Streams admin configurations mainly consists of 4 JSON objects (sections):
variables - variables that can be used in this config to avoid duplicates
jetty - define jetty settings
zookeeper - define nodes and what to put in them
paths - define paths to various files
This is minimalist config that is valid, it's main purpose is to serve as an example that will be broken down and explained later
"variables": {
"port": 7000,
"baseUrl": "",
"baseZk": "/streams/clusters"
"jetty": {
"port": 7000,
"securePort": 7000,
"keyStorePath": "C:/demo.jks",
"keyStorePassword": "demo",
"keyManagerPassword": "demo"
"zookeeper": {
"connectString": "",
"zklogin": "login",
"zkpass": "password",
"agentNodes": [
"name": "root",
"path": "/streams"
"name": "clusters",
"path": "/streams/clusters",
"config": {
"componentLoad": "clusters",
"streamsIcon": "<svg id='Layer_1' data-name='Layer 1' height='1.8em' xmlns='' viewBox='0 0 101 101'><title>log_Artboard 2 copy 6</title><path"
"name": "agentThreadDump",
"path": "${baseZk}/streamsAgentEth/threadDump",
"config": {
"componentLoad": "thread",
"streamsIcon": "<svg id='Layer_1' data-name='Layer 1' height='1.8em' xmlns='' viewBox='0 0 101 101'><title>log_Artboard 2 copy 6</title><path"
"data": "${baseUrl}/streamsAgent/threadDump"
"name": "metrics",
"path": "${baseZk}/streamsAgentEth/metrics",
"myField1": "myValue",
"myField2": "myValue",
"myField3": "myValue",
"myObject": {
"myInnerValue": "myInnerValue"
"streamNodes": [
"name": "stream",
"path": "${baseZk}/streamsAgentEth/${streamName}",
"config": {
"componentLoad": "service",
"showBottomLog": "pathToBottomLogsNode",
"streamsIcon": "<svg id='Layer_1' data-name='Layer 1' height='1.8em' xmlns='' viewBox='0 0 101 101'><title>log_Artboard 2 copy 6</title><path"
"data": "${baseUrl}/streamsAgent/${streamName}"
"name": "streamReplay",
"path": "/streams/v1/clusters/clusterBlockchainMainnets/streamsAgentEth/${streamName}/_replay",
"data": "${baseUrl}/streamsAgent/${streamName}/replay?b="
"paths": {
"logsPath": "C:/development/tnt4j/k2/development/k2-index-search/tnt4j-streams-k2/logs/replay",
"sampleCfgsPath": "C:/development/tnt4j/k2/development/k2-index-search/tnt4j-streams-k2/samples/ethereum",
"mainConfigPath": "C:/development/tnt4j/k2/development/k2-index-search/tnt4j-streams-k2/samples/ethereum/ethereumInfuraReplay.xml",
"replayTemplatePath": "C:/development/tnt4j/k2/development/k2-index-search/tnt4j-streams-k2/samples/templates/ethereumInfuraReplay.xml",
"monitoredPath": "C:/development/tnt4j/k2/development/k2-index-search/tnt4j-streams-k2/samples/templates/userRequests"
Variables section allows us to setup variables that can be used in the config.
The main purpose of this feature is to avoid duplicate fields
To create a variable you need to define a field in the variables section
"variables" : {
"port" : "4444",
"name" : "zookeeper",
"number" : 123
after declaring your field in the variables body you can use it like this ${port} , ${name} , ${number}
Warning! |
Variable name streamName is reserved and should be never declared |
Notice! |
Variables are not mandatory |
Jetty section allows us to setup values to the following fields
port - sets port
securePort - sets secure port
keyStorePath - path to keystore
keyStorePassword - password to the keystore
keyManagerPassword - password to the keystores private key
Notice! |
Mentioned fields are mandatory and should have valid values |
"jetty": {
"port": 7000,
"securePort": 7000,
"keyStorePath": "C:/demo.jks",
"keyStorePassword": "demo",
"keyManagerPassword": "demo"
Zookeeper section is the biggest of all 4. Zookeeper section consists of sub sections: connection, agentNodes, streamNodes
connectString - IP:PORT pointing to zookeeper server e.g
zklogin -login that stream will use to authenticate to zookeeper
zkpass - password that stream will use to authenticate to zookeeper
Notice! |
Mentioned fields are mandatory and should have valid values |
"zookeeper": {
"connectString": "",
"zklogin": "login",
"zkpass": "password",
"zookeeper": {
"connectString": "",
"zklogin": "login",
"zkpass": "password",
Agent nodes is a JSON array consisting of objects that define a node in zookeeper and what will put into it
Notice! |
Stream admin executes agent nodes with the order provided |
This is most simplest node that can be made.
