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index 0000000..893f125
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dataimporter/emu/dumps.py
@@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
+import gzip
+import itertools
+import re
+from dataclasses import dataclass
+from datetime import datetime, timezone
+from enum import Enum
+from functools import cached_property, total_ordering
+from pathlib import Path
+from typing import Dict, Union, Tuple, Iterable, Any
+from typing import List
+from splitgill.utils import to_timestamp, parse_to_timestamp
+EMU_ID_FIELD = "irn"
+# this is arbitrary-ish but it's the time of the first good full dumps we have
+FIRST_VERSION = to_timestamp(datetime(2017, 8, 30))
+class EMuRecord:
+ """
+ A class representing an EMu record.
+ """
+ id: int
+ version: int
+ data: Dict[str, Union[str, Tuple[str]]]
+ @property
+ def is_deleted(self) -> bool:
+ """
+ Returns True if the record's data represents a deletion, False if not.
+ :return: True if the record's data represents a deletion, False if not.
+ """
+ return not bool(self.data)
+ def __contains__(self, field: str) -> bool:
+ """
+ Checks if the given field is present in this record's data.
+ :param field: the field name
+ :return: True if the field exists, False if not
+ """
+ return field in self.data
+class EMuTable(Enum):
+ """
+ Enumeration of the EMu tables we currently handle.
+ The value of the enum indicates the order they should be ingested in with EAudit
+ first and then the others after.
+ """
+ eaudit = 0
+ ecatalogue = 1
+ emultimedia = 2
+ etaxonomy = 3
+ def __lt__(self, other):
+ # implemented for the total_ordering annotation on the class and allow the
+ # values to be used to prioritise the ingest of the tables
+ if isinstance(other, EMuTable):
+ return self.value < other.value
+ return NotImplemented
+ @property
+ def is_stored(self) -> bool:
+ """
+ Whether the table's data should be stored or not.
+ Currently, only EAudit is ignored as it is actually providing information about
+ the other tables (like deletes).
+ """
+ return self != EMuTable.eaudit
+def find_emu_dumps(root: Path, after: int = FIRST_VERSION) -> List["EMuDump"]:
+ """
+ Find all the EMu dumps in the given path and return them as a list of EMuDump
+ objects. The list returned will be sorted in the order that the dumps should be
+ processed.
+ :param root: the root directory
+ :param after: only dumps on or after this version will be returned, defaults to the
+ first full EMu dump from 30/08/17 (see FIRST_VERSION at the module
+ level)
+ :return: a sorted list of EMuDump objects
+ """
+ dumps = []
+ dump_matcher = re.compile(
+ r"(?P
+ )
+ for path in root.iterdir():
+ match = dump_matcher.match(path.name)
+ if match:
+ table_name, date = match.groups()
+ try:
+ table = EMuTable[table_name]
+ except KeyError as e:
+ # ignore as we don't deal with this table
+ continue
+ if table is EMuTable.eaudit:
+ dump = EMuAuditDump(path, table, date)
+ else:
+ dump = EMuDump(path, table, date)
+ if dump.version >= after:
+ dumps.append(dump)
+ return sorted(dumps)
+class EMuDump:
+ """
+ Class representing an EMu export (or "dump") texexport file.
+ Each file represents data from a single table.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, path: Path, table: EMuTable, date: str):
+ """
+ :param path: the full path to the dump file
+ :param table: the table the dump file is from
+ :param date: the date string of the export
+ """
+ self.path = path
+ self.table = table
+ self.date = date
+ # convert the date into a version timestamp
+ self.version = parse_to_timestamp(date, "%Y%m%d", tzinfo=timezone.utc)
+ @property
+ def is_audit(self):
+ """
+ Is this an audit dump?
+ :return: True if it is, False if not.
