Thank you for taking time to contribute.
Contributions to this project are released to the public under the projects open source license.
What follows is a set of guidelines and how-tos for contributing to FMScoupler. These are guidelines, not rules. Use your best judgement and feel free to propose changes to this document in a pull request. For information on code style please review the code style guidelines.
Because the FMScoupler is used by all of the models and all of the model components at GFDL, updates face enhanced scrutiny and require enhanced justification and testing. The additional step of setting up a meeting with Modeling Systems Division (MSD) is required for all updates to ensure that the updates are required at the coupler level. MSD will reject updates that should/could be made in a component model.
- High Bar for Contribution
- Code of Conduct
- Quick Start Workflow
- Support
- Issues
- Pull Requests
- Tests
- Styleguides
- Maintainer Help
This project and everyone participating in it is governed by the Code of Conduct. By participating, you are expected to uphold this code. Please report unacceptable behavior to [email protected].
- Create an issue that describes the change, or feature request
- Fork the project
- Create a feature branch off an up-do-date
branch - Update the tests and code
- Push the commits to your fork
- Submit a pull request to the
branch - Set up a meeting with GFDL Modeling Systems Division and any other itnerested parties to scientifically justify the need to make updates at the coupler level.
- Fulfill requests for changes
Note: Step 7 is an extra necessary step.
To get support, open a GitHub issue using the support issue template. Please be as descriptive as possible. See the Issues section for more details.
Support for this project is primarily accomplished via this project’s community. Additional support may be offered from related communities (e.g. MOM6) or by members of the GFDL Modeling Systems Group. The members of the Modeling Systems group are the main maintainers of this project. Modeling Systems is a small group, and our ability to offer support is limited. Please be patient when requesting support.
When contributing to this project, please first open an issue. The issue title should be short and descriptive. The issue description should be clear and concise. Include enough information to help others reproduce the issue, or understand the change requested. Use GitHub flavored markdown to format the message, and include links to references. Any downstream code updates required for changes should be included in the issue.
Submit pull requests for bug fixes, improvements, including tests, or alerts to particular problems in the code. We perform merge requests based on an internal GFDL schedule that addresses the needs of the GFDL scientists. We follow the GitHub fork-pull request workflow workflow, briefly described in the Quick Start Workflow section.
Any changes that are required for a PR in the FMScoupler should be linked. Merges should take place downstream first in order to ensure new dependencies are available. Changes made to componenet models that change calls in the FMScoupler must include changes to corresponding null/data models in order to maintain the automated build tests.
Please keep the changes in a single pull to be as small as possible to help reviewer(s) quickly evaluate changes. If you do have a large update, try to split the update into small, logical pull requests. If the update includes code refactoring, please submit a pull request that includes just the code refactoring.
Once a pull request is created, a member of the Modeling Systems group will review the changes, and, if necessary, will work with the author of the pull request to modify their code changes. Note that merging pull requests is contingent on several factors, including the ability to support the code changes long-term, portability, and the scope of the impact on the code base. Therefore, Modeling Systems does not guarantee that all pull requests will be accepted, even if the changes pass the initial testing phases, and are otherwise correct.
When reviewing a pull request, members of MSD should look for the following:
- Design
- Does the code change belong in the FMScoupler library or does it better belong elsewhere such as a component repository or FMS?
- Could existing routines/modules be utilized to reduce redundancy?
- Temporary changes/fixes meant to be removed should be avoided whenever possible
- Functionality
- Does this PR do what is intended (and stated)
- Are the changes good for both end-users and developers?
- Will the code change impact existing end-users needlessly?
- Complexity
- Are the changes easily understood by the reader / reviewer?
- Testing
- Code changes should include a test program or a modification to a test program to ensure the code is covered by the test suite
- Comments
- Inline comments for complex code segments or intricacies to make the purpose of the code reasonably clear
- Style and Consistency
- Code should follow the syle guide in general, but should also be consistent to the file the change is made in
- Documentation
- If a PR changes the behaviour or instructions, accompanying documentation should also change
- Thoroughness
- Reviews should be done line by line, and the surrounding context/file should be taken into account
Comments on pull requests should be courteous and constructive, giving useful feedback and explanations for why changes should be made. See the code of conduct for more information.
FMScoupler uses GitHub Actions to test FMScoupler. Users may create unit tests, code coverage tests, and regression tests for new and existing code in yaml (.yml) files. Github provides a guide ( for implementing CI tests.
Code updates should follow the coding style for the project, contained in
Releases will be tagged using the format yyyy.rr[.pp]
, where yyyy
is the
4-digit year, rr
is the 2-digit release number, and pp
is the 2-digit patch
number. Preliminary releases mean for testing (i.e., code that is still under
development) will be marked yyyy.rr.alpha.pp
or yyyy.rr.beta.pp
. Alpha tags
mark code updates that are intended for developers to include in their baseline
regression tests to determine whether the code contains bugs not encountered
during baseline testing. Beta tags are intended for a wider audience of
developers and end users to ensure that their simulations run as expected and
reproduce prior results.