POST /api/v1/customers/signup - Register customer
POST /api/v1/customers/login - Login customer
GET /api/v1/customers/logout - Logout customer
POST /api/v1/customers/forgetPassword - customer forget password
PATCH /api/v1/customers/resetPassword/:token - reset customer password
PATCH /api/v1/customers/updatePassword - Update customer password
GET /api/v1/customers/getMe - Get customer details
PATCH /api/v1/customers/updateMe - Update some customers details except password and other sensitive ones
DELETE /api/v1/customers/deleteMe - Deactivate customer account
- Jwt token is generated and set to the cookies of the response object
- (httponly option is set to prevent XSS atack)
- Customer data is returned along with the token
- password and email are checked and verified
- Token is generated and set to the cookies header
- Token is stored to the redis server
- Response cookies is filled with wrong data with immediate expiry date (10 seconds) preferably
- Token is deleted from the redis server
- success status is returned
- Customer email is verified
- Generate password reset token
- Create reset URL
- Send it to the customer's email
- Get the token from the URL
- Hash the token and get user from the database
- If user found,
- Update the password
- Update the password reset token to undefine
- Update the password reset expires to undefine
- Save it to the database
- Send JWT token
- Get user password and passwordConfirmation
- Check if customer with the password exists
- Update the password and save if customer exists
- Send JWT token
Utilities Function: generateToken and sendToken
generateToken utility function
- Generate unique JWT token for the registered user
- Takes customer ID and email as parameter
- Use jwt.sign method to generate token
- It accepts payload, jwt secret (any secret phrase) and options {expriesIn: duration}
- Return the generated token
sendToken utility Function
- Use the generated token function to get token
- Set token to the response cookies object and also return the customer data along with token
- Response.cookies accept cookies type, token and cookies options (expires: duration and httponly: true)
- Also store the token to the redis server