+ """
+ return self.table == EMuTable.eaudit
+ def __str__(self) -> str:
+ return f"Dump {self.table}@{self.version}/{self.date} [{self.path}]"
+ def __eq__(self, other: Any):
+ if isinstance(other, EMuDump):
+ return self.version == other.version and self.table == other.table
+ return NotImplemented
+ def __lt__(self, other: Any):
+ if isinstance(other, EMuDump):
+ # order by version, then table. The main goal here is to ensure the versions
+ # are ordered correctly and the audit dumps are ordered before normal tables
+ # as we need to do deletes first
+ return (self.version, self.table) < (other.version, other.table)
+ return NotImplemented
+ @property
+ def size(self) -> int:
+ """
+ Returns the size of the dump in bytes. This is the size of the compressed dump
+ file.
+ :return: the file size of the dump
+ """
+ return self.path.stat().st_size
+ @cached_property
+ def count(self) -> int:
+ """
+ Returns the number of records in the dump by counting the number of IRNs we
+ find. This requires reading the whole dump.
+ :return: the number of records in the dump
+ """
+ irn_field_prefix = f"{EMU_ID_FIELD}:1="
+ with gzip.open(self.path, "rt", encoding="utf-8") as f:
+ return sum(1 for line in f if line.lstrip().startswith(irn_field_prefix))
+ def __iter__(self) -> Iterable[EMuRecord]:
+ """
+ Reads the dump file and yield an EMuRecord object per record found in the dump.
+ If a record read from the dump doesn't have a detectable IRN then no record is
+ yielded and that record is skipped.
+ :return: yields EMuRecord objects
+ """
+ # cache this, so we don't have to look it up everytime we want to use it (for
+ # performance)
+ version = self.version
+ with gzip.open(self.path, "rt", encoding="utf-8") as f:
+ # state variables for each record
+ emu_id = None
+ data = {}
+ # each record is delimited in the EMu dump using a line with just ### on it.
+ # This chain here ensures that the file ends with a ### line even if one
+ # isn't in the file, thus forcing the record to be yielded if it's valid.
+ # Note that I've never seen a file not end with ### in the real world, but
+ # anything's possible with EMu!
+ for line in itertools.chain(f, ["###"]):
+ line = line.strip()
+ if not line:
+ continue
+ if line != "###":
+ # the format is :=
+ field, value = line.split("=", 1)
+ field = field.split(":", 1)[0]
+ if field == EMU_ID_FIELD:
+ emu_id = int(value)
+ existing = data.get(field)
+ if existing is None:
+ # the value isn't in the data dict, add it
+ data[field] = value
+ else:
+ if isinstance(existing, tuple):
+ # there is an existing set of values in the data dict, add
+ # the new value in a new tuple
+ data[field] = (*existing, value)
+ else:
+ # there is an existing value (just one) in the data dict,
+ # add the new value in a new tuple
+ data[field] = (existing, value)
+ else:
+ if emu_id is not None:
+ yield EMuRecord(emu_id, version, data)
+ # refresh our record state holding variables
+ emu_id = None
+ data = {}
+class EMuAuditDump(EMuDump):
+ """
+ Class representing an EMu audit table export (or "dump") texexport file.
+ Each file represents data from the EAudit table which accounts for changes to any
+ table in EMu. We specifically filter the audit table dumps for deletions, this is
+ achieved through an overriden __iter__ method.