It consists of 2 mandatory fields: name and path and puts no data into the node
"agentNodes": [
"name": "root",
"path": "/streams"
It consists of 2 mandatory fields: name and path
"name": "metrics",
"path": "${baseZk}/streamsAgentEth/metrics",
"myField1": "myValue",
"myField2": "myValue",
"myField3": "myValue",
"myObject": {
"myInnerValue": "myInnerValue"
However, everything that is under mandatory field path is put into the node
This part will be put into a HashMap and it's content will be marshalled to Json string and put into the node that was specified earlier with name and path
"myField1": "myValue",
"myField2": "myValue",
"myField3": "myValue",
"myObject": {
"myInnerValue": "myInnerValue"
This is how it looks inside a node after being marshalled and put
"myField1": "myValue",
"myField2": "myValue",
"myField3": "myValue",
"myObject": {
"myInnerValue": "myInnerValue"
Stream nodes is a JSON array consisting of objects that define a node in zookeeper and what will put into it
Notice! |
Stream nodes contain a variable ${streamName} it is used internally by streams admin client to dynamically create endpoints and nodes for all streams that are inside main streams config |
Notice! |
Stream admin executes stream nodes with the order provided |
This is most simplest node that can be made.
It consists of 2 mandatory fields: name and path
"name": "streamReplay",
"path": "/streams/v1/clusters/clusterBlockchainMainnets/streamsAgentEth/${streamName}/_replay",
"data": "${baseUrl}/streamsAgent/${streamName}/replay?b="
However, everything that is under mandatory field path is put into the node
This part will be put into a HashMap and it's content will be marshalled to Json string and put into the node that was specified earlier with name and path
It consists of 2 mandatory fields: name and path
"streamNodes": [
"name": "stream",
"path": "${baseZk}/streamsAgentEth/${streamName}",
"config": {
"componentLoad": "service",
"showBottomLog": "pathToBottomLogsNode",
"streamsIcon": "<svg id='Layer_1' data-name='Layer 1' height='1.8em' xmlns='' viewBox='0 0 101 101'><title>log_Artboard 2 copy 6</title><path"
"data": "${baseUrl}/streamsAgent/${streamName}"
However, everything that is under mandatory field path is put into the node
This part will be put into a HashMap and it's content will be marshalled to Json string and put into the node that was specified earlier with name and path
"config": {
"componentLoad": "service",
"showBottomLog": "pathToBottomLogsNode",
"streamsIcon": "<svg id='Layer_1' data-name='Layer 1' height='1.8em' xmlns='' viewBox='0 0 101 101'><title>log_Artboard 2 copy 6</title><path"
"data": "${baseUrl}/streamsAgent/${streamName}"
This is how it looks inside a node after being marshalled and put
"componentLoad": "service",
"streamsIcon":"<svg id='Layer_1' data-name='Layer 1' height='1.8em' xmlns='' viewBox='0 0 101 101'><title>log_Artboard 2 copy 6</title><path"
Paths section allows us to setup values to the following fields,
logsPath - path to logs folder
sampleCfgsPath -path to folder containing ,xml parsers
mainConfigPath -path to main streams .xml file
replayTemplatePath - path to replay file template
monitoredPath - path where dir streaming searches for new streaming files, this field is needed only if you have a template and tend to allow to replay blocks
Notice! |
Mentioned fields are mandatory and should have valid values, except for monitoredPath if you do not want such capability you need to specify the values as: "" |
"paths": {
"logsPath": "C:/development/tnt4j/k2/development/k2-index-search/tnt4j-streams-k2/logs/replay",
"sampleCfgsPath": "C:/development/tnt4j/k2/development/k2-index-search/tnt4j-streams-k2/samples/ethereum",
"mainConfigPath": "C:/development/tnt4j/k2/development/k2-index-search/tnt4j-streams-k2/samples/ethereum/ethereumInfuraReplay.xml",
"replayTemplatePath": "C:/development/tnt4j/k2/development/k2-index-search/tnt4j-streams-k2/samples/templates/ethereumInfuraReplay.xml",
"monitoredPath": "C:/development/tnt4j/k2/development/k2-index-search/tnt4j-streams-k2/samples/templates/userRequests"
"variables": { },
"jetty": {
"port": -1,
"securePort": -1,
"keyStorePath": "",
"keyStorePassword": "",
"keyManagerPassword": ""
"zookeeper": {
"connectString": "",
"zklogin": "",
"zkpass": "",
"agentNodes": [ ],
"streamNodes": [ ]
"paths": {
"logsPath": "",
"sampleCfgsPath": "",
"mainConfigPath": "",
"replayTemplatePath": "",
"monitoredPath": ""