+ Various 1.1 changes see CRS.
+ CR0038 revise constraints on ResponsibilityRole
+ 2011-01-17
+ V0.94 Revised
+ 2010-09-04
+ Created from Siri.xsd
netex Xml is an XML representation of the Transmodel model that can be used to exchange data objects between netex databases and other services.
+ .
The same netex Xml of netex data objects can be used both in fine grained protocols that exchange one or more objects at a time, such as the SIRI based netex Xml web service, and in bulk
+ publication exchange formats used to exchange whole data sets.
+ This netex Publication exchange XML schema defines a bulk delivery format to exchange netex objects as an XML document. (It has no dependency on SIRI).
For each data object type it describes an XML representation which can be used to exchange netex data.
It also describes filters to describe requests for publishing data. These can be used both to configure the publication, and to describe the contents of the published document, for
+ example all Network Objects, or all current traffic events.
A particular use of the netex Publication Exchange format is to publish data from a NeTEx system: at regular intervals as an Xml document which can be transmitted to other systems by
+ FTP or other communication transport means.
+ text/xmlhttp://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema
@@ -170,8 +229,9 @@ Correct COnstraints for PointOnRoute
- Unclassified
- CEN, Crown Copyright 2009-2021
+ Unclassified
+ CEN, Crown Copyright 2009-2023Version 1.1
- Arts, recreation and travel, Tourism, Travel (tourism), Transport, Public transport, Bus services, Coach services, Business and industry, Transport, Public transport, Roads and Road transport.
+ Arts, recreation and travel, Tourism, Travel (tourism), Transport, Public transport, Bus services, Coach services, Business and industry, Transport, Public transport, Roads and
+ Road transport.CEN TC278 WG3 SG9.NeTEx XML schema. bulk Publication Interface for exchanging NeTEx data
@@ -3476,6 +3537,48 @@ Correct COnstraints for PointOnRoute
+ Every [TypeOfDriverPermit Id + Version] must be unique within document.
+ Every [AcceptedDriverPermit Id + Version] must be unique within document.
@@ -3518,6 +3621,27 @@ Correct COnstraints for PointOnRoute
+ Every [VehicleEquipmentProfileMember Id + Version] must be unique within document.
@@ -7047,27 +7171,6 @@ Correct COnstraints for PointOnRoute
- Every [TypeOfFlexibleService Id + Version] must be unique within document.
diff --git a/xsd/netex_framework/netex_reusableComponents/netex_vehicleType_support.xsd b/xsd/netex_framework/netex_reusableComponents/netex_vehicleType_support.xsd
index e1bc0abc2..8957e760b 100644
--- a/xsd/netex_framework/netex_reusableComponents/netex_vehicleType_support.xsd
+++ b/xsd/netex_framework/netex_reusableComponents/netex_vehicleType_support.xsd
@@ -4,75 +4,45 @@
- main schema
- e-service developers
- V1.0 Christophe Duquesne
- Nicholas Knowles
- Europe
- First drafted for NeTEx version 1.0 CEN TC278 WG3 SG9 Editor Nicholas Knowles. mailto:schemer@netex.org.uk
- 2010-09-04
- 2011-02-05Name Space changes
- 2012-04-15Revise Passenger Capacity
- 2019-04-09Add list of vehicle type refs for PARKING and general use
- 2020-08-11Issue #110 Add missing fuel types
- electricContact, battery, dieselBatteryHybrid, petrolBatteryHybrid, biodiesel, hydrogen, liquidGas, methane, ethanol
- 2020-10-04NewModes: Add list of VEHICLEs.
- Add TransportType, SimpleVehicleType
- Add fuel types none, other,
- ADd Power Tpe enumeration
- Add Vehicle PRofile
- 2021-04-19NewModes: GBFS compatibility Add car to vehicle Types
- 2021-07-07NewModes: Add extra fuel types from APDS
- 2021-07-08NewModes: Correction Add missing VehicleEquipmentProfile relationship to VehicleModel
NeTEx is a European CEN standard for the exchange of Public Transport data including timetables.
