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331 lines (291 loc) · 15.7 KB

Y-86 Emulator

A Y86-extended instruction set CPU emulator with a retro-themed web-based UI




Python 3.10.8
Node.js v18.11.0
Yarn v1.22.19


Make sure you are at the project root

$ yarn
$ yarn dev  

The web UI can now be accessed at localhost:5173


[CPU-Emulator] → [REST API] → [Web UI]

The CPU emulator takes in a Y86 object file (.yo file) through stdin and output to stdout the program state after every a single instruction executed represented in JSON format.

The REST API is responsible for communications between the web interface and the emulator, having API endpoints that either act as a file system manager for .yo files and calls the CPU emulator to execute specific .yo files.

The web-interface is just for controlling which .yo file to execute, suspend or resume program execution.

CPU-Emulator Design

The CPU Emulator is a 64-bit implementation of the Y86 architecture in accordance to what is specified in CS:APP with some extra caveats.


$ python y86 < [.yo file path]                          # OR
$ python y86 --state [starting program state in JSON]   


  • It is written in Python using only the standard library.
  • Supports the base Y86 instruction set and three extra ISA64 instructions, namely isubq, iandq and ixorq.
  • It is a non-pipeline implementation, meaning that the fetch-execute cycle is carried out in one single process rather than being broken up into multiple stages.

Extended Instruction Table

| Instruction | Byte0 | Byte1 | Byte[2-9] |
| ISUBQ       | c 1   | f Rb  | V         |
| IANDQ       | c 2   | f Rb  | V         |
| IXORQ       | c 3   | f Rb  | V         |


The CPU can be broken up into these 5 components:

MEM ( Memory )

  • Abstracted through a Memory class
  • Internally it uses a dictionary dict[int, int] where:
    • the key represents the address in bytes of which the byte value resides
    • this value represents a byte value
  • It have four different method for interacting with itself, namely get_byte, get_quad, set_byte, set_quad
  • Accessing byte with address keys that do not exist in the internal dictionary returns a byte with a value of 0
  • Accessing invalid address ( address < 0 ) will raise BadAddress which will be caught by CPU in its fetch_decode_execute sets the STAT to ADR
  • load_yo_buffer parses a .yo file buffer and load the bytecode into itself.
  • from_json and to_json deserialize and serialize itself into a dictionary dict[int, int], where each key represents address in bytes and value represent a quad-size value represented in a signed 64-bit integer.

REG ( Registers )

  • Abstracted through a Registers class
  • Internally it uses a fixed-size list list[int] of length 15, each element represents a specific register value, with its index specifying the register.
| Index  | Register |
|      0 | RAX      |
|      1 | RCX      |
|      2 | RDX      |
|      3 | RBX      |
|      4 | RSP      |
|      5 | RBP      |
|      6 | RSI      |
|      7 | RDI      |
|      8 | R8       |
|      9 | R9       |
|     10 | R10      |
|     11 | R11      |
|     12 | R12      |
|     13 | R13      |
|     14 | R14      |
  • from_json and to_json deserialize and serialize itself into a dictionary dict[str, int], where:
    • key represent the register
    • value represent the register quad-size value represented in a signed 64-bit integer.

CC ( Condition Codes )

  • A dictionary dict[str, int] where:
    • key represents the conditional flag ZF, SF, OF
    • value represents the value of the conditional flag
  • It is updated whenever OPQ and IOPQ is executed.
- `a` represents either `Ra` in `OPQ` or `V` in `IOPQ`
- `b` represents `Rb` before operation
- `t` represents `Rb` after operation
- All resulting values will be converted into `1` or `0` based on the truthiness of the value

| Operator |   ZF   |      SF       |                  OF                   |
| ADD      | t == 0 | t & (1 << 63) | (a < 0 == b < 0) and (t < 0 != a < 0) |
| SUB      | t == 0 | t & (1 << 63) | (a < 0 == b < 0) and (t < 0 != b < 0) |
| AND      | t == 0 | t & (1 << 63) | 0                                     |
| XOR      | t == 0 | t & (1 << 63) | 0                                     |

PC ( Program Counter )

  • A integer int representing current executing instruction address

STAT ( Status )

  • A integer int represent current program status, it can be of 4 values:
| Status | Value |
| AOK    |     1 |      # The program is executing normally
| HLT    |     2 |      # The program encountered a `halt` instruction and will stop running
| ADR    |     3 |      # The memory is accessed with an invalid address
| INS    |     4 |      # The program encountered a bad instruction

The CPU is itself abstracted through a CPU class, it houses the above components and have various methods to emulate running a program, of which the most important method is the fetch_decode_execute method.

