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202 lines (147 loc) · 7.66 KB

File metadata and controls

202 lines (147 loc) · 7.66 KB


This project demonstrates the implementation of both relational (PostgreSQL) and graph-based NoSQL (Neo4j) database paradigms, showcasing advanced data modeling, API integration, and database migration techniques.

Key Features

  • Dual API Integration: Engineered a robust data collection pipeline that fetches and merges book data from the Penguin Random House and Google Books APIs, handling rate limiting and request failures gracefully
  • Large-Scale Data Management: Successfully processed and stored data for over 120,000 books (~500mb) with comprehensive metadata
  • Complex Data Modeling:
    • PostgreSQL: Implemented database patterns including IS-A relationships, weak entities, and complex referential integrity constraints
    • Neo4j: Developed an optimized graph structure for representing book relationships and metadata, with performance-tuned indexing
  • Advanced Query Optimization: Created and benchmarked various database indexes, demonstrating significant performance improvements (up to 50x faster for certain queries)
  • Role-Based Access Control: Implemented view-based security measures to control data access based on user privileges

Technical Highlights

  • Built with Python, PostgreSQL, Neo4j, Docker
  • Implemented transaction-based data operations for fault tolerance
  • Developed intelligent retry mechanisms for API rate limiting
  • Utilized database-specific optimization techniques:
    • PostgreSQL: Triggers, materialized views, complex joins
    • Neo4j: Full-text search indexes, relationship-based queries

Team Members

Name Student ID
Nathan Grenier 40250986
Nathanial Hwong 40243583

Data Models

Below are the data model diagram of each database.

Relational Database (Postgres)

Relational Data Model

NoSQL Database (Neo4j)

NoSQL Data Model

Project Report

A report providing deeper insight into the project can be found here.

Relational Database Data Dump File

The Postgres data dump file can be found either:


Setting Environment Variables

Set these env variables before running any commands:

Relational Database:


Look in the docker-compose.yaml for the db credentials

Neo4j (Graph Database):




Using Docker

PostgreSQL Container

You should install docker for you system before starting.

Both the Postgres instance and database management tool (pgAdmin) are configured in the docker-compose.yml file.

  1. To run both services, use docker compose up.

    You can run the container in "detached" mode by appending the -d flag to the command above.

  2. Next, check that both services are running with docker ps.
  3. Copy the "postgres" services docker id (ex: 1fc60e0e538d).
  4. Inspect the details of the postgres container using docker inspect {postgres id}.
  5. Search for the IPAddress attribute of the postgres database and keep note of it.
  6. Open http://localhost:5050/ to view the pgAdmin webpage.
  7. Click on the "Add New Server" Quick Link in pgAdmin to add the postgres instance.
  8. In the General tab:
    • Give the postgres server a name.

  9. In the Connection Tab:
    • Enter the postgres container's ip address
    • Enter the same username as in the .env file (POSTGRES_USER)
    • Enter the same password as in the .env file (POSTGRES_PASSWORD)

Neo4j Container

The neo4j browser, an interactive window to run queries and visualize database data, can be accessed at http://localhost:7474/browser/ after running docker compose up.

Make sure to set the appropriate environment variables in your .env file.

Using plantUML

In order to render ER diagrams (chen's notation), you must use the server version of plantUML.


To pull the docker image, run:

docker run -d -p 8181:8080 --name plantuml -e BASE_URL=plantuml plantuml/plantuml-server:jetty

Add the following settings to your setting.json file in VsCode:

  "plantuml.server": "http://localhost:8181/plantuml",
  "plantuml.render": "PlantUMLServer",

Note: You can change the host's port (port before the ":") to whatever you'd like. Default for http is usually 80 or 8080

Useful Commands

  • Start the container: docker start {name}
  • Stop the container: docker stop {name}
  • List all running containers: docker ps


To specify where the diagrams should be defined and exported, add the following to VsCode's setting.json:

  "plantuml.diagramsRoot": "diagrams/src",
  "plantuml.exportOutDir": "diagrams/out",

Python Venv

First, install virtualvenv using pip install virtualenv.

Now, you can create a venv to work in using virtualenv --python 3.12.1 venv

Note: You need the specified version on python installed on your local computer to run the command above

Working in the venv

In order to activate the venv to start working in it, use this command:

# Linux and Mac
source venv/bin/activate

# Windows

To stop working in the venv, use the command: deactivate.

Installing Project Dependencies

Use the following command while in the venv to install the project's dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Dumping PostgreSQL Database

You can generate a data dump of your postgres database by using the following command: pg_dump -U postgres -d db -f data_backup.sql --data-only --column-inserts.

Populating Postgres with a Data Dump File

In order to populate your database with data, you'll need to either run the code (which will take a long time), or download and import the data dump file in the postgres docker container through the command line.

Follow the steps below to populate your postgres database (in docker):

  1. docker cp /path/to/your/local/data_dump.sql postgres:/tmp/data_dump.sql
  2. docker exec -it postgres bash
  3. From the bash terminal instance, run: psql -U postgres -d db < /tmp/data_dump.sql

If psql isn't installed in the container, try these alternatives:

  1. Install psql in the container: apt-get update && apt-get install -y postgresql-client
  2. Use psql from your environment: docker exec -i postgres psql -U postgres -d db < /path/to/your/local/data_dump.sql

Code Formatting and Linting

I like using Ruff to format and lint my python code. This package is installed whenever you install the project's dependencies and can be used with the following command:

ruff format .

If you want the file to format on save, you can install the VsCode Ruff extension and add these lines to VsCodes' setting.json file:

  "notebook.formatOnSave.enabled": true,
  "notebook.codeActionsOnSave": {
    "notebook.source.organizeImports": "explicit"
  "[python]": {
    "editor.formatOnSave": true,
    "editor.codeActionsOnSave": {
      "source.organizeImports": "explicit"
    "editor.defaultFormatter": "charliermarsh.ruff"