diff --git a/source/MRMesh/MRMesh.vcxproj b/source/MRMesh/MRMesh.vcxproj
index 5486fac46b0c..1e9e03f9180c 100644
--- a/source/MRMesh/MRMesh.vcxproj
+++ b/source/MRMesh/MRMesh.vcxproj
@@ -144,6 +144,7 @@
@@ -401,6 +402,7 @@
diff --git a/source/MRMesh/MRMesh.vcxproj.filters b/source/MRMesh/MRMesh.vcxproj.filters
index 83aa8d649e75..fce99b06dc49 100644
--- a/source/MRMesh/MRMesh.vcxproj.filters
+++ b/source/MRMesh/MRMesh.vcxproj.filters
@@ -1272,6 +1272,9 @@
Source Files\AABBTree
+ Source Files\PointCloud
@@ -2093,6 +2096,9 @@
Source Files\AABBTree
+ Source Files\PointCloud
diff --git a/source/MRMesh/MROutlierPoints.cpp b/source/MRMesh/MROutlierPoints.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a2a6f28732df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/MRMesh/MROutlierPoints.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
+#include "MROutlierPoints.h"
+#include "MRPointCloud.h"
+#include "MRProgressCallback.h"
+#include "MRBitSetParallelFor.h"
+#include "MRBestFit.h"
+#include "MRPointsInBall.h"
+#include "MRPointsComponents.h"
+namespace MR
+Expected OutliersDetector::prepare( const PointCloud& pointCloud, float radius, OutlierTypeMask mask, ProgressCallback progress /*= {}*/ )
+ validPoints_ = pointCloud.validPoints;
+ if ( !validPoints_.any() )
+ return unexpected( "Empty Point Cloud" );
+ if ( !bool( mask & OutlierTypeMask::All ) )
+ return unexpected( "Nothing to look for" );
+ maskCached_ = mask;
+ radius_ = radius;
+ const bool calcSmallComponentsCached = bool( mask & OutlierTypeMask::SmallComponents );
+ const bool calcWeaklyConnectedCached = bool( mask & OutlierTypeMask::WeaklyConnected );
+ const bool calcFarSurfaceCached = bool( mask & OutlierTypeMask::FarSurface );
+ const bool calcBadNormalCached = bool( mask & OutlierTypeMask::AwayNormal );
+ const VertBitSet* lastPassVerts = &validPoints_;
+ const auto numVerts = validPoints_.find_last() + 1;
+ const auto numThreads = int( tbb::global_control::active_value( tbb::global_control::max_allowed_parallelism ) );
+ if ( calcSmallComponentsCached )
+ unionFindStructure_ = UnionFind( numVerts );
+ if ( calcWeaklyConnectedCached )
+ weaklyConnectedStat_ = std::vector( numVerts );
+ if ( calcFarSurfaceCached )
+ farSurfaceStat_ = std::vector( numVerts );
+ if ( calcBadNormalCached )
+ badNormalStat_ = std::vector( numVerts );
+ VertBitSet secondPassVerts;
+ ProgressCallback subProgress = subprogress( progress, 0.f, 0.4f );
+ const auto& points = pointCloud.points;
+ const auto& normals = pointCloud.normals;
+ if ( numThreads > 1 )
+ {
+ secondPassVerts.resize( numVerts );
+ lastPassVerts = &secondPassVerts;
+ const bool continued = BitSetParallelForAllRanged( validPoints_, [&] ( VertId v0, const auto& range )
+ {
+ if ( !contains( validPoints_, v0 ) )
+ return;
+ int count = 0;
+ PointAccumulator plane;
+ Vector3f normalSum;
+ findPointsInBall( pointCloud.getAABBTree(), { pointCloud.points[v0], sqr( radius_ ) },
+ [&] ( VertId v1, const Vector3f& )
+ {
+ if ( !contains( validPoints_, v1 ) )
+ return;
+ if ( v1 != v0 )
+ {
+ ++count;
+ if ( calcBadNormalCached )
+ normalSum += normals[v1];
+ if ( calcFarSurfaceCached )
+ plane.addPoint( points[v1] );
+ }
+ if ( calcSmallComponentsCached && v0 < v1 )
+ {
+ if ( v1 >= range.end )
+ secondPassVerts.set( v0 );
+ else
+ unionFindStructure_.unite( v0, v1 );
+ }
+ } );
+ if ( calcWeaklyConnectedCached )
+ weaklyConnectedStat_[int( v0 )] = uint8_t( std::min( count, 255 ) );
+ if ( calcFarSurfaceCached )
+ farSurfaceStat_[int( v0 )] = count >= 3 ? plane.getBestPlanef().distance( points[v0] ) : 0.f;
+ if ( calcBadNormalCached )
+ {
+ if ( normalSum.lengthSq() >= 0.09f )
+ {
+ normalSum = normalSum.normalized();
+ badNormalStat_[int( v0 )] = angle( normals[v0], normalSum );
+ }
+ else
+ badNormalStat_[int( v0 )] = 180.f;
+ }
+ }, subProgress );
+ if ( !continued )
+ return unexpectedOperationCanceled();
+ subProgress = subprogress( progress, 0.4f, 1.f );
