The following were initial notes used for drafting the implementation. It is slightly different now, but mostly the same.
Product Requirements:
- Users can make new surveys, which each have a list of questions
- Users can answer surveys by providing answers to the list of questions
- Users can see what surveys they can answer
- Users can see the survey summary
- Users can see which comments have not been added to the survey summary yet
Discord bot commands
/gptsurvey new [surveyName]
/gptsurvey summary [surveyname]
/gptsurvey respond [surveyname]
/gptsurvey list
Backend Architecture
- a nodejs module that runs the discord bot code
- a redis server that holds survey data
- a nodejs module that monitors the redis server and updates the gpt computed survey data
- The gpt computed survey data would be a similar process as talk to the city, just with comments instead of claims
Data format of a survey form
- title: text
- questions: List[text]
Data format of a survey summary
- title: text,
- topics: [
topicName: text,
description: text,
subtopics: [
subtopicName: text,
subtopicDescription: text,
comments: [
submitter: text,
answers: List[text]
- commentsNotYetCategorized: [
submitter: text,
answers: List[text]
What the discord bot response to /gptsurvey summary [surveyname]
could look like:
[Description] [# of comments in the topic] [% of comments in the topic out of the total]
[description] [Thread with all comments in the subtopic] [# of comments in the subtopic] [% of comments in the subtopic out of the # of comments in the topic]
These comments will be categorized when the survey summary is recomputed in [x] minutes [Thread with all the comments not yet included in the survey summary]