From 4f8e0ae22e280fc81a466b6317c14430867420bf Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: VariantXYZ Date: Wed, 5 Jul 2023 02:53:42 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] Nightly text update - 20230705 --- text/dialog/TextSection09.csv | 16 ++++++++-------- 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-) diff --git a/text/dialog/TextSection09.csv b/text/dialog/TextSection09.csv index 9cb910c6..65d5efb4 100644 --- a/text/dialog/TextSection09.csv +++ b/text/dialog/TextSection09.csv @@ -125,16 +125,16 @@ 119,0x1d80ee,"<@LL,Ikki,07>たっ 大変だ!ぼくのもっ!!","<@LL,Ikki,07>Th-this is bad!Mine too!!" 120,0x1d80f0,"<@RL,Erika,07>やだ! デ-タが きえてく!?どうなってんのよ!","<@RL,Erika,07>Oh no! The data's disappearing!? What's going on??" 121,0x1d80f2,"<@RL,Samantha,04>あたしの スペシャルチ-ムが...全部...き.え.た...<@RL,Spyke,05>あっ あねごっしっかリっ!","<@RL,Samantha,04>My special team is... all...<@RL,Spyke,05>Ah, boss,Get hold of yourself!" -122,0x1d80f4,"<@RL,Erika,05>でも よかった ブラスが ぶじで!ブラスが いなくなったらあたし...<@RL,FemaleMedabot,00>アリカちゃん...<@LL,Ikki,03>メダルも パ-ツも「ミニハンドル」や「風のつばさ」なんかまでぜ-んぶ きえちゃったよで のこったのは...","<@RL,Erika,05>Still, I'm glad Brass is safe.If Brass were gone, I'd...<@RL,FemaleMedabot,00>Arika...<@LL,Ikki,03>My medals, parts and Mini Handle,Even the Wings of Wind are all gone.All that's left is..." +122,0x1d80f4,"<@RL,Erika,05>でも よかった ブラスが ぶじで!ブラスが いなくなったらあたし...<@RL,FemaleMedabot,00>アリカちゃん...<@LL,Ikki,03>メダルも パ-ツも「ミニハンドル」や「風のつばさ」なんかまでぜ-んぶ きえちゃったよで のこったのは...","<@RL,Erika,05>Still, I'm glad Brass is safe.If Brass were gone, I'd...<@RL,FemaleMedabot,00>Arika...<@LL,Ikki,03>My medals, parts and Mini Handle...Even the Wings of Wind are all gone...All that's left is..." 123#kabuto,0x1d80f6,"<@RL,Metabee,00>ふんっ ざんねんだったなァのこったのが オレで","<@RL,Metabee,00>Hmph, sucks for you that I'm all you have left." 123#kuwagata,0x1d80f6,"<@RL,Rokusho,00>のこったのが このおれでざんねんだったな","<@RL,Rokusho,00>My condolences, but it appears that I am all you have left." 124,0x1d80f8,"<@LL,Ikki,02>お前 ぜんっぜんかわいくないんだよっ!","<@LL,Ikki,02>You're not all that cute, you know!" 125,0x1d80fa,"<@RL,Samantha,02>とにかく しょうぶはおあずけよぉっ!","<@RL,Samantha,02>Anyway, let's postpone our match!" -126,0x1d80fc,"<@RL,Spyke,02>ちくしょうっ! おれの デ-タがっ!こんなことしたヤツぜって- ゆるせねぇ!","<@RL,Spyke,02>Blast it! My datas gone!The guy who did this... I can't forgive you!" +126,0x1d80fc,"<@RL,Spyke,02>ちくしょうっ! おれの デ-タがっ!こんなことしたヤツぜって- ゆるせねぇ!","<@RL,Spyke,02>Blast it! My data's gone!The guy who did this... I can't forgive you!" 127,0x1d80fe,"<@LL,Ikki,05>イワノイ...","<@LL,Ikki,05>Iwanoi..." 