This sub-schema describes the VEHICLE TYPE identifier Types.
- text/xml
- http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema
- XML schema, W3C Recommendation 2001
- {http://www.netex.org.uk/schemas/1.0/xsd/netex_framework/netex_reusableComponents}netex_vehicleType_support.xsd
- [ISO 639-2/B] ENG
- Kizoom Software Ltd, 16 High Holborn, London WC1V 6BX
- http://www.netex.org.uk/schemas/1.0/PATH/netex_prereqfile.xsd
- Unclassified
- CEN, Crown Copyright 2009-2020
- Version 1.0
- Arts, recreation and travel, Tourism, Travel (tourism), Transport,
-Air transport, Airports,
-Ports and maritime transport, Ferries (marine),
-Public transport, Bus services, Coach services, Bus stops and stations,
-Rail transport, Railway stations and track, Train services, Underground trains,
-Business and industry, Transport, Air transport , Ports and maritime transport, Public transport,
-Rail transport, Roads and Road transport
- CEN TC278 WG3 SG9.
- Standard
+ main schemae-service developersV1.0 Christophe DuquesneNicholas KnowlesEuropeFirst drafted for NeTEx version 1.0 CEN TC278 WG3 SG9 Editor Nicholas Knowles. mailto:schemer@netex.org.uk2010-09-042011-02-05
+ Name Space changes
+ 2012-04-15
+ Revise Passenger Capacity
+ 2019-04-09
+ Add list of vehicle type refs for PARKING and general use
+ 2020-08-11
+ Issue #110 Add missing fuel types
+ electricContact, battery, dieselBatteryHybrid, petrolBatteryHybrid, biodiesel, hydrogen, liquidGas, methane, ethanol
+ 2020-10-04
+ NewModes: Add list of VEHICLEs.
+ Add TransportType, SimpleVehicleType
+ Add fuel types none, other,
+ ADd Power Tpe enumeration
+ Add Vehicle PRofile
+ 2021-04-19
+ NewModes: GBFS compatibility Add car to vehicle Types
+ 2021-07-07
+ NewModes: Add extra fuel types from APDS
+ 2021-07-08
+ NewModes: Correction Add missing VehicleEquipmentProfile relationship to VehicleModel
+ v
+ 2023-01-30
+ TM CR: EnhancementL Add Accepted Driver Permit
+ 2023-01-30
+ TM CR: EnhancementL Add Vehicle Equipment Profile Members
NeTEx is a European CEN standard for the exchange of Public Transport data including timetables.
This sub-schema describes the VEHICLE TYPE identifier Types.
text/xmlhttp://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchemaXML schema, W3C Recommendation 2001{http://www.netex.org.uk/schemas/1.0/xsd/netex_framework/netex_reusableComponents}netex_vehicleType_support.xsd[ISO 639-2/B] ENGKizoom Software Ltd, 16 High Holborn, London WC1V 6BX http://www.netex.org.uk/schemas/1.0/PATH/netex_prereqfile.xsd
+ Unclassified
+ CEN, Crown Copyright 2009-2023
+ Version 1.0Arts, recreation and travel, Tourism, Travel (tourism), Transport,
+ Air transport, Airports,
+ Ports and maritime transport, Ferries (marine),
+ Public transport, Bus services, Coach
+ services, Bus stops and stations,
+ Rail transport, Railway stations and track, Train services, Underground trains,
+ Business and industry, Transport, Air transport , Ports and maritime
+ transport, Public transport,
+ Rail transport, Roads and Road transport
+ CEN TC278 WG3 SG9.NeTEx VEHICLE TYPE types.Standard
@@ -421,6 +391,44 @@ Rail transport, Roads and Road transport
+ Type for identifier of a VEHICLE EQUIPMENT PROFILE MEMBER.
+ Type for a reference to a VEHICLE EQUIPMENT PROFILE MEMBER.
