From 2582538285bbe6aba5b6b80fa0421e3a57b062e3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Sarah Gaichas Date: Fri, 24 May 2024 20:52:49 -0400 Subject: [PATCH] update workflow --- WorkflowDecisions.Rmd | 20 + docs/WorkflowDecisions.html | 881 ++++++++++++++++++++++-------------- 2 files changed, 564 insertions(+), 337 deletions(-) diff --git a/WorkflowDecisions.Rmd b/WorkflowDecisions.Rmd index 4240329..afe0e30 100644 --- a/WorkflowDecisions.Rmd +++ b/WorkflowDecisions.Rmd @@ -365,6 +365,8 @@ Suggestion: start with mean predator size at a station, number of predator speci When I looked at bottom temperature data in the NEFSC survey, we had as many missing values as for surface temperature, so it is likely we will want to fill these with other data sources to avoid losing information. Hubert DuPontavice provided his reconstruction of bottom temperatures based on GLORYS and ROMS outputs for the NEUS. The full 1.1 GB dataset is stored locally in data-raw/bottomtemp and the identical source file is [here on google drive]( +Bottom temp has been filled in, see documentation and comparisons [here]( + # Modeling ## VAST model setup @@ -381,5 +383,23 @@ ## VAST model selection +Lets do the same model selection as previously. Two stages, first looking at spatial, spatio-temporal random effects and the second looking at covariates. For completeness, do selection for both models. + +Model selection script is + + +Stage 1 results + +```{r} + +``` + +Stage 2 results + +```{r} + +``` + + ## VAST model bias correction and results diff --git a/docs/WorkflowDecisions.html b/docs/WorkflowDecisions.html index fc34219..23cc7b0 100644 --- a/docs/WorkflowDecisions.html +++ b/docs/WorkflowDecisions.html @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ - + VAST index workflow @@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ $(this).detach().appendTo(div); // add a show code button right above - var showCodeText = $('' + (showThis ? 'Hide' : 'Show') + ''); + var showCodeText = $('' + (showThis ? 'Hide' : 'Code') + ''); var showCodeButton = $(''); showCodeButton.append(showCodeText); showCodeButton @@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ // * Change text // * add a class for intermediate states styling div.on('', function () { - showCodeText.text('Show'); + showCodeText.text('Code'); showCodeButton.addClass('btn-collapsing'); }); div.on('', function () { @@ -305,26 +305,6 @@ } - - - - - + +

The Megabenthos Rpath category has 105 food habits database species codes:

datatable(megaben, rownames = FALSE,
@@ -3018,8 +3195,8 @@ 

Which prey?

options = list(pageLength = 10, scrollX = TRUE, fixedColumns = list(leftColumns = 1)))
- +

Which of these show up most often in predator stomachs?

# object is called `allfh`
@@ -3064,16 +3241,16 @@ 

Which prey?

options = list(pageLength = 25, scrollX = TRUE, fixedColumns = list(leftColumns = 1)))
- +
datatable(megapreycount, rownames = FALSE,
           extensions = c("FixedColumns"),
           caption = "Number of stomachs with each megabenthos species across all predators, NEFSC 1973-2021",
           options = list(pageLength = 25,
                          scrollX = TRUE,
                          fixedColumns = list(leftColumns = 1)))
- +

Which predators?

@@ -3100,16 +3277,16 @@

Which predators?

options = list(pageLength = 25, scrollX = TRUE, fixedColumns = list(leftColumns = 1))) -
- +
datatable(megapredcount, rownames = FALSE,
           extensions = c("FixedColumns"),
           caption = "Number of megabenthos species observations by predator, NEFSC 1973-2021",
           options = list(pageLength = 25,
                          scrollX = TRUE,
                          fixedColumns = list(leftColumns = 1)))
- +

The clusters based on diet similarity show several clusters that appear on the lists above. I think because we want to include so many prey groups, the cluster groupings might actually limit us, or we would @@ -3147,7 +3324,7 @@