+ """
+ def __iter__(self) -> Iterable[EMuRecord]:
+ def record_filter(record: EMuRecord):
+ # filter the dump's records so that only valid deletions are yielded
+ return (
+ # we only want delete operations
+ record.data.get("AudOperation") == "delete"
+ # AudKey is the irn of the deleted record, so it must have this field
+ and "AudKey" in record.data
+ # and this is the table the record was deleted from
+ and "AudTable" in record.data
+ )
+ yield from filter(record_filter, super().__iter__())
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
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index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/tests/emu/test_dumps.py b/tests/emu/test_dumps.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..90bf949
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/emu/test_dumps.py
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
+import gzip
+from datetime import datetime
+from pathlib import Path
+from unittest.mock import MagicMock
+from splitgill.utils import to_timestamp
+from dataimporter.emu.dumps import (
+ EMuTable,
+ find_emu_dumps,
+ EMuDump,
+ EMuAuditDump,
+ EMuRecord,
+from tests.helpers.dumps import create_dump
+class TestEMuRecord:
+ def test_is_deleted(self):
+ assert EMuRecord(1, 2, {}).is_deleted
+ assert not EMuRecord(1, 2, {"a": "4"}).is_deleted
+ def test_contains(self):
+ record = EMuRecord(1, 2, {"a": "4", "b": "26"})
+ assert "a" in record
+ assert "b" in record
+ assert "c" not in record
+class TestEMuTable:
+ def test_ordering(self):
+ tables = sorted(EMuTable)
+ assert tables[0] == EMuTable.eaudit
+ def test_is_stored(self):
+ for table in EMuTable:
+ if table == EMuTable.eaudit:
+ assert not table.is_stored
+ else:
+ assert table.is_stored
+class TestFindEMuDumps:
+ def test_no_files(self, tmp_path: Path):
+ assert not find_emu_dumps(tmp_path)
+ def test_after_works(self, tmp_path: Path):
+ after = to_timestamp(datetime(2020, 3, 15))
+ for day in range(12, 18):
+ create_dump(tmp_path, EMuTable.ecatalogue, datetime(2020, 3, day))
+ dumps = find_emu_dumps(tmp_path, after=after)
+ assert len(dumps) == 3
+ def test_skip_invalid(self, tmp_path: Path):
+ create_dump(tmp_path, EMuTable.ecatalogue, datetime(2020, 3, 1))
+ create_dump(tmp_path, "invalid", datetime(2020, 3, 2))
+ dumps = find_emu_dumps(tmp_path)
+ assert len(dumps) == 1
+ def test_audit_dumps(self, tmp_path: Path):
+ path_1 = create_dump(tmp_path, EMuTable.eaudit, datetime(2020, 2, 1))
+ path_2 = create_dump(tmp_path, EMuTable.ecatalogue, datetime(2020, 3, 1))
+ dumps = find_emu_dumps(tmp_path)
+ assert len(dumps) == 2
+ assert dumps[0] == EMuAuditDump(path_1, EMuTable.eaudit, "20200201")
+ assert dumps[1] == EMuDump(path_2, EMuTable.ecatalogue, "20200301")
+ assert isinstance(dumps[0], EMuAuditDump)
+ assert isinstance(dumps[0], EMuDump)
+ def test_order(self, tmp_path: Path):
+ path_4 = create_dump(tmp_path, EMuTable.etaxonomy, datetime(2020, 2, 4))
+ path_2 = create_dump(tmp_path, EMuTable.ecatalogue, datetime(2020, 2, 1))
+ path_1 = create_dump(tmp_path, EMuTable.eaudit, datetime(2020, 2, 1))
+ path_5 = create_dump(tmp_path, EMuTable.emultimedia, datetime(2020, 3, 4))
+ path_3 = create_dump(tmp_path, EMuTable.eaudit, datetime(2020, 2, 4))
+ dumps = find_emu_dumps(tmp_path)
+ assert dumps == [
+ EMuAuditDump(path_1, EMuTable.eaudit, "20200201"),
+ EMuAuditDump(path_2, EMuTable.ecatalogue, "20200201"),
