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Materialize on AWS Cloud Platform

Terraform module for deploying Materialize on AWS Cloud Platform with all required infrastructure components.

Warning This is provided on a best-effort basis and Materialize cannot offer support for this module.

The module has been tested with:

  • PostgreSQL 15
  • Materialize Helm Operator Terraform Module v0.1.1


Name Version
terraform >= 1.0
aws ~> 5.0
helm ~> 2.0
kubernetes ~> 2.0
random ~> 3.0


Name Version
aws 5.88.0


Name Source Version
database ./modules/database n/a
eks ./modules/eks n/a
networking ./modules/networking n/a
operator v0.1.7
storage ./modules/storage n/a


Name Type
aws_cloudwatch_log_group.materialize resource
aws_iam_access_key.materialize_user resource
aws_iam_role.materialize_s3 resource
aws_iam_role_policy.materialize_s3 resource
aws_iam_user.materialize resource
aws_iam_user_policy.materialize_s3 resource
aws_caller_identity.current data source
aws_region.current data source


Name Description Type Default Required
availability_zones List of availability zones list(string)
bucket_force_destroy Enable force destroy for the S3 bucket bool true no
bucket_lifecycle_rules List of lifecycle rules for the S3 bucket
id = string
enabled = bool
prefix = string
transition_days = number
transition_storage_class = string
expiration_days = number
noncurrent_version_expiration_days = number
"enabled": true,
"expiration_days": 365,
"id": "cleanup",
"noncurrent_version_expiration_days": 90,
"prefix": "",
"transition_days": 90,
"transition_storage_class": "STANDARD_IA"
cluster_enabled_log_types List of desired control plane logging to enable list(string)
cluster_version Kubernetes version for the EKS cluster string "1.32" no
create_vpc Controls if VPC should be created (it affects almost all resources) bool true no
database_name Name of the database to create string "materialize" no
database_password Password for the database (should be provided via tfvars or environment variable) string n/a yes
database_username Username for the database string "materialize" no
db_allocated_storage Allocated storage for the RDS instance (in GB) number 20 no
db_instance_class Instance class for the RDS instance string "db.t3.large" no
db_max_allocated_storage Maximum storage for autoscaling (in GB) number 100 no
db_multi_az Enable multi-AZ deployment for RDS bool false no
enable_bucket_encryption Enable server-side encryption for the S3 bucket bool true no
enable_bucket_versioning Enable versioning for the S3 bucket bool true no
enable_cluster_creator_admin_permissions To add the current caller identity as an administrator bool true no
enable_monitoring Enable CloudWatch monitoring bool true no
environment Environment name (e.g., prod, staging, dev) string n/a yes
helm_chart Chart name from repository or local path to chart. For local charts, set the path to the chart directory. string "materialize-operator" no
helm_values Additional Helm values to merge with defaults any {} no
install_materialize_operator Whether to install the Materialize operator bool true no
install_metrics_server Whether to install the metrics-server for the Materialize Console bool true no
kubernetes_namespace The Kubernetes namespace for the Materialize resources string "materialize-environment" no
log_group_name_prefix Prefix for the CloudWatch log group name (will be combined with environment name) string "materialize" no
materialize_instances Configuration for Materialize instances
name = string
namespace = optional(string)
database_name = string
environmentd_version = optional(string, "v0.130.4")
cpu_request = optional(string, "1")
memory_request = optional(string, "1Gi")
memory_limit = optional(string, "1Gi")
create_database = optional(bool, true)
in_place_rollout = optional(bool, false)
request_rollout = optional(string)
force_rollout = optional(string)
[] no
metrics_retention_days Number of days to retain CloudWatch metrics number 7 no
namespace Namespace for all resources, usually the organization or project name string n/a yes
network_id The ID of the VPC in which resources will be deployed. Only used if create_vpc is false. string "" no
network_private_subnet_ids A list of private subnet IDs in the VPC. Only used if create_vpc is false. list(string) [] no
node_group_ami_type AMI type for the node group string "AL2023_ARM_64_STANDARD" no
node_group_capacity_type Capacity type for worker nodes (ON_DEMAND or SPOT) string "ON_DEMAND" no
node_group_desired_size Desired number of worker nodes number 2 no
node_group_instance_types Instance types for worker nodes.

Recommended Configuration for Running Materialize with disk:
- Tested instance types: m6g, m7g families (ARM-based Graviton instances)
- AMI: AWS Bottlerocket (optimized for container workloads)
- Note: Ensure instance store volumes are available and attached to the nodes for optimal performance with disk-based workloads.
node_group_max_size Maximum number of worker nodes number 4 no
node_group_min_size Minimum number of worker nodes number 1 no
operator_namespace Namespace for the Materialize operator string "materialize" no
operator_version Version of the Materialize operator to install string null no
orchestratord_version Version of the Materialize orchestrator to install string "v0.130.4" no
postgres_version Version of PostgreSQL to use string "15" no
private_subnet_cidrs CIDR blocks for private subnets list(string)
public_subnet_cidrs CIDR blocks for public subnets list(string)
service_account_name Name of the service account string "12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012" no
single_nat_gateway Use a single NAT Gateway for all private subnets bool false no
tags Default tags to apply to all resources map(string)
"Environment": "dev",
"Project": "materialize",
"Terraform": "true"
use_local_chart Whether to use a local chart instead of one from a repository bool false no
vpc_cidr CIDR block for VPC string "" no


Name Description
database_endpoint RDS instance endpoint
eks_cluster_endpoint EKS cluster endpoint
eks_cluster_name EKS cluster name
materialize_s3_role_arn The ARN of the IAM role for Materialize
metadata_backend_url PostgreSQL connection URL in the format required by Materialize
oidc_provider_arn The ARN of the OIDC Provider
operator_details Details of the installed Materialize operator
persist_backend_url S3 connection URL in the format required by Materialize using IRSA
s3_bucket_name Name of the S3 bucket
vpc_id VPC ID

Post-Deployment Setup

After successfully deploying the infrastructure with this module, you'll need to:

  1. (Optional) Configure storage classes
  2. Install the Materialize Operator
  3. Deploy your first Materialize environment

See our Operator Installation Guide for instructions.