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The Source Code

Quick and dirty setup using Docker


  docker build -t vndb .

Run (will run on the foreground):

  docker run -ti --name vndb -p 3000:3000 -v "`pwd`":/var/www --rm vndb

If you need another terminal into the container while it's running:

  docker exec -ti vndb su -l devuser  # development shell (files are at /var/www)
  docker exec -ti vndb psql -U vndb   # postgres shell

To start Multi, the optional application server:

  docker exec -ti vndb su -l devuser -c 'make -C /var/www multi-restart'

It will run in the background for as long as the container is alive. Logs are written to data/log/multi.log.

The PostgreSQL database will be stored in data/docker-pg/ and the uploaded files in static/{ch,cv,sf,st}. If you want to restart with a clean slate, you can stop the container and run:

  # Might want to make a backup of these dirs first if you have any interesting data.
  rm -rf data/docker-pg static/{ch,cv,sf,st}

Requirements (when not using Docker)

Global requirements:

  • Linux, or an OS that resembles Linux. Chances are VNDB won't run on Windows.
  • A standard C build system (make/gcc/etc)
  • PostgreSQL 10+ (including development files)
  • Perl 5.26+
  • Elm 0.19.1

Perl modules (core modules are not listed):


  • AnyEvent
  • Crypt::ScryptKDF
  • Crypt::URandom
  • DBD::Pg
  • DBI
  • Image::Magick
  • JSON::XS
  • PerlIO::gzip
  • graphviz (/usr/bin/dot is used by default)

util/ (the web backend):

  • Algorithm::Diff::XS
  • SQL::Interp
  • Text::MultiMarkdown
  • TUWF
  • HTTP::Server::Simple

util/ (application server, optional):

  • AnyEvent::HTTP
  • AnyEvent::IRC
  • AnyEvent::Pg

Manual setup

  • Make sure all the required dependencies (see above) are installed. Hint: See the Docker file for Alpine Linux commands, other distributions will be similar. For non-root setup, check out cpanminus & local::lib.
  • Run the build system:
  • Setup a PostgreSQL server and make sure you can login with some admin user
  • Build the vndbfuncs PostgreSQL library:
  make -C sql/c
  • Copy sql/c/ to the appropriate directory (either run sudo make -C sql/c install or see pg_config --pkglibdir or SHOW dynamic_library_path)
  • Initialize the VNDB database (assuming 'postgres' is a superuser):
  # Create the database & roles
  psql -U postgres -f sql/superuser_init.sql
  psql -U postgres vndb -f sql/vndbid.sql

  # Set a password for each database role:
  echo "ALTER ROLE vndb       LOGIN PASSWORD 'pwd1'" | psql -U postgres
  echo "ALTER ROLE vndb_site  LOGIN PASSWORD 'pwd2'" | psql -U postgres
  echo "ALTER ROLE vndb_multi LOGIN PASSWORD 'pwd3'" | psql -U postgres

  # OPTION 1: Create an empty database:
  psql -U vndb -f sql/all.sql

  # OPTION 2: Import the development database (
  curl -L | tar -xzf-
  psql -U vndb -f dump.sql
  rm dump.sql
  • Update data/ with the proper credentials for vndb_site and vndb_multi.
  • Now simply run:
  • (Optional) To start Multi, the application server:
  make multi-restart

Rewrites, rewrites, rewrites

The VNDB website is currently (like every project beyond a certain age) in a transitional state of rewrites. There are three "versions" and coding styles across this repository:

Version 2

This is the code that powers the actual website. It lives in lib/VNDB/ and has util/ as entry point. Front-end assets are in data/js/, data/style.css, data/icons/, static/f/ and static/s/.

Version 2-rw

This is a (recently started) backend rewrite of version 2. It lives in lib/VNWeb/ with Elm and Javascript code in elm/. Individual parts of the website are gradually being moved into this new coding style and structure. Version 2 and 2-rw run side-by-side in the same process and share a common route table and database connection, so the entry point is still util/ The primary goal of this rewrite is to make use of the clearer version 3 structure and to slowly migrate the brittle frontend Javascript parts to Elm and JSON APIs.

Version 3

There also used to be a "version 3" rewrite with a completely new user interface. All of the improvements developed in version 3 are slowly being backported and improved upon in version 2-rw and version 3 does not exist anymore (though it can still be found in the version history).


Some parts of this repository are not affected by these rewrites. These include the database structure, most of the scripts in util/, some common modules spread across lib/ and Multi, which resides in lib/Multi/. That's not to say these are final or stable, but they're largely independent from the website code.


GNU AGPL, see COPYING file for details.