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Building GSI on Discover

(0) cd /path/to/ProdGSI
(1) set build environment
    > module use -a modulefiles
    > module load
(2) mkdir bld && cd bld
(3) cmake ..
(4) make -jN

Running GSI regression tests

(1) For running regression tests, the local of the control version of
    gsi_global.x needs to be defined. This can be achieved in one two (2)

    (a) If the location of the control exe is known at build time, gsi can be
    	built using
    	> cmake -DCONTROL_EXE=/path/to/control/gsi_global.x ..

    (b) If gsi was built without specifying the location of the control exe,
    	i.e. via "cmake ..", location of control exe can be specified in
	bld/regression_var.out by replacing the string CONTROL_EXE-NOTFOUND by
    	the full path to the gsi executable.

(2) The file bld/CTestTestfile.cmake needs to be modified to exclude the test
    global_nemsio_T62 as it is not supported on Discover, yet.

(3) The regression tests can then be run, in parallel, via
    > ctest -j4

    This will run all the tests. Individual tests can be run using the -R flag
    > ctest -R <regression-test-name>