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File metadata and controls

76 lines (68 loc) · 4.96 KB


Attempting to fully automate ticketing or at least help in some way... this script is to be used to complete following ticket types:

You need to edit this file(s): cw/
This is merely a project I decided to go about to learn how to web scrape. I actually plan to use this script to automate opening tickets/closing tickets in ConnectWise, along with running a script in IT Glue that grabs documentation based the ticket's issue. Feel Free to use.. Requires selenium and geckodriver.

NOTICE: This project is now being worked on again. it will be slow, but there will be a re-write and more to come soon! refers to

CW-Automation is project I took on to teach myself how to web-scrape, and to make noise tickets a thing of the past. These/this script(s) is product of hours of research and testing.

Step 1 - Starting Out

To start you need a *nix VM or *nix Machine. Works on mac as well(Tested on Big Sur) You need Python 3.5+ & Distro does not matter. I used Arch btw.

  • You need to have the geckodriver in your /usr/local/bin directory. geckodriver is a program that provides the HTTP API described by the WebDriver protocol to communicate with Gecko browsers, such as Firefox. It translates calls into the Marionette remote protocol by acting as a proxy between the local- and remote ends.
  • You can grab the latest release from:

Step 2 - The Set Up

Next is to open up a terminal on your *nix install.

  • First you need to install the file requirements which are
  1. selenium
  2. pyfiglet
  3. termcolor
  4. pickle
    You can install both using pip install selenium, pip install pyfiglet, pip install termcolor
    Great! next is cloning my repository from GitHub and changing into its directory.
  • In a terminal, type out: git clone after it is finished, change into its' directory by typing out: cd CW-Automation That is all for this step.

Editing! Part 1 of 2

Open up a code editor of your choice, and open up We will start first with the '' file \

  • Once inside the file(s), press CTRL+F, this will bring a search bar.
  • First you need to search for 'url'
  • Change the url to match your connectwise login site.
  • In the search bar, again, you want type: userd
    This will bring you to THREE values you need to change.
  • 'comp' is where you will input your company name INSIDE the quotation marks. for example for us it is 'connectwisedemo'
  • 'userd' is your username for ConnectWise.** make sure you type it INSIDE the quotation marks.**
  • 'pasd' is your password for ConnectWise.** make sure you type it INSIDE the quotation marks.** That is all you need to do for make sure you hit SAVE!

Editing! Part 2 of 2 inside

Now that in the connectwise login information has been taken care of.
the next part is changing the IT Glue Login.

  • You are going to CTRL+F more than once.
  • First you need to search for 'url_second='
  • Change the url to match your hoested rmm automate login site.
  • Next you need to change another thing in the files, change the following url_second= to url_second= "insert_your_itGlue_login_site_here"
  • You are now looking for the value 'useremail ='. Once it is found, you need to edit the values for 'useremail =' and 'paswrd ='. Make sure you edit inside the the quotation marks( ' ' ).
  • 'usrname' is your username for your login at Automate Control Center.
  • 'passwd' is your password for your login at Automate Control Center. Once these fields have been entered, press CTRL+F again.
  • The next value we are looking for is 'epwd' This will take you down to the ITglue login information values. Make sure to enter your data INSIDE the quotation marks.
  • 'useremail' is your email for ITglue.
  • 'paswrd' is your password for ITglue. That is all for this step!, you should be good to go.

Optional Step - Watch Live Steps at Server!

This is probably easier if you have to two displays, but:
Open a browser up to a new tab and go to BruhBoxChat | BrinxBot ([ this website chats with the Bot or in other words the script. You can see the status of the script here as it runs.

Running the script!

Now that everything has been configured, you are ready to begin the automation!\

  • Open a terminal up and make sure you change into the CW-Automation directory, type out: cd CW-Automation
  • to run the script, type out: ./ T. -Note. This pulls the CW service board.
  • And to run the script for On-Core tickets: ./ 1. So for example run it as ./ 1 would run OP1(Backup Missed ticket type) would run.
  • type ./ H to see more information.

After starting the script with your chosen arguement (1,T,H), the script will run. Make sure to pay attention to the terminal as well.