults to ``device``. |\n | ``return_as`` | Defines what this keyword returns. Possible values are documented in `ScreenshotReturnType`. It can be either a path to the screenshot file as string or Path object, or the image data as bytes or base64 encoded string. |\n | ``timeout`` | Maximum time how long taking screenshot can last, defaults to library timeout. Supports Robot Framework time format, like 10s or 1 min, pass 0 to disable timeout. The default value can be changed by using the `Set Browser Timeout` keyword. |\n\n Keyword uses strict mode if selector is defined. See `Finding elements` for more details\n about strict mode.\n\n Example\n | `Take Screenshot` # Takes screenshot from page with default filename\n | `Take Screenshot` selector=id=username_field # Captures element in image\n | # Takes screenshot with jpeg extension, defines image quality and timeout how long taking screenhost should last\n | `Take Screenshot` fullPage=True fileType=jpeg quality=50 timeout=10s\n | `Take Screenshot` EMBED # Screenshot is embedded as Base64 image to the log.html.\n\n [https://forum.robotframework.org/t//4337|Comment >>]\n " + }, + "add_cookie": { + "name": "add_cookie", + "doc": "Adds a cookie to currently active browser context.\n\n\n | =Arguments= | =Description= |\n | ``name`` | Name of the cookie. |\n | ``value`` | Given value for the cookie. |\n | ``url`` | Given url for the cookie. Defaults to None. Either ``url`` or ``domain`` / ``path`` pair must be set. |\n | ``domain`` | Given domain for the cookie. Defaults to None. Either ``url`` or ``domain`` / ``path`` pair must be set. |\n | ``path`` | Given path for the cookie. Defaults to None. Either ``url`` or ``domain`` / ``path`` pair must be set. |\n | ``expires`` | Given expiry for the cookie. Can be of date format or unix time. Supports the same formats as the [http://robotframework.org/robotframework/latest/libraries/DateTime.html|DateTime] library or an epoch timestamp. - example: 2027-09-28 16:21:35 |\n | ``httpOnly`` | Sets the httpOnly token. |\n | ``secure`` | Sets the secure token. |\n | ``samesite`` | Sets the samesite mode. |\n\n Example:\n | `Add Cookie` foo bar http://address.com/path/to/site # Using url argument.\n | `Add Cookie` foo bar domain=example.com path=/foo/bar # Using domain and url arguments.\n | `Add Cookie` foo bar http://address.com/path/to/site expiry=2027-09-28 16:21:35 # Expiry as timestamp.\n | `Add Cookie` foo bar http://address.com/path/to/site expiry=1822137695 # Expiry as epoch seconds.\n\n [https://forum.robotframework.org/t//4233|Comment >>]\n " + }, + "delete_all_cookies": { + "name": "delete_all_cookies", + "doc": "Deletes all cookies from the currently active browser context.\n\n [https://forum.robotframework.org/t//4244|Comment >>]\n " + }, + "eat_all_cookies": { + "name": "eat_all_cookies", + "doc": "Eat all cookies for all easter.\n\n [https://forum.robotframework.org/t//4250|Comment >>]\n " + }, + "get_cookie": { + "name": "get_cookie", + "doc": "Returns information of cookie with ``name`` as a Robot Framework dot dictionary or a string.\n\n | =Arguments= | =Description= |\n | ``cookie`` | Name of the cookie to be retrieved. |\n | ``return_type`` | Type of the return value. Can be either ``dictionary`` or ``string``. Defaults to ``dictionary``. |\n\n If ``return_type`` is ``dictionary`` or ``dict`` then keyword returns a of Robot Framework\n [https://robotframework.org/robotframework/latest/RobotFrameworkUserGuide.html#accessing-list-and-dictionary-items|dot dictionary]\n The dictionary contains all possible key value pairs of the cookie. If ``return_type`` is ``string`` or ``str``,\n then keyword returns the cookie as a string in format: ``name1=value1``. The return value contains only\n ``name`` and ``value`` keys of the cookie.\n\n If no cookie is found with ``name`` keyword fails. The cookie dictionary contains\n details about the cookie. Keys available in the dictionary are documented in the table below.