@@ -449,7 +457,7 @@ Rail transport, Roads and Road transport
- Allowed values for type of power +v1/2/2
+ Allowed values for type of power +v1.2.2
@@ -483,7 +491,7 @@ Rail transport, Roads and Road transport
- Allowed values for Personal Vehicle Categories _v1.2.2
+ Allowed values for Personal Vehicle Categories +v1.2.2
@@ -557,5 +565,57 @@ Rail transport, Roads and Road transport
+ Type for identifier of a ACCEPTED DRIVER PERMIT.
+ Type for a reference to a ACCEPTED DRIVER PERMIT.
+ Type for identifier of a TYPE OF DRIVER PERMIT.
+ Reference to a TYPE OF DRIVER PERMIT.
+ Type for a reference to a TYPE OF DRIVER PERMIT.
+ Reference to a TYPE OF DRIVER PERMIT.
diff --git a/xsd/netex_framework/netex_reusableComponents/netex_vehicleType_version.xsd b/xsd/netex_framework/netex_reusableComponents/netex_vehicleType_version.xsd
index 9687442eb..fd4815634 100644
--- a/xsd/netex_framework/netex_reusableComponents/netex_vehicleType_version.xsd
+++ b/xsd/netex_framework/netex_reusableComponents/netex_vehicleType_version.xsd
@@ -15,29 +15,42 @@
V1.0 Christophe DuquesneNicholas KnowlesEurope
- First drafted for NeTEx version 1.0 CEN TC278 WG3 SG9 Editor Nicholas Knowles. mailto:schemer@netex.org.uk
+ First drafted for NeTEx version 1.0 CEN TC278 WG3 SG9 Editor Nicholas Knowles. mailto:schemer@netex.org.uk2010-09-04
- 2011-02-05Name Space changes
- 2017-03-27CR0001 - Vehicle Dimensions added.
- 2019-03-25NL31 CD #60 Add new attributes BoardingHeight and GapToPlatform attributes to VehicleType.
- NJSK Review correct data types of new attributes to be of LengthType
- 2021-07-07NewModes-Power Description attribute to NVehicleEquipmentProfile
- 2020-10-05 New Modes: Add Vehicle mode to VehicleType
- Refactor VehicleType into TarnsportType, VehicleType and PesonalVehicleType
- Replace Vehicle OperatorRef with TransportOrganisationRef.
- Add VehicleModelRef to Vehicle.
- Add ModelProfileRef to VehicleModel
- Add Description to Vehicle.
- Add PropulsionType . and MaximumRange to TransportType
- 2021-07-08NewModes: Correction Add missing VehicleEquipmentProfile relationship to VehicleModel
+ 2011-02-05
+ Name Space changes
+ 2017-03-27
+ CR0001 - Vehicle Dimensions added.
+ 2019-03-25
+ NL31 CD #60 Add new attributes BoardingHeight and GapToPlatform attributes to VehicleType.
+ NJSK Review correct data types of new attributes to be of LengthType
+ 2021-07-07
+ NewModes-Power Description attribute to NVehicleEquipmentProfile
+ 2020-10-05
+ New Modes: Add Vehicle mode to VehicleType
+ Refactor VehicleType into TarnsportType, VehicleType and PesonalVehicleType
+ Replace Vehicle OperatorRef with TransportOrganisationRef.
+ Add
+ VehicleModelRef to Vehicle.
+ Add ModelProfileRef to VehicleModel
+ Add Description to Vehicle.
+ Add PropulsionType . and MaximumRange to TransportType
+ 2021-07-08
+ NewModes: Correction Add missing VehicleEquipmentProfile relationship to VehicleModel
+ 2023-01-30
+ TM CR: EnhancementL Add Accepted Driver Permit
+ 2023-01-30
+ TM CR: EnhancementL Add Vehicle Equipment Profile Members
NeTEx is a European CEN standard for the exchange of Public Transport data including timetables.