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-# NBIS Training Code of Conduct
-Training is one of the core values of NBIS, and benefits from the contributions
-of the entire scientific community. We value the involvement of everyone in the
-community. We are committed to creating a friendly and respectful place for
-learning, teaching and contributing. All participants in our events and
-communications are expected to show respect and courtesy to others.
-To make clear what is expected, everyone participating in NBIS/ELIXIR courses
-is required to conform to the Code of Conduct. This Code of Conduct applies to
-all spaces managed by NBIS including, but not limited to, courses, email lists,
-and online forums such as Studium, GitHub, Slack, Twitter and LinkedIn. Course
-organizers and teachers are expected to assist with the enforcement of the Code
-of Conduct.
-We are dedicated to providing a welcoming and supportive environment for all
-people, regardless of background or identity. By participating in this event,
-participants accept to abide by the NBIS Code of Conduct and accept the
-procedures by which any Code of Conduct incidents are resolved. Any form of
-behaviour to exclude, intimidate, or cause discomfort is a violation of the
-Code of Conduct. In order to foster a positive and professional learning
-environment we encourage the following kinds of behaviours in all platforms and
-training events:
- * Use welcoming and inclusive language
- * Be respectful of different viewpoints and experiences
- * Gracefully accept constructive criticism
- * Focus on what is best to all those involved in this training event
- * Show courtesy and respect towards everyone involved in this training event
-The NBIS Training Coordinator is responsible for enforcing the Code of Conduct,
-and may be contacted by emailing [education@nbis.se](mailto:education@nbis.se).
-All reports will be reviewed and will be kept confidential. If you believe
-someone is violating the Code of Conduct, we ask that you report it to the NBIS
-Training coordinator, who will take the appropriate action to address the
-For an extended description please see the [ELIXIR Code of Conduct](https://elixir-europe.org/events/code-of-conduct).
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-Welcome to the tutorials! Here we will learn how to make a computational
-research project reproducible using several different tools, described in the
-figure below:
-![](images/reproducibility_overview_with_logos.png){ width=700px }
-The figure above gives an overview of the different parts of computational
-reproducibility (data, code, workflow and environment), as well as the various
-tools that are used for each part; Git is, arguably, integral to all of the
-parts, but we only listed it in the *code* section for a less cluttered figure.
-The course has a tutorial for each of the tools, all made so that they can be
-completed independently of each other. It is therefore perfectly
-possible to go through them in whatever order you prefer, but we suggest the
-following order:
-1. Git
-2. Conda
-3. Snakemake
-4. Nextflow
-5. Quarto
-6. Jupyter
-7. Containers
-You will find the tutorials in the *Modules* section in the navigation menu.
-Please make sure to carefully follow the [pre-course setup](https://uppsala.instructure.com/courses/COURSE_ID/pages/pre-course-setup)
-to install the tools and download the course material before starting with any of the
-tutorials. These will create quite a lot of files on your computer, some of which
-will actually take up a bit of storage space too. In order to remove any traces of
-these after completing the tutorials, please refer to the
-[Take down section](https://uppsala.instructure.com/courses/COURSE_ID/pages/take-down).
-Before going into the tutorials themselves, we first describe the case study
-from which the example data comes from.
-# The case study
-We will be running a small bioinformatics project as a case study, and use that
-to exemplify the different steps of setting up a reproducible research project.
-To give you some context, the study background and analysis steps are briefly
-described below.
-#### Background
-The data is taken from [Osmundson, Dewell, and Darst (2013)](
-who have studied methicillin-resistant *Staphylococcus aureus* (MRSA). MRSA is
-resistant to broad spectrum beta-lactam antibiotics and lead to
-difficult-to-treat infections in humans. Lytic bacteriophages have been
-suggested as potential therapeutic agents, or as the source of novel antibiotic
-proteins or peptides. One such protein, gp67, was identified as
-a transcription-inhibiting transcription factor with an antimicrobial effect.