+ EMuAuditDump(path_3, EMuTable.eaudit, "20200204"),
+ EMuAuditDump(path_4, EMuTable.etaxonomy, "20200204"),
+ EMuAuditDump(path_5, EMuTable.emultimedia, "20200304"),
+ ]
+class TestEMuDump:
+ def test_version_parsing(self):
+ dump = EMuDump(MagicMock(), MagicMock(), "2020720")
+ assert dump.version == to_timestamp(datetime(2020, 7, 20))
+ def test_is_audit(self):
+ audit_dump = EMuDump(MagicMock(), EMuTable.eaudit, "2020720")
+ not_audit_dump = EMuDump(MagicMock(), EMuTable.ecatalogue, "2020720")
+ assert audit_dump.is_audit
+ assert not not_audit_dump.is_audit
+ def test_eq(self):
+ # eq should only care about the version and the table
+ assert EMuDump(MagicMock(), EMuTable.eaudit, "2020720") == EMuDump(
+ MagicMock(), EMuTable.eaudit, "2020720"
+ )
+ assert not EMuDump(MagicMock(), EMuTable.ecatalogue, "2020720") == EMuDump(
+ MagicMock(), EMuTable.eaudit, "2020720"
+ )
+ assert not EMuDump(MagicMock(), EMuTable.emultimedia, "2020720") == EMuDump(
+ MagicMock(), EMuTable.emultimedia, "2020721"
+ )
+ def test_lt(self):
+ a = EMuDump(MagicMock(), EMuTable.ecatalogue, "2020720")
+ b = EMuDump(MagicMock(), EMuTable.ecatalogue, "2020721")
+ assert a < b
+ a = EMuDump(MagicMock(), EMuTable.ecatalogue, "2020720")
+ b = EMuDump(MagicMock(), EMuTable.emultimedia, "2020720")
+ assert a < b
+ a = EMuDump(MagicMock(), EMuTable.emultimedia, "2020720")
+ b = EMuDump(MagicMock(), EMuTable.eaudit, "2020720")
+ assert b < a
+ def test_size(self, tmp_path: Path):
+ path = create_dump(tmp_path, EMuTable.etaxonomy, datetime(2020, 2, 4))
+ dump = EMuDump(path, EMuTable.etaxonomy, "20200204")
+ assert path.stat().st_size == dump.size
+ def test_count(self, tmp_path: Path):
+ records = [{"x": i} for i in range(10)]
+ path = create_dump(tmp_path, EMuTable.etaxonomy, datetime(2020, 2, 4), *records)
+ dump = EMuDump(path, EMuTable.etaxonomy, "20200204")
+ assert dump.count == 10
+ def test_count_empty(self, tmp_path: Path):
+ path = create_dump(tmp_path, EMuTable.etaxonomy, datetime(2020, 2, 4))
+ dump = EMuDump(path, EMuTable.etaxonomy, "20200204")
+ assert dump.count == 0
+ def test_iter(self, tmp_path: Path):
+ records = [{"x": str(i)} for i in range(10)]
+ path = create_dump(tmp_path, EMuTable.etaxonomy, datetime(2020, 2, 4), *records)
+ dump = EMuDump(path, EMuTable.etaxonomy, "20200204")
+ read_records = list(dump)
+ assert len(read_records) == len(records)
+ assert read_records == [
+ EMuRecord(
+ i, dump.version, {"rownum": str(i), EMU_ID_FIELD: str(i), **record}
+ )
+ for i, record in enumerate(records, start=1)
+ ]
+ def test_iter_empty(self, tmp_path: Path):
+ path = create_dump(tmp_path, EMuTable.etaxonomy, datetime(2020, 2, 4))
+ dump = EMuDump(path, EMuTable.etaxonomy, "20200204")
+ assert not list(dump)
+ def test_iter_missing_irn(self, tmp_path: Path):
+ path = tmp_path / "a_bad_dump.gz"
+ with gzip.open(path, "wt", encoding="utf-8") as f:
+ # don't write an irn
+ f.writelines([f"rownum=1\n", f"x:1=beans\n", "###\n"])
+ dump = EMuDump(path, EMuTable.etaxonomy, "20200204")
+ assert not list(dump)
+ def test_iter_multiple_values(self, tmp_path: Path):
+ records = [{"x": (str(i), str(i + 1), str(i + 5))} for i in range(10)]
+ path = create_dump(tmp_path, EMuTable.etaxonomy, datetime(2020, 2, 4), *records)
+ dump = EMuDump(path, EMuTable.etaxonomy, "20200204")
+ read_records = list(dump)
+ assert len(read_records) == len(records)
+ assert read_records == [
+ EMuRecord(