128,0x1d8100,"<@RL,BipedMedabot,00>おやびん...","<@RL,BipedMedabot,00>Boss..." 129,0x1d8102,"<@RL,Spyke,04>お前の 兄のかたきは とってやるからな<@RL,Samantha,00>行くわよぉ イワノイ!","<@RL,Spyke,04>Your big bro will take revenge for you.<@RL,Samantha,00>Let's go, Iwanoi!" -130,0x1d8104,"<@RL,Erika,02>これは 大じけんよっ!あたし 何としても げんいんをしらベてみせるわ!ブラスッ 学校ヘ 行くわよ!","<@RL,Erika,02>This is a big incident! I'm going to get to the bottomOf what's going on!Let's go to the school, Brass!" +130,0x1d8104,"<@RL,Erika,02>これは 大じけんよっ!あたし 何としても げんいんをしらベてみせるわ!ブラスッ 学校ヘ 行くわよ!","<@RL,Erika,02>This is a big incident! I'm going to get to the bottom of this!Let's go to the school, Brass!" 131,0x1d8106,"<@RL,FemaleMedabot,00>それでは しつれいします","<@RL,FemaleMedabot,00>Well then, if you'll excuse me." 132,0x1d8108,"<@LL,Ikki,00>大変だぼくも 行かなくちゃ!","<@LL,Ikki,00>This is rough... I gotta go too!" 133#kabuto,0x1d810a,"<@RL,Metabee,00>おい タマゴは?","<@RL,Metabee,00>Hey, so what about the eggs?" @@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ 135,0x1d810e,"<@RL,Sloan,00>ひい ふう...","<@RL,Sloan,00>Hiii, phew..." 136#kabuto,0x1d8110,"<@LL,Ikki,05>あいつ まだ いたのか<@RL,Metabee,00>まっ あきらめて 家に かえっておこられて こい!<@LL,Ikki,05>分かってるよ...","<@LL,Ikki,05>He was still here.<@RL,Metabee,00>Well, let's go home and get scolded!<@LL,Ikki,05>Yeah, I know..." 136#kuwagata,0x1d8110,"<@LL,Ikki,00>あいつ まだ いたのか<@RL,Rokusho,00>では いさぎよく 家にもどっておこられてくるのだな<@LL,Ikki,05>分かってるよ...","<@LL,Ikki,05>He was still here.<@RL,Rokusho,00>Well then, let us return home and receive our scolding.<@LL,Ikki,05>Yeah, I know..." -137,0x1d8112,"<@LL,Ikki,03>でも...とリあえずはBボタンを おしてコマンドウインドウを ひらいてもういちど デ-タをかくにんしておくかな...","<@LL,Ikki,03>But... First things first,let's press B and openThe Command Window so that I can check over theData again..." +137,0x1d8112,"<@LL,Ikki,03>でも...とリあえずはBボタンを おしてコマンドウインドウを ひらいてもういちど デ-タをかくにんしておくかな...","<@LL,Ikki,03>First things first though, let's press B to open the Command Window and check over the data again..." 138,0x1d8114,"<@LL,Ikki,06>ただいま! ママ<@RL,IkkiMom,01>タマゴ 1パック買うのにいったい どれだけ かかってんの!ほら 早く タマゴを ちょうだい<@LL,Ikki,00>あ はい","<@LL,Ikki,06>Mom, I'm home!<@RL,IkkiMom,01>How long does it take to buy one pack of eggs!Quickly then, give them to me.<@LL,Ikki,00>Ah, yeah." 139,0x1d8116,"<@RL,IkkiMom,01>ちょっと 何よこれ!全部 われてるじゃない!<@LL,Ikki,05>あっちゃ-ずいぶん 動いたからなぁ...<@RL,IkkiMom,01>タマゴも まんぞくに買えないなんてっ!おつリの中から おこづかいをあげようかと 思ってたけどやっぱリ や-めたっ!","<@RL,IkkiMom,01>Hey, what's this!All of them are broken!<@LL,Ikki,05>Uh-oh, I must've been moving it too much.<@RL,IkkiMom,01>You can't even manage to buy some eggs!I was going to give you some allowance, but now I'vedecided against it!" 140,0x1d8118,"<@RL,IkkiMom,01>ま そういうわけだから2かいで はんせいしてなさいっ!