-To identify *S. aureus* genes repressed by gp67, the authors expressed gp67 in
-*S. aureus* cells. RNA-seq was then performed on three S. aureus strains:
-* RN4220 with pRMC2 with gp67
-* RN4220 with empty pRMC2
-* NCTC8325-4
-#### Analysis
-The graph below shows the different steps of the analysis that are included in
-this project:
-![](images/mrsa-overview.png){ width=400px }
-The input files are:
-* RNA-seq raw data (FASTQ files) for the three strains
-* *S. aureus* genome sequence (a FASTA file)
-* *S. aureus* genome annotation (a GFF file)
-The workflow itself will perform the following tasks:
-* Downloading and indexing of the reference genome using *Bowtie2*
-* Downloading the raw FASTQ data from the *Sequence Read Archive* (SRA)
-* Run some quality controls on the data using *FastQC* and *MultiQC*
-* Align the raw data to the genome and calculate the gene expression using
- *featureCounts*
-* Produce supplementary materials using data from quality controls, gene
- expression and the workflow figure shown above
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-This page contains links to all the lectures in the course in HTML format, which
-you can download to view (right-click and save the link to wherever you want
-it). If you want to view the raw files you can find them at [GitHub](https://github.com/NBISweden/workshop-reproducible-research/tree/GITHUB_BRANCH/lectures),
-along with instructions on how to render them.
-### Lecture links
-* [Introduction](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/NBISweden/workshop-reproducible-research/GITHUB_BRANCH/lectures/introduction/introduction.html)
-* [Data management](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/NBISweden/workshop-reproducible-research/GITHUB_BRANCH/lectures/data-management/data-management.html)
-* [Git](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/NBISweden/workshop-reproducible-research/GITHUB_BRANCH/lectures/git/git.html)
-* [Conda](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/NBISweden/workshop-reproducible-research/GITHUB_BRANCH/lectures/conda/conda.html)
-* [Quarto](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/NBISweden/workshop-reproducible-research/GITHUB_BRANCH/lectures/quarto/quarto.html)
-* [Jupyter](https://github.com/NBISweden/workshop-reproducible-research/blob/GITHUB_BRANCH/lectures/jupyter/jupyter.ipynb)
-* [Snakemake](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/NBISweden/workshop-reproducible-research/GITHUB_BRANCH/lectures/snakemake/snakemake.html)
-* [Nextflow](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/NBISweden/workshop-reproducible-research/GITHUB_BRANCH/lectures/nextflow/nextflow.html)
-* [Containers](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/NBISweden/workshop-reproducible-research/GITHUB_BRANCH/lectures/containers/containers.html)
-* [Putting it together](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/NBISweden/workshop-reproducible-research/GITHUB_BRANCH/lectures/putting-it-together/putting-it-together.html)
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-A *markup language* is a system for annotating text documents in order to *e.g.*
-define formatting. HTML, if you are familiar with that, is an example of a
-markup language. HTML uses tags, such as:
- Sub-heading
- Link
- - List-item1
- - List-item2
- - List-item3
-*Markdown* is a lightweight markup language which uses plain-text syntax in
-order to be as unobtrusive as possible, so that a human can easily read it. Look
-at the following toy example:
-# A header
-A [link](http://example.com).
-## A sub-header
-Text attributes _italic_, *italic*, **bold**, `monospace`.
-### A deeper sub-header
-Bullet list:
- - Apples
- - Oranges
- - Pears
-This would render to something like this:
-A markdown document can be converted to other formats, such as HTML or PDF, for
-viewing in a browser or a PDF reader; in fact, the page you are reading right
-now is written in markdown. Markdown is somewhat ill-defined, and as a
-consequence of that there exist many implementations and extensions. They share
-most of the syntax, however, with various additions on top.
-There are a lot more things you can do with markdown than what we show here.
-Indeed, this entire course is mostly written in markdown! You can read more
-about markdown [here](https://www.markdownguide.org/getting-started/).
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-All of the tutorials and the material in them is dependent on the GitHub
-repository for the course. The first step of the setup is thus to download all
-the files that you will need, which is done differently depending on which
-operating system you have.