Program Execution Lifecycle

  1. The CPU calls load_program which takes in a .yo file buffer redirected from stdin and calls load_yo_buffer in MEM to parse and load the bytecode of said .yo file into memory.
  2. The CPU calls run method, which is a generator that can be paused, each time yielding the current state of the program in JSON form after calling fetch_decode_execute
  3. The fetch_decode_execute as the name implies, first fetch the byte residing in the address of PC, checking if the byte is the opcode for any of the valid instructions:
    • if it isn't, the method raises BadInstruction, setting the STAT to INS and halting the program.
    • if it is, decode the rest of the instruction byte code, including getting the registers, immediate values or getting quad-value from the memory.
    • executes the instruction and modifies the program state. Of note:
      • if instruction is OPQ or IOPQ, update CC after execution
      • if instruction is CMOVXX or JXX, condition is first calculated based on CC before determining program state should be modified
def fetch_decode_execute(self):
        opcode = self.MEM.get_byte(self.PC)                             # `fetch` the current byte PC is pointing to
        icode, ifun = bisect_byte(opcode)                               # bisect the byte into two 4-bit value
            if opcode == OPCode.HALT:
            elif opcode == OPCode.RMMOVQ:
                ra, rb = bisect_byte(self.MEM.get_byte(self.PC + 1))    # `decode` stage of the cycle
                val_c = self.MEM.get_quad(self.PC + 2)
                val_a = self.REG[ra]
                val_b = self.REG[rb]
                val_e = val_a + val_b
                self.MEM.set_quad(val_e, val_a)                         # `execute` stage of the cycle
                self.PC = self.PC + 10
            elif opcode in (OPCode.ADDQ,
                ra, rb = bisect_byte(self.MEM.get_byte(self.PC + 1))
                val_p = self.PC + 2
                val_a = self.REG[ra]
                val_b = self.REG[rb]
                val_e = self.op(ifun)(val_a, val_b)                     # gets the operator based on `ifun`
                self.update_CC(ifun, val_a, val_b, val_e)               # updates CC
                self.REG[rb] = val_e
                self.PC = val_p
            elif opcode in (OPCode.JMP,
                val_p = self.PC + 9
                if self.cond(ifun):                                     # check condition based on `ifun` and `CC`
                    val_c = self.MEM.get_quad(self.PC + 1)
                    self.PC = val_c
                    self.PC = val_p
                raise BadInstruction
        except BadAddress:
            self.STAT = STATCode.ADR
        except BadInstruction:
            self.STAT = STATCode.INS
# CMOVXX / JXX Condition 
| COND |      VALUE      |
| NC   | 1               |
| LE   | ZF ^ OF | SF    |
| L    | SF ^ OF         |
| E    | ZF              |
| NE   | !ZF             |
| GE   | !(ZF ^ OF)      |
| G    | !(ZF ^ OF | SF) |
  1. A single fetch_decode_execute cycle is completed, control is yielded back to run and run yields back the modified program state.
  2. The above process is repeated until STAT is no longer AOK
  3. All the states yielded by run will be output to stdout in JSON form.


  • The emulator only runs until it reaches 10,000 cycles, for programs that either have dead infinite loops or does not halt until after 10,000 cycles, a --state option can specify a starting program state, in which case one could use the 10,000th cycle program state to resume execution.


A simple RESTful API server written in Typescript using the Express framework


  • GET /yo_files
    • Returns all the files located in the /yo_files directory, includes the initial test .yo files
  • POST /yo_files
    • Uploads the file in multipart/form-data and put the file in /yo_files
  • POST /exec/:target
    • Executes the program specified by target, returns the array of program state returned by the emulator.
    • It executes the emulator by running a child process and parses the stdout output to JSON form.