+ }
+ if ( calcSmallComponentsCached )
+ {
+ int counterProcessedVerts = 0;
+ const int lastPassVertsCount = int( lastPassVerts->count() );
+ const float counterMax = float( lastPassVertsCount );
+ const int counterDivider = std::max( lastPassVertsCount / 100, 1 );
+ for ( auto v0 : *lastPassVerts )
+ {
+ findPointsInBall( pointCloud.getAABBTree(), { pointCloud.points[v0], sqr( radius_ ) },
+ [&] ( VertId v1, const Vector3f& )
+ {
+ if ( v0 < v1 && contains( validPoints_, v1 ) )
+ {
+ unionFindStructure_.unite( v0, v1 );
+ }
+ } );
+ ++counterProcessedVerts;
+ if ( !reportProgress( subProgress, counterProcessedVerts / counterMax, counterProcessedVerts, counterDivider ) )
+ return unexpectedOperationCanceled();
+ }
+ }
+ return {};
+void OutliersDetector::setParams( const OutlierParams& params )
+ params_ = params;
+Expected OutliersDetector::find( OutlierTypeMask mask, ProgressCallback progress /*= {}*/ )
+ mask &= maskCached_;
+ if ( !bool( mask ) )
+ return unexpected( "Nothing to look for" );
+ int maxTaskCount = 0;
+ for ( int i = 0; i < 4; ++i )
+ if ( bool( OutlierTypeMask( 1 << i ) & mask ) )
+ ++maxTaskCount;
+ VertBitSet result;
+ if ( bool( mask & OutlierTypeMask::SmallComponents ) )
+ {
+ auto res = findSmallComponents( subprogress( progress, 0.f, 1.f / maxTaskCount ) );
+ if ( !res.has_value() )
+ return unexpected( res.error() );
+ result |= *res;
+ }
+ if ( bool( mask & OutlierTypeMask::WeaklyConnected ) )
+ {
+ auto res = findWeaklyConnected();
+ if ( !res.has_value() )
+ return unexpected( res.error() );
+ result |= *res;
+ }
+ if ( bool( mask & OutlierTypeMask::FarSurface ) )
+ {
+ auto res = findFarSurface();
+ if ( !res.has_value() )
+ return unexpected( res.error() );
+ result |= *res;
+ }
+ if ( bool( mask & OutlierTypeMask::AwayNormal ) )
+ {
+ auto res = findAwayNormal();
+ if ( !res.has_value() )
+ return unexpected( res.error() );
+ result |= *res;
+ }
+ return result;
+Expected OutliersDetector::findSmallComponents( ProgressCallback progress /*= {}*/ )
+ auto largeComponentsRes = PointCloudComponents::getLargeComponentsUnion( unionFindStructure_, validPoints_, params_.maxClusterSize + 1, progress );
+ if ( !largeComponentsRes.has_value() )
+ return unexpected( largeComponentsRes.error() );
+ return validPoints_ - *largeComponentsRes;
+Expected OutliersDetector::findWeaklyConnected( ProgressCallback progress /*= {}*/ )
+ VertBitSet result( validPoints_.find_last() + 1 );
+ const bool continued = BitSetParallelFor( validPoints_, [&] ( VertId v )
+ {
+ if ( weaklyConnectedStat_[int( v )] <= params_.maxNeighbors )
+ result.set( v );
+ }, progress );
+ if ( !continued )
+ return unexpectedOperationCanceled();
+ return result;
+Expected OutliersDetector::findFarSurface( ProgressCallback progress /*= {}*/ )
+ VertBitSet result( validPoints_.find_last() + 1 );
+ const float realMinHeight = params_.minHeight * radius_;
+ const bool continued = BitSetParallelFor( validPoints_, [&] ( VertId v )
+ {
+ if ( farSurfaceStat_[int( v )] > realMinHeight )
+ result.set( v );
+ }, progress );
+ if ( !continued )
+ return unexpectedOperationCanceled();
+ return result;
+Expected OutliersDetector::findAwayNormal( ProgressCallback progress /*= {}*/ )
+ VertBitSet result( validPoints_.find_last() + 1 );
+ const bool continued = BitSetParallelFor( validPoints_, [&] ( VertId v )
+ {
+ if ( badNormalStat_[int( v )] > params_.minAngle )
+ result.set( v );
+ }, progress );
+ if ( !continued )
+ return unexpectedOperationCanceled();
+ return result;
+Expected findOutliers( const PointCloud& pc, const FindOutliersParams& params )
+ OutliersDetector finder;
+ auto res = finder.prepare( pc, params.radius, params.mask, subprogress( params.progress, 0.f, 0.8f ) );
+ if ( !res.has_value() )
+ return unexpected( res.error() );
+ finder.setParams( params.finderParams );
+ return finder.find( params.mask, subprogress( params.progress, 0.8f, 1.f ) );