-On the last day, in the _Putting the pieces together_ session we will give
-examples of how we use these tools in our day-to-day work. During the course,
-spend some time thinking about how these tools could be useful for you in your
-own project(s). After you've gone through the tutorial you may feel that some of
-the tools could make your life easier from the get-go, while others may take
-some time to implement efficiently (and some you may never use again after the
-course). Our idea with the _Putting the pieces together_ session is to have an
-open discussion about where to go from here.
-## Setup for Mac / Linux users
-First, `cd` into a directory on your computer (or create one) where it makes
-sense to download the course directory.
-cd /path/to/your/directory
-git clone https://github.com/NBISweden/workshop-reproducible-research.git
-cd workshop-reproducible-research
-> **Tip**
-> If you want to revisit the material from an older instance of this course,
-> you can do that using `git switch -d tags/`, e.g.
-> `git switch -d tags/course_1905`. To list all available tags, use `git tag`.
-> Run this command after you have `cd` into `workshop-reproducible-research`
-> as described above. If you do that, you probably also want to view the
-> same older version of this website. Until spring 2021, the website was
-> hosted at [ReadTheDocs](https://nbis-reproducible-research.readthedocs.io).
-> Locate the version box in the bottom right corner of the website and
-> select the corresponding version.
-## Setup for Windows users
-Using a Windows computer for bioinformatic work has sadly not been ideal most of
-the time, but large advanced in recent years have made this quite feasible
-through the Windows 10 _Linux subsystem_. This is the only setup for Windows
-users that we allow for participants of this course, as all the material has
-been created and tested to work on Unix-based systems.
-Using the Linux subsystem will give you access to a full command-line bash shell
-based on Linux on your Windows 10 PC. For the difference between the Linux Bash
-Shell and the PowerShell on Windows 10, see _e.g._ [this article](https://searchitoperations.techtarget.com/tip/On-Windows-PowerShell-vs-Bash-comparison-gets-interesting).
-Install Bash on Windows 10, follow the instructions at _e.g._ one of these
-- [Installing the Windows Subsystem and the Linux Bash](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/install-win10)
-- [Installing and using Linux Bash on Windows](https://www.howtogeek.com/249966/how-to-install-and-use-the-linux-bash-shell-on-windows-10/)
-- [Installing Linux Bash on Windows](https://itsfoss.com/install-bash-on-windows/)
-> **Note**
-> If you run into error messages when trying to download files through the Linux
-> shell (_e.g._ `curl:(6) Could not resolve host`) then try adding the Google
-> name server to the internet configuration by running `sudo nano
-/etc/resolv.conf` then add `nameserver` to the bottom of the file and
-> save it.
-> **Important!**
-> Whenever a setup instruction specifies Mac or Linux (_i.e._ only those two, with no alternative for Windows),
-> **please follow the Linux instructions.**
-Open a bash shell Linux terminal and clone the GitHub repository containing all
-files you will need for completing the tutorials as follows. First, `cd` into
-a directory on your computer (or create one) where it makes sense to download
-the course directory.
-> **Tip**
-> You can find the directory where the Linux distribution is storing all its
-> files by typing `explorer.exe .`. This will launch the Windows File Explorer
-> showing the current Linux directory.
-> Alternatively, you can find the Windows C drive from within the bash shell
-> Linux terminal by navigating to `/mnt/c/`.
-cd /path/to/your/directory
-git clone https://github.com/NBISweden/workshop-reproducible-research.git
-cd workshop-reproducible-research
-## Installing Git
-Chances are that you already have git installed on your computer. You can check
-by running _e.g._ `git --version`. If you don't have git, install it following
-the instructions [here](https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Getting-Started-Installing-Git).
-If you have a very old version of git you might want to update to a later
-version. If you're on a Mac you can also install it using [Homebrew](https://brew.sh/)
-and simple `brew install git`.
-### Configure git
-If it is the first time you use git on your computer, you may want to configure
-it so that it is aware of your username and email. These should match those that
-you have registered on GitHub. This will make it easier when you want to sync
-local changes with your remote GitHub repository.
-git config --global user.name "Mona Lisa"
-git config --global user.email "mona_lisa@gmail.com"
-> **Tip**
-> If you have several accounts (_e.g._ both a GitHub and Bitbucket account),
-> and thereby several different usernames, you can configure git on
-> a per-repository level. Change directory into the relevant local git
-> repository and run `git config user.name "Mona Lisa"`. This will set the
-> default username for that repository only.
