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- In the AWS Management Console, click Services, and then click CloudFormation.
- Review the table and checkbox the row with Stack Name of OpenEMR.
- With the bottom pane present and the Overview tab in focus, observe the Status value. Once the value is CREATE_COMPLETE, you may proceed.
- Click the Outputs tab and click the link in the URL row.
- Go through each step of the signup wizard.
- Make sure you checkbox I have already created the database when asked.
- The database password will be what you noted in the last chapter.
- The MySQL host will be mysql.openemr.local.
- Make sure to enter a strong password for the initial admin user and record it in a safe place.
- The first step of the wizard will take about 5 minutes. Although the page will be white and not have any loading indicators, please do not attempt to refresh the page or resubmit the request.
- In the AWS Management Console, click Services, then EC2, then Instances.
- Three instances have been created for this solution — "CouchDB Server", "EFS Backup Server", and a third one probably patterned something similar to "Open-EBEn-W3JASWI7XCC0". Checkbox that third server, then click "Actions", "Instance State", "Terminate", "Yes, Terminate".
- In three to five minutes, a new instance will appear here with a similar name; once this instance's Status Checks read "2/2", you can proceed to the next step.
- Login into OpenEMR using your new administrative credentials.
- At the top, hover over Administration and then click Globals.
- Now with the settings area in view, click the Documents tab.
- For the Document Storage Method field, select CouchDB.
- For the CouchDB HostName field, enter couchdb.openemr.local.
- For the CouchDB Database field, enter couchdb.
- For the CouchDB Log Enable field, checkbox the input.
- Click Save near the bottom left.