Which predators?

main = "Clustered NEFSC diet data, (complete) (the labels give the predator species/size)", horiz = TRUE, nodePar = list(cex = .007)) -


#legend("topleft", legend = iris_species, fill = rainbow_hcl(3))

We decided to use the cluster groups to eliminate pelagic species that would only rarely consume these prey. Therefore we will use species @@ -3243,8 +3420,8 @@

Which predators?

options = list(pageLength = 90, scrollX = TRUE, fixedColumns = list(leftColumns = 1))) -
- +
saveRDS(benthivores, here::here("data/benthivorelist.rds"))
@@ -3389,8 +3566,8 @@

Which surveys?

"M", "M"), range = c("21-50", - "<e2><89><a4>20", - "<e2><89><a4>20", + "≤20", + "≤20", "21-50", "21-50")) |> dplyr::mutate(COMNAME = toupper(CommonName)) @@ -3475,6 +3652,7 @@

Which surveys?

############################################################################### # Make the NEFSC macrobenthos dataset aggregating prey based on prey list +# lets keep the month and day info for the merge with modeled bottom temperature! macrobenall_stn <- fh.nefsc.benthivore.complete.macrobenthos %>% #create id linking cruise6_station @@ -3482,11 +3660,12 @@

Which surveys?

mutate(id = paste0(cruise6, "_", station), year = as.numeric(year), month = as.numeric(month), + day = as.numeric(day), season_ng = case_when(month <= 6 ~ "SPRING", month >= 7 ~ "FALL", TRUE ~ as.character(NA)) ) %>% - dplyr::select(year, season_ng, id, stratum, + dplyr::select(year, month, day, season_ng, id, stratum, pynam, pyamtw, pywgti, pyvoli, macrobenthos, pdcomnam, pdid, pdlen, pdsvol, pdswgt, beglat, beglon, declat, declon, @@ -3503,7 +3682,7 @@

Which surveys?

# Now get station data in one line stndat <- macrobenall_stn %>% - dplyr::select(year, season_ng, id, + dplyr::select(year, month, day, season_ng, id, beglat, beglon, declat, declon, bottemp, surftemp, setdepth) %>% distinct() @@ -3564,6 +3743,20 @@

Which surveys?

surftemp = SST, # new NEAMAP already contains SST setdepth = depthm) +# Add NEAMAP month and day information +NEAMAPstationSST <- read.csv("") + +NEAMAPstations <- NEAMAPstationSST %>% + dplyr::mutate(id = station, + year = as.numeric(year), + month = as.numeric(month), + day = as.numeric(day) + ) %>% + dplyr::select(id, year, month, day) |> + dplyr::distinct() + +neamap_macrobenthos_stn <- dplyr::left_join(neamap_macrobenthos_stn, NEAMAPstations) + # combine NEAMAP and NEFSC macrobenagg_stn_all <- nefsc_macrobenagg_stn %>% @@ -3585,11 +3778,12 @@

Which surveys?

mutate(id = paste0(cruise6, "_", station), year = as.numeric(year), month = as.numeric(month), + day = as.numeric(day), season_ng = case_when(month <= 6 ~ "SPRING", month >= 7 ~ "FALL", TRUE ~ as.character(NA)) ) %>% - dplyr::select(year, season_ng, id, stratum, + dplyr::select(year, month, day, season_ng, id, stratum, pynam, pyamtw, pywgti, pyvoli, megabenthos, pdcomnam, pdid, pdlen, pdsvol, pdswgt, beglat, beglon, declat, declon, @@ -3606,7 +3800,7 @@

Which surveys?

