Dependencies are:
Other stuff used are:
- (Install node js if you haven't done that)
- (Install Grunt command line interface globally if you haven't done that:
npm install -g grunt-cli
) - Clone the repository to your computer
- Run command
nmp install
to install all modules - Run command
grunt serve
to start a server on localhost:9001
In order to copy files to a new repository you will need to use the terminal. To do this you need to create ssh-keys bo be able to connect to github.
- Create a new repository on Github with a name, for example "my-styleguide"
- Open a terminal and cd to your local version of the styleguide repository, for example: C:\Repositories\mmx-styleguide
- Run command to copy all files from the master branch to the master branch of your new repository:
git push [email protected]:Metamatrix/my-styleguide.git +master:master
- Clone the newly created repository to your computer
- Edit packages.json file and update project name, git repository etc. You can also run the command
npm init
to do this. - Edit settings.json for your project
- Run command
nmp install
to install all modules - Run command
grunt serve
to start a server on localhost:9001
This project uses Grunt as task runner. How to use in the terminal:
- Run command
grunt serve
to start server and run all specified 'dev' tasks. - Run command
grunt serve:dist
to start server and run all specified 'dist' tasks. - If you add :validate to your command, grunt will also run validation tests (e.g.
grunt serve:dev:validate
In this project you can run BackstopJS to output a visual regression test report. All css selectors and other properties are specified in the config file named backstop.json.
- Run command
grunt backstop
to run test and see the test report in the browser - Run command
grunt backstop:reference
to create a set of reference screenshots based on the selectors specified in the config file. Every time you make changes (intentionally) to a page element you should run this command to update the screenshot references.
Screenshot references, tests and the html report can be found in reports/backstop_data.
Use the commands grunt component:my-component
or grunt composition:my-composition
to quickly generate files for a new component or compositions and aslo include these in the styleguide:
grunt component:my-component
would generate:
- src/nunjucks/components/my-component.njk
- src/scss/application/_my-component.scss
You can also create a JavaScript enhancer file with the command grunt component:my-component:enhancer
Use these checklists to make sure you have completed a component or a template fully.
You can use the command grunt export
to export files for a .Net-project. The command will generate a directory named export where all assets like css, js, images and fonts are placed. You can then copy these files to your próject. The default setting is that the command assumes that your assets in the project will be located in a directory called static. If this isn't the case you can change this in settings.json with the parameter projectAssetPath.