This application provides a modular base template project containing all the important requirements an application needs. You can use these things to create & develop your project.
The technologies in this project:
- Retrofit
- OkHttp
- Moshi
- Room
- Data Store
- Hilt
- Glide
- Navigation Compose
- Compose
MVVM architecture is also used in this program.
The modules in this app are:
- Data (For I/O, Persistent storage, Network layer)
- Domain (Business logic)
- Presentation (Ui)
I already used a test POST API in this app just to request & get a response for a test from (
P.N: In the future, test will be implemented into this project so you can use that too. Keep in touch & please don't forget to give START if it helps you
- AhmadReza B.N & Moein S.
- GitHub: Mr-ARBN - Moeinserajeh
- GitLab: A.R.B.N
- Instagram: Mr.ARBN
- Telegram: Mr_ARBN