-You will also need to configure the default branch name to be `main` instead of
-git config --global init.defaultBranch "main"
-The short version of why you need to do this is that GitHub uses `main` as the
-default branch while Git itself is still using `master`; please read the box
-below for more information.
-> **The default branch name**
-> The default branch name for Git and many of the online resources for hosting
-> Git repositories has traditionally been `master`, which historically comes
-> from the "master/slave" repositories of
-> [BitKeeper](https://mail.gnome.org/archives/desktop-devel-list/2019-May/msg00066.html).
-> This has been heavily discussed and in 2020 the decision was made by many
-> ([including GitHub](https://sfconservancy.org/news/2020/jun/23/gitbranchname/))
-> to start using `main` instead. Any repository created with GitHub uses this
-> new naming scheme since October of 2020, and Git itself is currently
-> discussing implementing a similar change. Git did, however, introduce the
-> ability to set the default branch name when using `git init` in
-> [version 2.28](https://github.blog/2020-07-27-highlights-from-git-2-28/#introducing-init-defaultbranch),
-> instead of using a hard-coded `master`. We at NBIS want to be a part of this
-> change, so we have chosen to use `main` for this course.
-### GitHub setup
-[GitHub](https://github.com) is one of several online hosting platforms for Git
-repositories. We'll go through the details regarding how Git and GitHub are
-connected in the course itself, so for now we'll stick to setting up your
-account and credentials.
-If you have not done so already, go to [github.com](https://github.com/join) and
-create an account. You can also create an account on another online hosting
-service for version control, _e.g._ [Bitbucket](https://bitbucket.org) or
-[GitLab](https://about.gitlab.com/). The exercises in this course are written
-with examples from GitHub (as that is the most popular platform with the most
-extensive features), but the same thing can be done on alternative services,
-although the exact menu structure and link placements differ.
-Any upload to and from GitHub requires you to authenticate yourself. GitHub
-used to allow authentication with your account and password, but this is no
-longer the case - using SSH keys is required instead. Knowing exactly what these
-are is not necessary to get them working, but we encourage you to read the box
-below to learn more about them! GitHub has excellent, platform-specific
-instructions both on how to [generate](https://docs.github.com/en/authentication/connecting-to-github-with-ssh/generating-a-new-ssh-key-and-adding-it-to-the-ssh-agent)
-and [add](https://docs.github.com/en/authentication/connecting-to-github-with-ssh/adding-a-new-ssh-key-to-your-github-account)
-SSH keys to your account, so please follow those instructions.
-> **SSH keys and authentication**
-> Using SSH (Secure Shell) for authentication basically entails setting up a
-> pair of keys: one private and one public. You keep the private key on your
-> local computer and give the public key to anywhere you want to be able to
-> connect to, _e.g._ GitHub. The public key can be used to encrypt messages that
-> _only_ the corresponding private key can decrypt. A simplified description of
-> how SSH authentication works goes like this:
-> 1. The client (_i.e._ the local computer) sends the ID of the SSH key pair it
-> would like to use for authentication to the server (_e.g._ GitHub)
-> 2. If that ID is found, the server generates a random number and encrypts this
-> with the public key and sends it back to the client
-> 3. The client decrypts the random number with the private key and sends it
-> back to the server
-> Notice that the private key always remains on the client's side and is never
-> transferred over the connection; the ability to decrypt messages encrypted
-> with the public key is enough to ascertain the client's authenticity. This is
-> in contrast with using passwords, which are themselves sent across a
-> connection (albeit encrypted). It is also important to note that even though
-> the keys come in pairs it is impossible to derive the private key from the
-> public key. If you want to read more details about how SSH authentication work
-> you can check out [this website](https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/understanding-the-ssh-encryption-and-connection-process),
-> which has more in-depth information than we provide here.
