We welcome community contributions to the caMOD project. Your contributions back to this repository will allow the broader research community to benefit from your work and will allow your enhancements to be integrated with those of others. There are a few guidelines that we ask contributors to follow so that we can have a chance of keeping on top of things.
- Make sure you have a GitHub Account.
- Fork the repository on GitHub to publish any proposed changes
- Submit a ticket for your issue at https://tracker.nci.nih.gov/browse/CAMOD,
assuming one does not already exist.
- Click on https://tracker.nci.nih.gov/secure/CreateIssue.jspa?pid=10002&issuetype=8 to get a jira account.
- Clearly describe the issue including steps to reproduce when it is a bug.
- Make sure you fill in the earliest version that you know has the issue.
Create a topic branch from where you want to base your work.
This is usually the master branch.
Only target release branches if you are certain your fix must be on that branch.
To quickly create a topic branch based on master:
git checkout -b fix/master/my_contribution master
Please avoid working directly on the master branch.
Make commits of logical units.
Please provide tests and documentation with your changes.
Check for unnecessary whitespace with
git diff --check
before committing.Follow the NCIP Good Practices for Commit Messages. Start with a one-line summary followed by a blank line followed by a detailed free-form description.
- In general, we require that the OSI-approved BSD 3-Clause License be applied to code contributions. There may be cases, however, that warrant the use of an alternate OSI-approved license and we will evaluate this situations case-by-case.
- Push your changes to a topic branch in your fork of the repository.
- Submit a pull request to the repository in the NCIP organization.
- Update your https://tracker.nci.nih.gov/browse/CAMOD ticket to mark that you have submitted
code and are ready for it to be reviewed.
- Include a link to the pull request in the ticket
For help learning Git and Github, see the NCIP Learning Resources.