+ i, dump.version, {"rownum": str(i), EMU_ID_FIELD: str(i), **record}
+ )
+ for i, record in enumerate(records, start=1)
+ ]
+ def test_iter_blank_lines_and_no_delimiter_end(self, tmp_path: Path):
+ records = [{"x": (str(i), str(i + 1), str(i + 5))} for i in range(10)]
+ path = create_dump(tmp_path, EMuTable.etaxonomy, datetime(2020, 2, 4), *records)
+ with gzip.open(path, "at") as f:
+ # add a couple of new lines and don't add a ### at the end either
+ f.write("\n\n")
+ dump = EMuDump(path, EMuTable.etaxonomy, "20200204")
+ read_records = list(dump)
+ assert len(read_records) == len(records)
+class TestEMuAuditDump:
+ def test_iter(self, tmp_path: Path):
+ records = [
+ {"AudOperation": "delete", "AudKey": str(i), "AudTable": "ecatalogue"}
+ for i in range(10)
+ ]
+ # add a record we should ignore
+ records.append(
+ {
+ "AudOperation": "not a delete!",
+ "AudKey": "100",
+ "AudTable": "ecatalogue",
+ }
+ )
+ # add a delete on a table we don't deal with
+ records.append(
+ {
+ "AudOperation": "delete",
+ "AudKey": "101",
+ "AudTable": "not an emu table ever",
+ }
+ )
+ path = create_dump(tmp_path, EMuTable.eaudit, datetime(2020, 1, 4), *records)
+ dump = EMuAuditDump(path, EMuTable.eaudit, "20200104")
+ read_records = list(dump)
+ assert len(read_records) == 11
+ # check they are all deletes
+ assert all(record.data["AudOperation"] == "delete" for record in read_records)
+ assert all(
+ record.data["AudTable"] == "ecatalogue" for record in read_records[:-1]
+ )
+ assert read_records[-1].data["AudTable"] == "not an emu table ever"
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3bc0bcf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/helpers/dumps.py
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+import gzip
+from datetime import datetime
+from pathlib import Path
+from typing import Union
+from dataimporter.emu.dumps import EMuTable, EMU_ID_FIELD
+def create_dump(
+ root: Path, table: Union[str, EMuTable], date: datetime, *records: dict
+) -> Path:
+ """
+ Creates an EMu dump using the given parameters to form the path in the root, and
+ then adding the records. If no records are provided, a valid dump is still
+ generated, it will just include no records.
+ :param root: the directory to put the dump in
+ :param table: the EMu table being dumped, doesn't need to be valid (hence the
+ str|EMuTable type)
+ :param date: the date of the dump
+ :param records: 0+ records as dicts
+ :return: the path of the created dump
+ """
+ export_part = "export"
+ if isinstance(table, EMuTable):
+ # eaudit dumps have a slightly different name format to normal dumps
+ if table == EMuTable.eaudit:
+ export_part = "deleted-export"
+ table = table.name
+ # form the path
+ dump = root / f"{table}.{export_part}.{date.strftime('%Y%m%d')}.gz"
+ with gzip.open(dump, "wt", encoding="utf-8") as f:
+ for row, record in enumerate(records, start=1):
+ # create rownum and irn values for the record if it doesn't have them
+ row = record.get("rownum", row)
+ irn = record.get(EMU_ID_FIELD, row)
+ f.writelines(
+ [
+ f"rownum={row}\n",
+ f"{EMU_ID_FIELD}:1={irn}\n",
+ ]
+ )
+ # write the other values
+ for key, value in record.items():
+ # we've done these, ignore if found
+ if key == EMU_ID_FIELD or key == "rownum":
+ continue
+ if not isinstance(value, (tuple, list)):
+ value = [value]
+ f.writelines([f"{key}:{i}={v}\n" for i, v in enumerate(value)])
+ f.write("###\n")
+ return dump