\n\n | *Value* | *Explanation* |\n | name | The name of a cookie, mandatory. |\n | value | Value of the cookie, mandatory. |\n | url | Define the scope of the cookie, what URLs the cookies should be sent to. |\n | domain | Specifies which hosts are allowed to receive the cookie. |\n | path | Indicates a URL path that must exist in the requested URL, for example `/`. |\n | expiry | Lifetime of a cookie. Returned as datatime object or None if not valid time received. |\n | httpOnly | When true, the cookie is not accessible via JavaScript. |\n | secure | When true, the cookie is only used with HTTPS connections. |\n | sameSite | Attribute lets servers require that a cookie shouldn't be sent with cross-origin requests. |\n\n See\n [https://playwright.dev/docs/api/class-browsercontext#browsercontextaddcookiescookies|playwright documentation]\n for details about each attribute.\n\n Example:\n | ${cookie}= `Get Cookie` Foobar\n | Should Be Equal ${cookie.value} Tidii\n | Should Be Equal ${cookie.expiry.year} ${2020}\n\n [https://forum.robotframework.org/t//4265|Comment >>]\n " + }, + "get_cookies": { + "name": "get_cookies", + "doc": "Returns cookies from the current active browser context.\n\n If ``return_type`` is ``dictionary`` or ``dict`` then keyword returns list of Robot Framework\n [https://robotframework.org/robotframework/latest/RobotFrameworkUserGuide.html#accessing-list-and-dictionary-items|dot dictionaries]\n The dictionary contains all possible key value pairs of the cookie. See `Get Cookie` keyword documentation\n about the dictionary keys and values.\n\n If ``return_type`` is ``string`` or ``str``, then keyword returns the cookie as a string in format:\n ``name1=value1; name2=value2; name3=value3``. The return value contains only ``name`` and ``value`` keys of the\n cookie.\n\n [https://forum.robotframework.org/t//4266|Comment >>]\n " + }, + "crawl_site": { + "name": "crawl_site", + "doc": "\n Web crawler is a tool to go through all the pages on a specific URL domain.\n This happens by finding all links going to the same site and opening those.\n\n returns list of crawled urls.\n\n | =Arguments= | =Description= |\n | ``url`` | is the page to start crawling from. |\n | ``page_crawl_keyword`` | is the keyword that will be executed on every page. By default it will take a screenshot on every page. |\n | ``max_number_of_page_to_crawl`` | is the upper limit of pages to crawl. Crawling will stop if the number of crawled pages goes over this. |\n | ``max_depth_to_crawl`` | is the upper limit of consecutive links followed from the start page. Crawling will stop if there are no more links under this depth. |\n\n [https://forum.robotframework.org/t//4243|Comment >>]\n " + }, + "get_device": { + "name": "get_device", + "doc": "Get a single device descriptor with name exactly matching name.\n\n | =Arguments= | =Description= |\n | ``name`` | Given name of the requested device. See Playwright's [https://github.com/microsoft/playwright/blob/master/packages/playwright-core/src/server/deviceDescriptorsSource.json|deviceDescriptorsSource.json] for a formatted list. |\n\n Allows a concise syntax to set website testing values to exact matches of specific\n mobile devices.\n\n Use by passing to a context. After creating a context with devicedescriptor,\n before using ensure your active page is on that context.\n Usage:\n\n | ${device}= `Get Device` iPhone X\n | `New Context` &{device}\n | `New Page`\n | `Get Viewport Size` # returns { \"width\": 375, \"height\": 812 }\n\n [https://forum.robotframework.org/t//4267|Comment >>]\n " + }, + "get_devices": { + "name": "get_devices", + "doc": "Returns a dict of all playwright device descriptors.\n\n See Playwright's\n [https://github.com/microsoft/playwright/blob/master/packages/playwright-core/src/server/deviceDescriptorsSource.json|deviceDescriptorsSource.json]\n for a formatted list.\n\n [https://forum.robotframework.org/t//4268|Comment >>]\n " + }, + "add_style_tag": { + "name": "add_style_tag", + "doc": "Adds a