-## Installing Conda
-Conda is installed with a [Miniforge](https://github.com/conda-forge/miniforge)
-installer specific for your operating system:
-# Install Miniforge for 64-bit Mac
-curl -L https://github.com/conda-forge/miniforge/releases/latest/download/Miniforge3-MacOSX-x86_64.sh -O
-bash Miniforge3-MacOSX-x86_64.sh
-rm Miniforge3-MacOSX-x86_64.sh
-# Install Miniforge for 64-bit Mac (Apple chip)
-curl -L https://github.com/conda-forge/miniforge/releases/latest/download/Miniforge3-MacOSX-arm64.sh -O
-bash Miniforge3-MacOSX-arm64.sh
-rm Miniforge3-MacOSX-arm64.sh
-# Install Miniforge for 64-bit Linux
-curl -L https://github.com/conda-forge/miniforge/releases/latest/download/Miniforge3-Linux-x86_64.sh -O
-bash Miniforge3-Linux-x86_64.sh
-rm Miniforge3-Linux-x86_64.sh
-The installer will ask you questions during the installation:
-- Do you accept the license terms? (Yes)
-- Do you accept the installation path or do you want to choose a different one?
- (Probably yes)
-- Do you want the installer to initialize Miniforge (Yes)
-Restart your shell so that the settings in `~/.bashrc` or `~/.bash_profile` can
-take effect. You can verify that the installation worked by running:
-conda --version
-### If you already have Conda installed
-If you already have installed Conda you can make sure you're using the latest
-version by running `conda update -n base conda` and skip the installation
-instructions below.
-### Configuring Conda
-As a last step we will set up the default channels (from where packages will be
-searched for and downloaded if no channel is specified):
-conda config --add channels bioconda
-conda config --add channels conda-forge
-And we will also set so called 'strict' channel priority, which ensures higher
-stability and better performance (see details about this setting by running the
-conda config --set channel_priority strict
-> **Important!**
-> The Conda docs specify a couple of things to keep in mind when using Conda.
-> First of all, `conda` should be installed in the `base` environment and no
-> other packages should be installed into `base`. Furthermore, mixing of the
-> `conda-forge` and `defaults` channels should be avoided as the default
-> Anaconda channels are incompatible with `conda-forge`. Since we are installing
-> from `miniforge` we get the `conda-forge` defaults without having to do
-> anything.
-### Conda on new Macs
-If you have one of the newer Macs with Apple chips (the M-series) you may run
-into some problems with certain Conda packages that have not yet been built for
-the ARM64 architecture. The [Rosetta](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT211861)
-software allows ARM64 Macs to use software built for the old AMD64 architecture,
-which means you can always fall back on creating AMD/Intel-based environments
-and use them in conjunction with Rosetta. This is how you do it:
-conda activate
-conda config --env --set subdir osx-64
-The first command creates the Intel-based environment, while the last one
-makes sure that subsequent commands are also using the Intel architecture. If
-you don't want to remember and do this manually each time you want to use
-AMD64/Rosetta you can check out [this bash script](https://github.com/fasterius/dotfiles/blob/main/scripts/intel-conda-env.sh).
-## Installing Snakemake
-We will use Conda environments for the set up of this tutorial, but don't worry
-if you don't understand exactly what everything does - you'll learn all the
-details at the course. First make sure you're currently situated inside the
-tutorials directory (`workshop-reproducible-research/tutorials`) and then create
-the Conda environment like so:
-conda env create -f snakemake/environment.yml -n snakemake-env
-conda activate snakemake-env
-> **ARM64 users:**
-> Some of the packages in this environment is not available for the ARM64
-> architecture, so you'll have to follow the [instructions above](#conda/Conda-on-new-macs).
-Check that Snakemake is installed correctly, for example by executing `snakemake
---help`. This should output a list of available Snakemake settings. If you get
-`bash: snakemake: command not found` then you need to go back and ensure that
-the Conda steps were successful. Once you've successfully completed the above
-steps you can deactivate the environment using `conda deactivate` and continue
-with the setup for the other tools.
-## Installing Nextflow
-The easiest way to install Nextflow is the official one, which is to just run the
-following code:
-curl -s https://get.nextflow.io | bash
-This will give you the `nextflow` file in your current directory - move this file
-to a directory in your `PATH`, _e.g._ `/usr/bin/`.
