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#2016-05-21 Secrets of the JavaScript Ninja.pdf page 0 ~ 52

ESLint: comma-dangle no-cond-assign no-console no-constant-condition no-control-regex no-debugger no-dupe-args no-dupe-keys no-duplicate-case no-empty no-empty-character-class no-ex-assign no-extra-boolean-cast no-extra-parens no-extra-semi no-func-assign no-inner-declarations no-invalid-regexp no-irregular-whitespace no-negated-in-lhs no-obj-calls no-regex-spaces no-sparse-arrays

#2016-05-22 Review JavaScript Array methods JavaScript The Good Parts [EN].pdf page 0 ~ 62

#2016-05-22 JavaScript The Good Parts [EN].pdf page 62 ~ 172 JavaScript The Good Parts [EN].pdf (done)

#2016-05-23 Async JavaScript Build More Responsive Apps with Less Code [EN].pdf page 0 ~