# Now get station data in one line stndat <- megabenall_stn %>% - dplyr::select(year, season_ng, id, + dplyr::select(year, month, day, season_ng, id, beglat, beglon, declat, declon, bottemp, surftemp, setdepth) %>% distinct() @@ -3667,6 +3861,20 @@

Which surveys?

surftemp = SST, # new NEAMAP already contains SST setdepth = depthm) +# Add NEAMAP month and day information +# done above but uncomment if running separately +# NEAMAPstationSST <- read.csv("") +# +# NEAMAPstations <- NEAMAPstationSST %>% +# dplyr::mutate(id = station, +# year = as.numeric(year), +# month = as.numeric(month), +# day = as.numeric(day) +# ) %>% +# dplyr::select(id, year, month, day) |> +# dplyr::distinct() + +neamap_megabenthos_stn <- dplyr::left_join(neamap_megabenthos_stn, NEAMAPstations) # combine NEAMAP and NEFSC megabenagg_stn_all <- nefsc_megabenagg_stn %>% @@ -3680,193 +3888,184 @@

Which surveys?

# STOP HERE for initial models, explore without modeled temp covariates # ############################################################################### -# #Now match stations to OISST -# -# #make an SST dataframe for 2022! Add to saved sst_data in data-raw/gridded -# -# library(sf) -# library(raster) -# library(terra) -# library(nngeo) -# -# # Bastille function from -# -# nc_to_raster <- function(nc, -# varname, -# extent = c(0, 360, -90, 90), -# crop = raster::extent(280, 300, 30, 50), -# show_images = FALSE) { -# -# message("Reading .nc as brick...") -# -# r <- raster::brick(nc, varname = varname) -# -# message("Setting CRS...") -# raster::crs(r) <- "+proj=longlat +lat_1=35 +lat_2=45 +lat_0=40 +lon_0=-77 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +datum=NAD83 +no_defs +ellps=GRS80 +towgs84=0,0,0" -# -# # not sure if this is necessary? -# raster::extent(r) <- raster::extent(extent) -# -# if(show_images){ -# par(mfrow = c(1,2)) -# raster::plot(r, 1, sub = "Full dataset") -# } -# -# message("Cropping data...") -# ne_data <- raster::crop(r, crop) -# #ne_data <- raster::rotate(ne_data) add here for future pulls -# -# if(show_images){ -# raster::plot(ne_data, 1, sub = "Cropped dataset") -# par(mfrow = c(1,1)) -# } -# -# message("Done!") -# -# return(ne_data) -# } -# -# # function to convert to dataframe based on -# # -# -# raster_to_sstdf <- function(brick, -# rotate=TRUE){ -# -# if(rotate) brick_r <- raster::rotate(brick) -# brick_r <- raster::crop(brick_r, raster::extent(-77,-65,35,45)) -# sstdf <-, spatial = TRUE)) -# sstdf <- sstdf %>% -# dplyr::rename(Lon = x, -# Lat = y) %>% -# tidyr::pivot_longer(cols = starts_with("X"), -# names_to = c("year", "month", "day"), -# names_prefix = "X", -# names_sep = "\\.", -# values_to = "sst", -# ) -# return(sstdf) -# } -# -# # pull the OISST data as raster brick, modified from -# # -# -# varname <- "sst" -# -# # 1985-2021 previously pulled, processed and stored. add 2022. -# # add 1981-1984 to extend back in time. No OISST before 1981. -# # 1981 is only Sept-Dec so don't use -# -# years <- #1982:1984 # 2022 -# for(i in years) { -# name <- paste0(i, ".nc") -# dir.create(here::here("data-raw","gridded", "sst_data"), recursive = TRUE) -# filename <- here::here("data-raw","gridded", "sst_data", paste0("test_", i, ".grd")) -# url <- paste0("", i, ".nc") -# download.file(url, destfile = name) -# -# text <- knitr::knit_expand(text = "test_{{year}} <- nc_to_raster(nc = name, varname = varname) -# raster::writeRaster(test_{{year}}, filename = filename, overwrite=TRUE)", -# year = i) -# print(text) -# try(eval(parse(text = text))) -# unlink(name) # remove nc file to save space -# print(paste("finished",i)) -# } -# -# -# # convert raster to dataframe -# #years <- 2022 -# for(i in years) { -# name <- get(paste0("test_",i)) -# filename <- here::here("data-raw","gridded", "sst_data", paste0("sst", i, ".rds")) -# text <- knitr::knit_expand(text = "sst{{year}} <- raster_to_sstdf(brick = name) -# saveRDS(sst{{year}}, filename)", -# year = i) -# print(text) -# try(eval(parse(text = text))) -# } -# #read in diet data with month day fields -# -# #bluepyagg_stn_all <- readRDS(here("fhdat/bluepyagg_stn_all.rds")) -# -# stations <- bluepyagg_stn_all %>% -# dplyr::mutate(day = str_pad(day, 2, pad='0'), -# month = str_pad(month, 2, pad='0'), -# yrmody = as.numeric(paste0(year, month, day))) %>% -# dplyr::select(id, declon, declat, year, yrmody) %>% -# na.omit() %>% -# sf::st_as_sf(coords=c("declon","declat"), crs=4326, remove=FALSE) -# -# -# -# #list of SST dataframes -# SSTdfs <- list.files(here("data-raw/gridded/sst_data/"), pattern = "*.rds") -# -# dietstn_OISST <- tibble() -# -# -# for(df in SSTdfs){ -# sstdf <- readRDS(paste0(here("data-raw/gridded/sst_data/", df))) -# -# # keep only bluefish dates in SST year -# stationsyr <- stations %>% -# filter(year == unique(sstdf$year)) -# -# # keep only sst days in bluefish dataset -# sstdf_survdays <- sstdf %>% -# dplyr::mutate(yrmody = as.numeric(paste0(year, month, day)) )%>% -# dplyr::filter(yrmody %in% unique(stationsyr$yrmody)) %>% -# dplyr::mutate(year = as.numeric(year), -# month = as.numeric(month), -# day = as.numeric(day), -# declon = Lon, -# declat = Lat) %>% -# dplyr::select(-Lon, -Lat) %>% -# sf::st_as_sf(coords=c("declon","declat"), crs=4326, remove=FALSE) -# -# # now join by nearest neighbor and date -# -# # -# -# yrdietOISST <-'rbind', lapply(split(stationsyr, 1:nrow(stationsyr)), function(x) { -# sf::st_join(x, sstdf_survdays[sstdf_survdays$yrmody == unique(x$yrmody),], -# #join = st_nearest_feature -# join = st_nn, k = 1, progress = FALSE -# ) -# })) -# -# # #datatable solution--works but doesnt seem faster? -# # df1 <- data.table(stationsyr) -# # -# # .nearest_samedate <- function(x) { -# # st_join(st_as_sf(x), sstdf_survdays[sstdf_survdays$yrmody == unique(x$yrmody),], join = st_nearest_feature) -# # } -# # # -# # yrdietOISST <- df1[, .nearest_samedate(.SD), by = list(1:nrow(df1))] -# -# dietstn_OISST <- rbind(dietstn_OISST, yrdietOISST) -# -# } -# -# #saveRDS(dietstn_OISST, here("data-raw/dietstn_OISST.rds")) -# -# # Now join with OISST dataset -# -# #bluepyagg_stn_all <- readRDS(here("fhdat/bluepyagg_stn_all.rds")) -# #dietstn_OISST <- readRDS(here("data-raw/dietstn_OISST.rds")) -# -# -# dietstn_OISST_merge <- dietstn_OISST %>% -# dplyr::rename(declon = declon.x, -# declat = declat.x, -# year = year.x, -# oisst = sst) %>% -# dplyr::select(id, oisst) %>% -# sf::st_drop_geometry() -# -# bluepyagg_stn_all_OISST <- left_join(bluepyagg_stn_all, dietstn_OISST_merge) -# -# saveRDS(bluepyagg_stn_all_OISST, here("fhdat/bluepyagg_stn_all_OISST_1982-2022.rds")) + +# functions that read in bottom temperature nc files are in +# +# assuming that those files exist and are in the folder data-raw/bottomtemp/bt_data +# the following will merge them with the data above + +####################################################################### +# Macrobenthos + +macrobenagg_stn_all <- readRDS(here("fhdata/macrobenagg_stn_all.rds")) + +stations <- macrobenagg_stn_all %>% + #dplyr::mutate(day = str_pad(day, 2, pad='0'), + # month = str_pad(month, 2, pad='0'), + # yrmody = as.numeric(paste0(year, month, day))) %>% + # consider this instead, may not need to pad strings? already date fields in the bt data + dplyr::mutate(date = as.Date(paste0(year,"-", month,"-", day)), numdate = as.numeric(date)) |> + dplyr::select(id, declon, declat, year, numdate) %>% + na.omit() %>% + sf::st_as_sf(coords=c("declon","declat"), crs=4326, remove=FALSE) + + + +#list of SST dataframes +BTdfs <- list.files(here("data-raw/bottomtemp/bt_data/"), pattern = "*.rds") + +dietstn_mod_bt <- tibble() + + +for(df in BTdfs){ + btdf <- readRDS(paste0(here("data-raw/bottomtemp/bt_data/", df))) + + if(unique(btdf$year) %in% unique(stations$year)){ + # keep only bluefish dates in SST year + stationsyr <- stations %>% + filter(year == unique(btdf$year)) + + # keep only modeled bt days in survey dataset + btdf_survdays <- btdf %>% + dplyr::mutate(numdate = as.numeric(date))%>% + dplyr::filter(numdate %in% unique(stationsyr$numdate)) %>% + dplyr::mutate(year = as.numeric(year), + month = as.numeric(month), + day = as.numeric(day), + declon = longitude, + declat = latitude) %>% + dplyr::select(-longitude, -latitude) %>% + sf::st_as_sf(coords=c("declon","declat"), crs=4326, remove=FALSE) + + # now join by nearest neighbor and date + + # + + yrdietmodBT <-'rbind', lapply(split(stationsyr, 1:nrow(stationsyr)), function(x) { + sf::st_join(x, btdf_survdays[btdf_survdays$numdate == unique(x$ numdate),], + #join = st_nearest_feature + join = st_nn, k = 1, progress = FALSE + ) + })) + + # #datatable solution--works but doesnt seem faster? + # df1 <- data.table(stationsyr) + # + # .nearest_samedate <- function(x) { + # st_join(st_as_sf(x), sstdf_survdays[sstdf_survdays$yrmody == unique(x$yrmody),], join = st_nearest_feature) + # } + # # + # yrdietOISST <- df1[, .nearest_samedate(.SD), by = list(1:nrow(df1))] + + dietstn_mod_bt <- rbind(dietstn_mod_bt, yrdietmodBT) + } +} + +#saveRDS(dietstn_OISST, here("data-raw/dietstn_OISST.rds")) + +# Now join with OISST dataset + +#bluepyagg_stn_all <- readRDS(here("fhdat/bluepyagg_stn_all.rds")) +#dietstn_OISST <- readRDS(here("data-raw/dietstn_OISST.rds")) + + +dietstn_mod_bt_merge <- dietstn_mod_bt %>% + dplyr::rename(declon = declon.x, + declat = declat.x, + year = year.x) %>% + dplyr::select(id, mod_bt) %>% + sf::st_drop_geometry() + +macrobenagg_stn_all_modBT <- left_join(macrobenagg_stn_all, dietstn_mod_bt_merge) + +saveRDS(macrobenagg_stn_all_modBT, here::here("fhdata/macrobenagg_stn_all_modBT.rds")) + + +####################################################################### +# Megabenthos + +megabenagg_stn_all <- readRDS(here("fhdata/megabenagg_stn_all.rds")) + +stations <- megabenagg_stn_all %>% + #dplyr::mutate(day = str_pad(day, 2, pad='0'), + # month = str_pad(month, 2, pad='0'), + # yrmody = as.numeric(paste0(year, month, day))) %>% + # consider this instead, may not need to pad strings? already date fields in the bt data + dplyr::mutate(date = as.Date(paste0(year,"-", month,"-", day)), numdate = as.numeric(date)) |> + dplyr::select(id, declon, declat, year, numdate) %>% + na.omit() %>% + sf::st_as_sf(coords=c("declon","declat"), crs=4326, remove=FALSE) + + + +#list of SST dataframes +BTdfs <- list.files(here("data-raw/bottomtemp/bt_data/"), pattern = "*.rds") + +dietstn_mod_bt <- tibble() + + +for(df in BTdfs){ + btdf <- readRDS(paste0(here("data-raw/bottomtemp/bt_data/", df))) + + if(unique(btdf$year) %in% unique(stations$year)){ + # keep only bluefish dates in SST year + stationsyr <- stations %>% + filter(year == unique(btdf$year)) + + # keep only modeled bt days in survey dataset + btdf_survdays <- btdf %>% + dplyr::mutate(numdate = as.numeric(date))%>% + dplyr::filter(numdate %in% unique(stationsyr$numdate)) %>% + dplyr::mutate(year = as.numeric(year), + month = as.numeric(month), + day = as.numeric(day), + declon = longitude, + declat = latitude) %>% + dplyr::select(-longitude, -latitude) %>% + sf::st_as_sf(coords=c("declon","declat"), crs=4326, remove=FALSE) + + # now join by nearest neighbor and date + + # + + yrdietmodBT <-'rbind', lapply(split(stationsyr, 1:nrow(stationsyr)), function(x) { + sf::st_join(x, btdf_survdays[btdf_survdays$numdate == unique(x$ numdate),], + #join = st_nearest_feature + join = st_nn, k = 1, progress = FALSE + ) + })) + + # #datatable solution--works but doesnt seem faster? + # df1 <- data.table(stationsyr) + # + # .nearest_samedate <- function(x) { + # st_join(st_as_sf(x), sstdf_survdays[sstdf_survdays$yrmody == unique(x$yrmody),], join = st_nearest_feature) + # } + # # + # yrdietOISST <- df1[, .nearest_samedate(.SD), by = list(1:nrow(df1))] + + dietstn_mod_bt <- rbind(dietstn_mod_bt, yrdietmodBT) + } +} + +#saveRDS(dietstn_OISST, here("data-raw/dietstn_OISST.rds")) + +# Now join with OISST dataset + +#bluepyagg_stn_all <- readRDS(here("fhdat/bluepyagg_stn_all.rds")) +#dietstn_OISST <- readRDS(here("data-raw/dietstn_OISST.rds")) + + +dietstn_mod_bt_merge <- dietstn_mod_bt %>% + dplyr::rename(declon = declon.x, + declat = declat.x, + year = year.x) %>% + dplyr::select(id, mod_bt) %>% + sf::st_drop_geometry() + +megabenagg_stn_all_modBT <- left_join(megabenagg_stn_all, dietstn_mod_bt_merge) + +saveRDS(megabenagg_stn_all_modBT, here::here("fhdata/megabenagg_stn_all_modBT.rds"))

Spatial scale

@@ -3890,6 +4089,7 @@

Fill missing physical data?

GB dataset is stored locally in data-raw/bottomtemp and the identical source file is here on google drive.


Bottom temp has been filled in, see documentation and comparisons here.

@@ -3911,6 +4111,13 @@

VAST model setup

VAST model selection


Lets do the same model selection as previously. Two stages, first +looking at spatial, spatio-temporal random effects and the second +looking at covariates. For completeness, do selection for both +models.


Model selection script is


Stage 1 results


Stage 2 results

VAST model bias correction and results