-If you're getting Java-related errors, you can either try to [update your Java
-(Nextflow requires Java 11 or later) or install Nextflow using conda. If you
-want to use Conda, navigate to `workshop-reproducible-research/tutorials` and
-create the environment:
-conda env create -f nextflow/environment.yml -n nextflow-env
-conda activate nextflow-env
-> **ARM64 users:**
-> Some of the packages in this environment is not available for the ARM64
-> architecture, so you'll have to follow the [instructions above](#conda/Conda-on-new-macs).
-Check that Nextflow was installed correctly by running `nextflow -version`. If
-you successfully installed Nextflow using Conda you can now deactivate the
-environment using `conda deactivate` and continue with the other setups, as
-## Installing Quarto
-Installing Quarto is easiest by going to the [official
-website](https://quarto.org/docs/get-started/) and downloading the
-OS-appropriate package and following the installation instructions. You also
-need to install a LaTeX distribution to be able to render Quarto documents to
-PDF, which can be done using Quarto itself:
-quarto install tinytex
-While we're not installing Quarto _itself_ using Conda, we _will_ install some
-software packages that are used in the Quarto tutorial using Conda: make sure
-your working directory is in the tutorials directory (`workshop-reproducible-research/tutorials`)
-and install the necessary packages defined in the `environment.yml`:
-conda env create -f quarto/environment.yml -n quarto-env
-> **ARM64 users:**
-> Some of the packages in this environment is not available for the ARM64
-> architecture, so you'll have to follow the [instructions above](#conda/Conda-on-new-macs).
-## Installing Jupyter
-Let's continue using Conda for installing software, since it's so convenient to
-do so! Move into the tutorials directory (`workshop-reproducible-research/tutorials`),
-create a Conda environment from the `jupyter/environment.yml` file and test
-the installation of Jupyter, like so:
-conda env create -f jupyter/environment.yml -n jupyter-env
-conda activate jupyter-env
-Once you've successfully completed the above steps you can deactivate the
-environment using `conda deactivate` and continue with the setup for the other
-## Installing Docker
-Installing Docker (specifically Docker Desktop) is quite straightforward on Mac,
-Windows and Linux distributions. Note that Docker runs as root, which means that
-you have to have `sudo` privileges on your computer in order to install or run
-Docker. When you have finished installing docker, regardless of which OS you are
-on, please type `docker --version` to verify that the installation was
-> **Docker for older versions of OSX/Windows**
-> The latest version of Docker may not work if you have an old version of either
-> OSX or Windows. You can find older Docker versions that may be compatible for
-> you if you go to
-> [https://docs.docker.com/desktop/](https://docs.docker.com/desktop/) and click
-> "Previous versions" in the left side menu.
-### MacOS
-Go to [docker.com](https://docs.docker.com/docker-for-mac/install/#download-docker-for-mac)
-and select the download option that is suitable for your computer's architecture
-(_i.e._ if you have an Intel chip or a newer Apple M1 chip). This will download
-a `dmg` file - click on it when it's done to start the installation. This will
-open up a window where you can drag the Docker.app to Applications. Close the
-window and click the Docker app from the Applications menu. Now it's basically
-just to click "next" a couple of times and we should be good to go. You can find
-the Docker icon in the menu bar in the upper right part of the screen.
-### Linux
-Go to the [linux-install](https://docs.docker.com/desktop/install/linux-install/)
-section of the Docker documentation and make sure that your computer meets the
-system requirements. There you can also find instructions for different Linux
-distributions in the left sidebar under _Installation per Linux distro_.
-### Windows
-In order to run Docker on Windows your computer must support _Hardware
-Virtualisation Technology_ and virtualisation must be enabled. This is typically
-done in BIOS. Setting this is outside the scope of this tutorial, so we'll
-simply go ahead as if though it's enabled and hope that it works.
-On Windows 10 we will install Docker for Windows, which is available at
-Click the link _Download from Docker Hub_, and select _Get Docker_. Once the
-download is complete, execute the file and follow the [instructions](https://docs.docker.com/docker-for-windows/install/#install-docker-desktop-on-windows).