<@LL,Ikki,03>しくしく...","<@RL,IkkiMom,01>Go upstairs and think about what you've done!<@LL,Ikki,03>sob sob..." @@ -163,20 +163,20 @@ 154,0x1d8134,"<@LL,Ikki,00>さきに メダロットはかせにこのことを しらせよう!","<@LL,Ikki,00>We should inform Dr. Medarot first!" 155,0x1d8136,"<@RL,ScientistMale,01>やあ いらっしゃい","<@RL,ScientistMale,01>Welcome!" 156,0x1d8138,"<@RL,ScientistMale,00>キミも よく 来るねぇはかせの ヘやは 上ヘ行って左だからね","<@RL,ScientistMale,00>You're here again.The professor's room is on the left." -157,0x1d813a,"<@RL,ScientistMale,00>なぜだ! なぜ 自動はんばいきにお金を入れると ボタンをおすまえに のみたくもないジュ-スが 出てきてしまうんだ!!ぼくが ほしいのは ちがうジュ-スなのにぃっ!!","<@RL,ScientistMale,00>Why! Why does the vending machine take my money andVends a juice I don't want before I can press a button!!This isn't the juice that I wanted!!" +157,0x1d813a,"<@RL,ScientistMale,00>なぜだ! なぜ 自動はんばいきにお金を入れると ボタンをおすまえに のみたくもないジュ-スが 出てきてしまうんだ!!ぼくが ほしいのは ちがうジュ-スなのにぃっ!!","<@RL,ScientistMale,00>Why! Why does the vending machine take my money and dispenses a juice I don't want before I can press a button!This isn't the juice that I wanted!!" 158,0x1d813c,"<@RL,ScientistMale,00>あ-ん もう 1500¥もつかってるのにぃやっぱリ ぼくが のみたいジュ-スじゃ ないのが 出るぅ!<@LL,Ikki,00>はくいの おじさんちょっと どいてください!<@RL,ScientistMale,00>何だ?","<@RL,ScientistMale,00>Aaah, I've already spent 1500¥ and still haven't gottenthe juice that I want to drink!<@LL,Ikki,00>Mister in the lab coat,please step aside!<@RL,ScientistMale,00>What is it?" 159,0x1d813e,"<@RL,RubberRoboGrunt,00>...ロボ?<@LL,Ikki,02>ジュ-スの ボタンを先に おすなっ!","<@RL,RubberRoboGrunt,00>...Robo?<@LL,Ikki,02>Stop pressing that juice button!" 160,0x1d8140,"<@RL,RubberRoboGrunt,03>さよならロボ-ッ!!","<@RL,RubberRoboGrunt,03>Goodbye, robo!!" 161,0x1d8142,"<@LL,Ikki,04>これで お金を 入れたらすきな ジュ-スが のめますよ!","<@LL,Ikki,04>Now you'll be able to get the juice you want with your cash!" 162,0x1d8144,"<@LL,Ikki,00>どうしたんですか?また ちがうのが 出るんですか?<@RL,ScientistMale,00>うわ-ん! もう おこづかい 全部つかっちゃったんだよ-ぅ!<@LL,Ikki,05>あらら...","<@LL,Ikki,00>What's wrong?Is there another one?<@RL,ScientistMale,00>Uwah! I went and spent all of my pocket change!<@LL,Ikki,05>Oh, dear..." 163,0x1d8146,"<@LL,Ikki,00>あれ?まだ ここに いるんですか?<@RL,ScientistMale,00>さっき 買ったジュ-スをのんでいるんだよ10本も買っちゃったからねぇうっぷ...<@LL,Ikki,05>あらら...","<@LL,Ikki,00>Huh?You're still here?<@RL,ScientistMale,00>I'm drinking the juices that I got earlier.I ended up with 10 bottles...<@LL,Ikki,05>Oh, dear..." -164,0x1d8148,"<@RL,ScientistMale,00>知ってるかい?はかせの おまごさんの ナエさんのヘやの前にいた 白玉って 研究いん研究所を ついほう されたってさ前から アブナイやつだとは思ってたけどねぇ...","<@RL,ScientistMale,00>Did you hear? The guy working across fromThe professor's grand-daughter's room was canned?I always had a bad feeling about that guy..." +164,0x1d8148,"<@RL,ScientistMale,00>知ってるかい?