title | permalink | layout |
People |
/people/ |
archive |
{% include card-authors-with-role.html authors=site.data.authors role="Faculty" alumni=false %}
{% include card-authors-with-role.html authors=site.data.authors role="Adjunct Faculty" alumni=false %}
{% include card-authors-with-role.html authors=site.data.authors role="Postdoc" alumni=false %}
{% include card-authors-with-role.html authors=site.data.authors role="PhD" alumni=false %}
{% include card-authors-with-role.html authors=site.data.authors role="Master" alumni=false %}
{% include card-authors-with-role.html authors=site.data.authors role="Undergraduate" alumni=false %}
{% include card-authors-with-role.html authors=site.data.authors role="Intern" alumni=false %}
{% include card-authors-with-role.html authors=site.data.authors role="Research Engineer" alumni=false %}
{% include card-authors-with-role.html authors=site.data.authors role="Postdoc" alumni=true %}
{% include card-authors-with-role.html authors=site.data.authors role="PhD" alumni=true %}
{% include card-authors-with-role.html authors=site.data.authors role="Master" alumni=true %}
{% include card-authors-with-role.html authors=site.data.authors role="Undergraduate" alumni=true %}
{% include card-authors-with-role.html authors=site.data.authors role="Intern" alumni=true %}
{% include card-authors-with-role.html authors=site.data.authors role="Research Engineer" alumni=true %}
If you are part of the McGill NLP group (i.e., advised by one of the faculty members), please head to the GitHub repository, where you will find instructions on adding your publications, creating/updating your profile, updating other parts of the website, etc.