Adds JSX accessibility best-practices on top of the react
preset. For use in web projects only, do NOT use in react-native or Expo projects.
Make sure to install these peer-dependencies:
npm install --save-dev eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y
yarn add --dev eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y
pnpm add --save-dev eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y
Make sure to have the base and react presets installed and configured in your eslint.config.js
file before adding this one:
import * as base from '@masterworks/eslint-config-masterworks/base/index.js'
import * as react from '@masterworks/eslint-config-masterworks/react/index.js'
import * as reactWeb from '@masterworks/eslint-config-masterworks/react-web/index.js'
export default [
ignores: [
// Files to ignore globally.
// ...
files: ['**/*.jsx', '**/*.tsx', '**/use*.js', '**/use*.ts'],
rules: {
// ...
// If you have customized the files for the react preset, you should do the same here.
files: ['**/*.jsx', '**/*.tsx', '**/use*.js', '**/use*.ts'],
rules: {
// Here you can customize or disable rules.