-You can now start Docker from the Start menu. You can search for it if you
-cannot find it; the Docker whale icon should appear in the task bar.
-You will probably need to enable integration with the Linux subsystem, if you
-haven't done so during the installation of Docker Desktop. Right-click on the
-Docker whale icon in the task bar and select _Settings_. Choose _Resources_ and
-select _WPS integration_. Enable integration with the Linux subsystem and click
-_Apply & Restart_; also restart the Linux subsystem.
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-Day 1
- Time |
- Topic |
- Teachers |
- 09:00 |
- Setting up and troubleshooting installations |
- EF, JS, LM, TL, EP |
- 10:00 |
- Lecture: Introduction to Reproducible Research |
- EF |
- 10:25 |
- Break |
- |
- 10:40 |
- Lecture: Data management and project organization |
- JS |
- 11:10 |
- Version tracking and distributing your code
- - Lecture: Introduction to version control and Git
- - Practical tutorial: Git |
- EF |
- 12:00 |
- Lunch |
- |
- 13:00 |
- ... continued: Git |
- EF, JS, LM, TL, EP |
- 14:40 |
- Break |
- |
- 15:00 |
- Mastering your environment
- - Lecture: Introduction to the package and environment manager Conda
- - Practical tutorial: Conda |
- JS |
- 16:45 |
- Wrap-up day 1 |
- EF |
-Day 2
- Time |
- Topic |
- Teachers |
- 09:00 |
- Organize your analyses using workflow managers
- - Lecture: Introduction to Snakemake
- - Practical tutorial: Snakemake |
- JS |
- 10:20 |
- Break |
- |
- 10:40 |
- ... continued: Snakemake |
- EF, JS, LM, TL, EP |
- 12:00 |
- Lunch |
- |
- 13:00 |
- ... continued: Snakemake |
- EF, JS, LM, TL, EP |
- 14:40 |
- Break |
- |
- 15:00 |
- Organize your analyses using workflow managers
- - Lecture: Introduction to Nextflow
- - Practical tutorial: Nextflow |
- EF |
- 16:45 |
- Wrap-up day 2 |
- JS |
- 18:00 |
- Course dinner at Grappa |
- EF, JS, LM, TL, EP |
-Day 3
- Time |
- Topic |
- Teachers |
- 09:00 |
- ... continued: Nextflow |
- EF, JS, LM, TL, EP |
- 10:20 |
- Break |
- |
- 10:40 |
- ... continued: Nextflow |
- EF, JS, LM, TL, EP |
- 12:00 |
- Lunch |
- |
- 13:00 |
- Writing computational notebooks and reproducible reports
- - Lecture: Introduction to Quarto
- - Practical tutorial: Quarto |
- EF |
- 14:30 |
- Break |
- |
- 14:50 |
- ... continued: Quarto |
- EF, JS, LM, TL, EP |
- 15:20 |
- Writing computational notebooks and reproducible reports
- - Lecture: Introduction to Jypyter
- - Practical tutorial: Jupyter |
- JS |
- 16:45 |
- Wrap-up day 3 |
- EF |
-Day 4
- Time |
- Topic |
- Teachers |
- 09:00 |
- ... continued: Jupyter |
- EF, JS, LM, TL, EP |
- 09:45 |
- Working with containers
- - Lecture: Introduction to containers
- - Practical tutorial: Containers |
- JS |
- 10:30 |
- Break |
- |
- 10:50 |
- ... continued: Containers |
- EF, JS, LM, TL, EP |
- 12:00 |
- Lunch |
- |
- 13:00 |
- ... continued: Containers |
- EF, JS, LM, TL, EP |
- 14:20 |
- Break |
- |
- 14:40 |
- ... continued: Containers |
- EF, JS, LM, TL, EP |
- 16:45 |
- Wrap-up day 4 |
- JS |
-Day 5
- Time |
- Topic |
- Teachers |
- 09:00 |
- Putting it all together
- - Lecture: How to put all the tools together and seeing the big picture
- - Practical tutorial: Start using the tools in your own projects |
- EF |
- 10:20 |
- Break |
- |
- 10:40 |
- ... continued: Putting it all together |
- EF, JS, LM, TL, EP |
- 12:00 |
- Lunch |
- |
- 13:00 |
- ... continued: Putting it all together |
- EF, JS, LM, TL, EP |
- 14:20 |
- Break |
- |
- 14:40 |
- ... continued: Putting it all together |
- EF, JS, LM, TL, EP |
- 15:45 |
- Final wrap-up and end of the course! |
- JS |
-The above schedule is approximate; variations may occur.