Web UI Design

The web UI is written using Vite + Vue in Typescript, it interacts with the emulator through using HTTP request calls to the RESTful API, never directly interacting with the emulator itself.

A web UI can usually be separated into three distinct parts, namely state, view and actions.

In general, actions change state, state change view.


State represents the reactive data in a web UI, in this context, state might represent anything from the array of program state fetched from RESTful API to the current .yo file we are executing.

Should state change, view would also be updated accordingly to reflect the new state.

In Vue this is abstracted through the use of ref, computed and much more but only both ref, computed is used in this interface.

  • setting a ref's value through ref.value = newValue will cause view using the ref value to reflect the new change.
  • computed instead of being set values manually, insteads computes a value based on a callback.

All state logic in the web UI is mostly contained inside the composables folder:

└── composables/
    ├── useYoFile.ts           
    ├── useCpu.ts               # the current executing program state
    └── useApi.ts               # API calls to RESTful API
  • useYoFile
    • Handles .yo files listing, selecting and uploading
    • Populates files by calling /yo_files endpoint from RESTful API and the current executing file to the first file in files on start.
    • context is a object where:
      • key represents the line's address
      • value represents the line`s line number
      • it is used for highlighting current executing instruction line.
type YoFile = { name: string, content: string }
type YoFileContext = Record<number, number>;

interface UseYoFile {
  file: Ref<YoFile | undefined>;                // Current executing file
  files: Ref<YoFile[]>;                         // All the files in `yo_files` directory
  context: ComputedRef<YoFileContext>;          // Table for address to line number conversion
  uploadYoFile: (file: File) => Promise<void>;  // Function for uploading .yo file
  • useCPU
    • Handles the current executing program state
    • On start, history is populated through calling /exec/:target endpoint based on useYoFile's file, after being populated.
    • halting is computed by checking if the last program state's STAT in history is not AOK.
    • state is computed just by getting program state from history at index cycle
    • Should the program is not halting and the cycle reaches 80% of the total current available program state's in history, it calls POST exec/ and sends the history last state as the starting program state, upon getting the new program states, it extends history value
interface UseCPU {
    history: Ref<CPUState[]>                    // List of program state
    cycle: Ref<number>                          // Current executing cycle
    state: ComputedRef<CPUState | undefined>    // Current cycle program state 
    halting: ComputedRef<boolean>               // Does the current executing program halt based on available history
  • useAPI
    • Handles RESTful API calls, uses axios

View and Action

View represents what user see in the interface, Vue breaks down view into different component, each component is organized in a SFC (Single File Component) manner, where JS, HTML, CSS are aggregated into a single file.

Action is how view allows the user to interact and change the state.

The general layout of the interface can be divided into four different sections, that is top-right, middle-left, center, middle-right

All components are contained in the components folder

└── components/
    ├── YoFileExplorer.vue
    ├── YoFilePreview.vue
    ├── YoProgramController.vue
    └── YoProgramState.vue
  • YoFileExplorer

    • The middle-left part of the interface.
    • uses file and files from useYoFile to change current selected .yo file and list out all the .yo files.
    • it highlights the selected file by checking if the filename is the same with the current selected file and adds a active class to highlight
    • the chevron cursor is added through :hover and ::before pseudo-element adding.
    • Clicking on ADD FILE + uploads a file to the RESTful API.
    • Clicking on the file listing selects the current executing program.
  • YoFilePreview

    • The center part of the interface
    • use file from useYoFile to display the current selected file content.
    • use context from useYoFile and state from useCPU to highlight to current executing line by adding calculating line number from context and adding active class to the appropriate element at the line number.
  • YoProgramController

    • The top-right of the interface
    • includes the various buttons that control the program execution by incrementing or decrementing cycle
    • Pausing and resuming program execution of implemented using setInterval.
    • Progress bar percentage is calculated through computing Math.ceil((cycle.value / history.length - 1) * 100). If they program does not seem to be halting, it displays ?%
  • YoProgramState

    • The middle-right of the interface
    • Displays all details of the program state ( REG, MEM, CC, STAT, PC, CYCLE )
    • Clicking on the memory section cycles through all the address with values