はかせの おまごさんの ナエさんのヘやの前にいた 白玉って 研究いん研究所を ついほう されたってさ前から アブナイやつだとは思ってたけどねぇ...","<@RL,ScientistMale,00>Did you hear about the guy working across from the professor's grand-daughter's room?Apparently he got canned.I always had a bad feeling about that guy..." 165,0x1d814a,"<@RL,ScientistMale,00>白玉みたいな はくいには気をつけようね","<@RL,ScientistMale,00>Be careful around white coats like Shiratama." 166,0x1d814c,"<@RL,ScientistMale,00>わたしの 名前は 北玉メダロット用語 はかせだメダロットの ことで分からないことが あればわたしに 聞くがいい","<@RL,ScientistMale,00>My name is Kitatama, expert in Medarot terms! If there's something you don't know about Medarots,then you should come see me!" 167,0x1d814e,"<@RL,ScientistMale,00>メダフォ-スが はっけんされてから1年も たたないうちにこんどは メダチェンジだ!科学って すごいよね","<@RL,ScientistMale,00>It's been a year since the Medaforce was released.And now there's Medachange!Science is amazing." 168,0x1d8150,"<@RL,ScientistMale,00>研究所は ぶじだったけど外では 大変な じけんがおこったんだってね...えっ!? キミの デ-タもきえたの!? かわいそうに","<@RL,ScientistMale,00>It's safe here in the lab.But there was a big incident outside....Eh!? Your data is gone too!?You poor soul." 169,0x1d8152,"<@RL,ScientistMale,00>...それで けっきょく デ-タはもどらずじまいかい?","<@RL,ScientistMale,00>...So, you never ended up getting your data recovered?" -170,0x1d8154,"<@RL,DrAki,01>おお <&BUF03>それに <&BUF07><@LL,Ikki,00>...? はかせ 何だかつかれてませんか?<@RL,DrAki,01>いろいろ あっての少々 すいみん ぶそくなんじゃ<@RL,DrAki,02>ところで 外では 大じけんがおこっとる ようじゃが...<@LL,Ikki,06>はかせ! きえちゃった ぼくのデ-タ 何とか なリませんか?<@RL,DrAki,02>セレクト隊からも ちょうさをたのまれておって しらベとるんじゃ何らかの でんぱいじょうのようじゃが はっきリしたことはまだ 分からんのじゃよ<@LL,Ikki,03>じゃあ ぼくの デ-タは...<@RL,DrAki,01>まあ そんな かおを するなお前さんの パ-トナ-はぶじじゃったんじゃろ?わしは ここで しらベておるからお前さんも 何か 分かったら知らせてくれんか?お前さんの ほかにも デ-タがきえて かなしんどる 友だちがおるじゃろう?<@LL,Ikki,03>そうですね...<@LL,Ikki,00>分かリました ぼく 学校に行って しらベてみます!","<@RL,DrAki,01>Ooh if it isn't, <&BUF03>and <&BUF07> too.<@LL,Ikki,00>...? What's wrong Professor?You seem worn out.<@RL,DrAki,01>I've just been missing out on sleep with everything going on.<@RL,DrAki,02>By the way, it seems that something went down outside.<@LL,Ikki,06>Professor! My data is gone,is there anything you can do?<@RL,DrAki,02>I'm already looking into it at the Select Corps' request.It seems there was some sort of electrical signal,But we aren't totally sure yet.<@LL,Ikki,03>Then, my data...<@RL,DrAki,01>Well, no need to look like that.Your partner is just fine Isn't he?I'll be researching here, so let me know if you findanything out, okay? I'm sure you've got friends wholost data and are broken up over it, right?