- Added OMP class method to set up Orthogonal Matching Pursuit parameters in SISSO regressor.
- Started documentation
- Updated spelling of "licence" to "license" everywhere
- Updated monty's versions requirement (>=3.0.4, <5)
- Added LICENCE file
- Released pysisso under Matgenix's licence
- Modified SISSO output objects in order to be able to use model persistence in sklearn
- Removed inner function that prevented to use joblib
- Added option for temporary run directory (useful for hyperparameter search and cross-validation)
- Added a list of basic examples of usage
- Fixed docstrings according to pydocstyle
- Added pydocstyle in pre-commits
- Pysisso now relies on poetry and the pyproject.toml file for configuration and builds
- Removed setup.py and setup.cfg
- Installation with poetry using "poetry install" command
- Distribution package (including setup.py generated automatically by poetry) using the "poetry build" command
- See https://python-poetry.org/
- Added linting tools
- pre-commit-hooks (trailing-whitespace, check-executables-have-shebangs, check-merge-conflict and name-tests-test)
- bandit
- flake8
- black
- isort
- Full test suite (unit and integration tests)
- Based on pytest (see https://docs.pytest.org/en/stable/)
- Using pytest-cov (using coverage, https://coverage.readthedocs.io/en/coverage-5.3/) to get code coverage reports (see https://pytest-cov.readthedocs.io/en/latest/)
- Using pytest-mock (using unittest.mock, https://docs.python.org/3/library/unittest.mock.html) for mocking SISSO execution in unit tests (see https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest-mock/)
- Added Github workflow for continuous integration with Github Actions
- All configuration has been defined in pyproject.toml (except for flake8)
- Miscellaneous (undocumented here) bug fixes
- First release.
- Definition of inputs for SISSO
- SISSO.in, some automatic checks of input arguments
- .dat files
- Job to run SISSO using custodian
- Validator for normal completion of SISSO
- Parsing of outputs of SISSO
- Definition of SISSOModel objects containing the final expression determined by SISSO
- Scikit-learn compliant interface for regression with SISSO
- fit method
- predict method