###Status: Non-Canon
I am not sure when I was taken. Perhaps days. Perhaps months. Perhaps longer, though I doubt it for my body remains... mostly the same. I have suffered some, I admit. The lack of consistent sunlight has turned my skin pale, and the food has left me lean and with a constant sort of half-hunger. I am not starved, but I am used to having more food than this. My hair continues to grow, and every time I have tried to use my powers to cut it the Neuroi have immobilized me with their weapons.
I am calmI am not sure how longit has been, but I am calm. I sometimes cry and sob for my lost teammates, but I am calm. Sometimes, in my regular jogging around the room, I get so angry and worked up that I start scrabling madly againstthe walls, looking for a way out, but I am calm. I am not without my own strength, and whatever the Neuroi wish to use me for, I will resist them however I can. That is why I have survived. That is why, every day, when the Neuroi fll the bowl in the ground with slop, I eat it carefully and obediantly.
Still, I am scared. What is it they want? I havenever known the Neuroi to take prisoners before. Indeed, I had never even realized that they could communicate. The leading theory amongst experts is that the Neuroi are a sort of hyperisolated mind made up of many minds. I do not understand the concept very well, but I believe that to mean they are not supposed to understand how to communicate with entities outside themselves. Yet doesn't this imprisonment go aainst that? Why are they holding me, if not to study me?
I find this all very strange, but I am calm.
That is why I do not look up when it starts raining. I d not understand how it can rain when I am in a closed room, or why it does not seem to strike any part of my body save my face, but I know it is rain. Some twisted experiment of the Neuroi.
Yes. I am calm.
I am unsue how long I had been there when it happened. I hadn't realized the change at first, but over the course of several minutes I realized there was a tingling in my ears, as though I were hearing something from a great distance. I focused and tried to listen, but t was indistinct. I paced about my cell, and found that what I think is the south wall seemed to be the source. Pressing my ear against the wall, I listened carefully, trying to determine what the sound is. It sees to be slowly getting louder, and soon I do not need to press myself against the wall at all to hear it, but it still takes me several moments before I recognize it.
It's... music? I frown, trying to decipher the meaning behind he music. After several seconds, I realize what it must be. Rescue! There must be people coming to rescue me, and I'm hearing their music from behind the wall! With an eager bounding gait, I cross to the opposite side of the room, a massive grin on my face. Rescue! Finally! I can see my family again and see the other Witches and talk to Ophelia about how damanbly pathetic some of the Neuroi are and eat real meat and... and....
I frown. The music isn't getting any louder. There's no grand, bursting entrance. I shake my doubts away and set myself up against the wall and wait, sure that they're coming. They will com. I know they will.
I know they will.
They're just stuck on the other side. They're fighting Neuroi, though I can't hear any sounds of battle. Or they're setting up the explosives to blow the wall, though surely that much would hurt me. No, they're trying to make the door open, unlock, becausethey fear that they will hurt me in they burst in by force. They must be quiet so the Neuroi don't notice them, and the walls are transmitting the sound that would be almost inaudible on their side.
They're going to come through, I know they will.
I know they will.
The music has become almost maddening. Before, I had almost no ability to keep track of the time, but the music allows me to. It simply repeats without end. It was nice at first, but by now I have instilled every sound into the deepest, blackest parts of my heart. I hate the music. I want to kill it and slaughter it and rip it apart. But instead I sit against the wall.
I sit against the wall and feel the smooth metal against the back of my skull. My hair has grown long and shaggy and dirty. Water sometimes foods the room, so I am not completely filthy, but still my hair feels and appears mangy to my eyes. My body has gone from an athletic build to lean, skinny, the bones almost poking out. Sometimes my body shakes. I do not feel very well, though I have tried to keep running to keep in shape.
I feel depressed. I have long given up hope of rescue. The Neuroi are relentless. We thought we had beaten them by destroing the Superhive, yet these ones simply start pulling out new tricks, new power. Beding lasers, surprise attacks, not-Witches, and of course, capture. I never expected to be captured. I never expected the war to be this horrible. It was always... easy. I would fly around, shoot a few dozen Neuroi, shield myself from a few laser blasts, done.
I hadn't expected to watch my comrades cut down. I hadn't expected to watch asmassive, metallic behemoths ripped through soldiers and Witches alike with so many lasers you could barely see the sky inbetween. I had never expected to be dragged into a small little hole in the ground and forced to listent to jazz music for days upon days upon days.
Why am I here?