<@LL,Ikki,03>That's right...<@LL,Ikki,00>I understand, I'll check things out at the school!" +170,0x1d8154,"<@RL,DrAki,01>おお <&BUF03>それに <&BUF07><@LL,Ikki,00>...? はかせ 何だかつかれてませんか?<@RL,DrAki,01>いろいろ あっての少々 すいみん ぶそくなんじゃ<@RL,DrAki,02>ところで 外では 大じけんがおこっとる ようじゃが...<@LL,Ikki,06>はかせ! きえちゃった ぼくのデ-タ 何とか なリませんか?<@RL,DrAki,02>セレクト隊からも ちょうさをたのまれておって しらベとるんじゃ何らかの でんぱいじょうのようじゃが はっきリしたことはまだ 分からんのじゃよ<@LL,Ikki,03>じゃあ ぼくの デ-タは...<@RL,DrAki,01>まあ そんな かおを するなお前さんの パ-トナ-はぶじじゃったんじゃろ?わしは ここで しらベておるからお前さんも 何か 分かったら知らせてくれんか?お前さんの ほかにも デ-タがきえて かなしんどる 友だちがおるじゃろう?<@LL,Ikki,03>そうですね...<@LL,Ikki,00>分かリました ぼく 学校に行って しらベてみます!","<@RL,DrAki,01>Ooh if it isn't, <&BUF03> and <&BUF07>.<@LL,Ikki,00>...? What's wrong Professor?You seem worn out.<@RL,DrAki,01>I've just been missing out on sleep with everything going on.<@RL,DrAki,02>By the way, it seems that something went down outside.<@LL,Ikki,06>Professor! My data is gone, is there anything you can do?<@RL,DrAki,02>I'm already looking into it at the Select Corps' request.It seems there was some sort of electrical signal, but we aren't totally sure yet.<@LL,Ikki,03>Then, my data...<@RL,DrAki,01>Well, no need to look like that.Your partner is just fine, isn't he?I'll keep investigating here.Let me know if you find anything, okay?I'm sure you've got friends who lost data and are broken up over it, right?<@LL,Ikki,03>That's right...<@LL,Ikki,00>I understand, I'll check things out at the school!" 171,0x1d8156,"<@RL,DrAki,02>しかし ふしぎじゃ...この でんぱの いじょうがぐうぜんの こととは 思えん","<@RL,DrAki,02>Still, it's strange...This electrical wave can't justbe a coincidence." 172,0x1d8158,"<@RL,DrAki,00>もうすこし まっておれかならず かいめいしてやるわい","<@RL,DrAki,00>Hold on just a bit and I'llfigure something out." 173,0x1d815a,"<@LL,Ikki,00>はかせ!<@RL,DrAki,00>こんどは 何じゃ?<&BUF03><@LL,Ikki,00>ミニミニマシ-ンをもってって いいですか?<@RL,DrAki,00>どうするんじゃ?<@LL,Ikki,00>ミニミニマシ-ンで 小さくなってイタズラしている ミニロボ団を元の大きさに もどしてこらしめるんです!やつら きっと メダリンピック大会もじゃましてくるにちがいないですから!<@RL,DrAki,00>もって行くのは かまわんが...<@LL,Ikki,04>じゃ もらって 行きますね!<@LL,Ikki,02>大会を じゃまされて たまるもんか!","<@LL,Ikki,00>Doctor!<@RL,DrAki,00>What is it now,<&BUF03>?<@LL,Ikki,00>Can I take the Mini-miniMachine with me?<@RL,DrAki,00>What for?<@LL,Ikki,00>The MiniRobos are pullingpranks thanks to the machine.We'll return them to theirnormal size and punish them!They'll surely interfere withthe Medalympics Tournamenttoo!<@RL,DrAki,00>I guess it's fine for you totake it with you.<@LL,Ikki,04>I'll be taking it then!