- EF |
- Erik Fasterius |
- JS |
- John Sundh |
- TL |
- Tomas Larsson |
- LM |
- Lokesh Manoharan |
- EP |
- Estelle Proux-Wéra |
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
-There might be a lot of files stored on your computer after you've taken the
-course, depending on how many modules you've gone through. Here are instructions
-for how to remove them.
-All the tutorials depend on you cloning the `workshop-reproducible-research`
-GitHub repo. This can be removed like any other directory; via Finder,
-Explorer or `rm -rf workshop-reproducible-research`. Note that this will also
-delete the hidden directories `.git`, which contains the history of the repo,
-and `.snakemake`, which contains the history of any Snakemake runs.
-## Conda
-Several of the tutorials use Conda for installing packages. This amounts to
-about 2.6 GB if you've done all the tutorials. If you plan on using Conda in
-the future you can remove just the packages, or you can remove everything
-including Conda itself.
-In order to remove all your environments, you first need to list them:
-conda env list
-For each of the environments except "base" run the following:
-conda remove -n --all
-And, finally:
-conda clean --all
-If you also want to remove Conda itself (_i.e._ removing all traces of Conda),
-you should first reverse the installation, this part should be run with `conda`:
-conda init --reverse
-Now find the path where Conda is installed. Look for the row "base
-conda info | grep "base environment"
-This should say something like:
-base environment : /Users//condaforge (writable).
-Then remove the entire Miniforge directory:
-rm -rf /Users//miniforge3
-## Snakemake
-Snakemake is installed via Conda and will be removed if you follow the
-instructions in the Conda section above. Note that Snakemake also generates
-a hidden `.snakemake` directory in the directory where it's run. You can remove
-this with the following:
-rm -rf workshop-reproducible-research/tutorials/snakemake/.snakemake
-## Nextflow
-Since we installed Nextflow using Conda we can remove it in the same way as
-above. You may also want to remove the `results/` and `work/` directories, which
-you can do like so:
-rm -rf workshop-reproducible-research/tutorials/nextflow/results
-rm -rf workshop-reproducible-research/tutorials/nextflow/work
-## Jupyter
-Jupyter is installed via Conda and will be removed if you follow the
-instructions in the Conda section above.
-## Docker
-Docker is infamous for quickly taking up huge amounts of space, and some
-maintenance is necessary every now and then. Here is how to uninstall Docker
-completely. Let's start by removing individual images and containers:
-# Remove unused images
-docker image prune
-# Remove stopped containers
-docker container prune
-# Remove unused volumes (not used here, but included for reference)
-docker volume prune
-# Stop and remove ALL containers
-docker container rm $(docker container ls -a -q)
-# Remove ALL images
-docker image rm $(docker image ls -a -q)
-Removing Docker itself works differently on the three operating systems, which
-is described below:
-#### MacOS
-Click the Docker icon in the menu bar (upper right part of the screen) and
-select "Preferences". In the upper right corner, you should find a little bug icon.
-Click on that icon and select "Reset to factory defaults". You may have to fill
-in your password. Then select "Uninstall". Once it's done uninstalling, drag the
-Docker app from Applications to Trash.
-#### Linux
-If you've installed Docker with `apt-get`, uninstall it like this:
-apt-get purge docker-ce
-Images, containers, and volumes are not automatically removed. To delete all of
-rm -rf /var/lib/docker
-#### Windows
-Uninstall Docker for Windows (on Windows 10) or Docker Toolbox (on Windows 7)
-via Control Panel > Programs > Programs and Features. Docker Toolbox will also
-have installed Oracle VM VirtualBox, so uninstall that as well if you're not
-using it for other purposes.