diff --git a/source/MRMesh/MROutlierPoints.h b/source/MRMesh/MROutlierPoints.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..046e9024d2d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/MRMesh/MROutlierPoints.h
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "MRMeshFwd.h"
+#include "MRMesh/MRExpected.h"
+#include "MRUnionFind.h"
+#include "MRBitSet.h"
+#include "MRConstants.h"
+#include "MRFlagOperators.h"
+namespace MR
+/// Parameters of various criteria for detecting outlier points
+struct OutlierParams
+ /// Maximum points in the outlier component
+ int maxClusterSize = 20;
+ /// Maximum number of adjacent points for an outlier point
+ int maxNeighbors = 7;
+ /// Minimum distance (as proportion of search radius) to the approximate surface from outliers point
+ float minHeight = 0.3f;
+ /// Minimum angle of difference of normal at outlier points
+ /// @note available only if there are normals
+ float minAngle = PI_F / 3.f;
+/// Types of outlier points
+enum class OutlierTypeMask
+ SmallComponents = 1 << 0, ///< Small groups of points that are far from the rest
+ WeaklyConnected = 1 << 1, ///< Points that have too few neighbors within the radius
+ FarSurface = 1 << 2, ///< Points far from the surface approximating the nearest points
+ AwayNormal = 1 << 3, ///< Points whose normals differ from the average norm of their nearest neighbors
+ All = SmallComponents | WeaklyConnected | FarSurface | AwayNormal
+/// A class for searching for outliers of points
+/// @detail The class caches the prepared search results, which allows to speed up the repeat search (while use same radius)
+class MRMESH_CLASS OutliersDetector
+ OutliersDetector() = default;
+ /// Make a preliminary stage of outlier search. Caches the result
+ ///
+ /// @param pc point cloud
+ /// @param radius radius of the search for neighboring points for analysis
+ /// @param mask mask of the types of outliers that are looking for
+ /// @param progress progress callback function
+ /// @return error text or nothing
+ MRMESH_API Expected prepare( const PointCloud& pc, float radius, OutlierTypeMask mask, ProgressCallback progress = {} ); // calculate caches
+ /// Set search parameters
+ MRMESH_API void setParams( const OutlierParams& params );
+ /// Get search parameters
+ MRMESH_API const OutlierParams& getParams() const { return params_; }
+ /// Make an outlier search based on preliminary data
+ /// @param mask mask of the types of outliers you are looking for
+ MRMESH_API Expected find( OutlierTypeMask mask, ProgressCallback progress = {} ); // unite and calculate actual outliers
+ /// Get statistics on the number of neighbors for each point
+ MRMESH_API const std::vector& getWeaklyConnectedStat() { return weaklyConnectedStat_; }
+ Expected findSmallComponents( ProgressCallback progress = {} );
+ Expected findWeaklyConnected( ProgressCallback progress = {} );
+ Expected findFarSurface( ProgressCallback progress = {} );
+ Expected findAwayNormal( ProgressCallback progress = {} );
+ float radius_ = 1.f;
+ OutlierParams params_;
+ // Cached data
+ UnionFind unionFindStructure_; // SmallComponents
+ std::vector weaklyConnectedStat_; // WeaklyConnected
+ std::vector farSurfaceStat_; // FarSurface
+ std::vector badNormalStat_; // AwayNormal
+ OutlierTypeMask maskCached_ = OutlierTypeMask( 0 ); // true means valid cache
+ VertBitSet validPoints_;
+/// Outlier point search parameters
+struct FindOutliersParams
+ OutlierParams finderParams; ///< Parameters of various criteria for detecting outlier points
+ float radius = 1.f; ///< Radius of the search for neighboring points for analysis
+ OutlierTypeMask mask = OutlierTypeMask::All; ///< Mask of the types of outliers that are looking for
+ ProgressCallback progress = {}; ///< Progress callback
+/// Finding outlier points
+MRMESH_API Expected findOutliers( const PointCloud& pc, const FindOutliersParams& params );