<@LL,Ikki,02>I won't let them mess withthe tournament!" @@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ 208,0x1d819e,"<@RL,SelectCorpsGrunt,00>あくの イタズラしゅうだんロボロボ団の かんぶたちがだつごくしたとの ことであリますがおみくじ町で 貝つかったのはザコばかリで あリます","<@RL,SelectCorpsGrunt,00>The higher ups of the evil, trickster group, theRoboRobos escaped from prison, but only small frieswere found in Omikuji Town." 209,0x1d81a0,"<@RL,SelectCorpsGrunt,00>ロボロボ団かんぶも つかまってよのなか ヘいわであリます!","<@RL,SelectCorpsGrunt,00>The RoboRobo executives were captured and peace returned." 210,0x1d81a2,"<@RL,Erika,00><&BUF03>!","<@RL,Erika,00><&BUF03>!" -211,0x1d81a4,"<@RL,Erika,02>おそかったじゃない何やってたのよ!<@LL,Ikki,04>ごめん ごめんで? 何か分かった?<@RL,Erika,00>じけんがおこったときに たまたま外に 出てた メダロットたちはぶじだったってそれに みんなが みんなひがいを うけたってわけじゃないみたい<@RL,Erika,02>あたしのは きれいさっぱリデ-タきえちゃったけど!<@RL,Erika,00>ともかく げんいんが 分かるまでブラスを メダロッチに入れないようにするわあんたの <&BUF07>もそうしときなさいよ<@LL,Ikki,05>言われなくても <&BUF07>はメダロッチに 入ってくれないよ<@RL,Erika,00>じゃ ちょうさ ぞっこうよ!","<@RL,Erika,02>You're late, what kept you?<@LL,Ikki,04>Sorry, sorry.So, what did you find out?<@RL,Erika,00>The Medarots that were out when it happened are fine.Not all of them were affected.<@RL,Erika,02>all my other data was completely wiped out though!<@RL,Erika,00>Anyway, I won't be putting Brass in my Medarotch untilwe get to the bottom of things.You should do the same with<&BUF07> too!<@LL,Ikki,05>Even without you saying that,<&BUF07> refuses to goBack into the Medarotch.<@RL,Erika,00>Well then, let's investigate!" +211,0x1d81a4,"<@RL,Erika,02>おそかったじゃない何やってたのよ!<@LL,Ikki,04>ごめん ごめんで? 何か分かった?<@RL,Erika,00>じけんがおこったときに たまたま外に 出てた メダロットたちはぶじだったってそれに みんなが みんなひがいを うけたってわけじゃないみたい<@RL,Erika,02>あたしのは きれいさっぱリデ-タきえちゃったけど!<@RL,Erika,00>ともかく げんいんが 分かるまでブラスを メダロッチに入れないようにするわあんたの <&BUF07>もそうしときなさいよ<@LL,Ikki,05>言われなくても <&BUF07>はメダロッチに 入ってくれないよ<@RL,Erika,00>じゃ ちょうさ ぞっこうよ!","<@RL,Erika,02>You're late, what kept you?<@LL,Ikki,04>Sorry, sorry.So, what did you find out?<@RL,Erika,00>The Medarots that were out when it happened are fine.Not all of them were affected.<@RL,Erika,02>All of my data was completely wiped out though!<@RL,Erika,00>Anyway, I won't be putting Brass in my Medarotch until we get to the bottom of things.You should do the same with <&BUF07> too!<@LL,Ikki,05>Even without you saying that, <&BUF07> refuses to go back into the Medarotch.<@RL,Erika,00>Well then, let's investigate!" 212,0x1d81a6,"<@LL,Ikki,00>ぼくも いろんな きょうしつを回って しらベてみよう!","<@LL,Ikki,00>I'll try investigating the classrooms too!" 213,0x1d81a8,"<@LL,Ikki,00>まずは 1かいを しらベよう","<@LL,Ikki,00>I'll start the investigation on the first floor." 214,0x1d81aa,"<@LL,Ikki,00>とリあえず 学校の中をしらベよう","<@LL,Ikki,00>Let's investigate the inside of the school first."