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178 lines (134 loc) · 8.25 KB

File metadata and controls

178 lines (134 loc) · 8.25 KB

Python 3.6

PixivCrawlerIII - A </MATRIX> Pixiv website crawler with python3

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ASCII artword from font: ANSI Shadow


Copyright(C) 2017-2020 T.WKVER | </MATRIX>. All rights reserved.
Code by </MATRIX>@Neod Anderjon(LeaderN)
MIT license read in LICENSE
Thanks to watch my project
If you want to help me improve this project, please submit an issue or fork


Version: 3.3.3
Selenium crawled the pixiv homepage cookie ok, 
but the login return to the server is invalid, not resolved.

Version: 3.3.2
Fixed last month commit bug.
Refactor main logic.
Server IRA mode add multi-id input.
Add class declare for mode option class init.
Add R18G rank in RTN mode.
Spec file update.

Version: 3.2.4
Fixed custom label bug.
Refactor mode option structure.
Refactor wkv crawler api.

Version: 3.2.3
Remove invalid proxy server website method.
Add emoji module to process unicode 'U+' emoji.

Version: 3.2.2
Total refactor.
Code structure optimize.


Linux x86_64 and Windows NT(tested in Ubuntu 16.04 x64 and Windows 10 x64 1803)
Python: 3.x(not support 2.x) suggest 3.5+(3.6 and 3.7 tested over)



last python2 version: (very old version, maintenance has been discontinued)

  • git clone

    this python3 version:

  • git clone
    cd PixivCrawlerIII

    First config your local folder in, then run this:


    If your crawler is deployed on a remote server, you can use "python3 -m http.server <port number>" provided by python3 to view the crawl results. Click the generated html file on the server page to render the crawl directly picture results in the browser.

  • New server mode

    Version V2.9.6 adds a server mode based on usage feedback provided by enthusiastic users. The server mode is different from the interactive mode, that is, the user does not need to perform arguments determination according to the data obtained by the crawler according to the step, and the arguments is passed to the crawler by using the command line.

    In this way, the user can deploy the crawler on the VPS and configure it with the Linux crontab or Windows task scheduler for timed crawling. Or just don't have to look at the characters have been refreshed on the command line, it should be very convenient.

  • Providing system arguments means using server mode

    If the crawler detects that the command line argument is empty, incomplete, or incorrect, the crawler will exit or enter interactive mode. For security reasons, the user's Pixiv-ID and password cannot be passed in the form of command line arguments. You must enter the local key file in interactive mode before you can use the server mode.

    -h/--help @Print usage page
    -m/--mode @Set mode, RTN(1) | IRA(2)
    -r/--R18 @Ordinary(1) | R18(2) | R18G(3), only support Mode RTN
    -l/--list @Daily(1) | Weekly(2) | Monthly(3), only support Mode RTN
    -s/--sex @Nomal(0) | Male(1) | Female(2) favor, only support Mode RTN
    -i/--id @Illustrator ID list, only support Mode IRA

    python3 -m 1 -r 1 -l 1 -s 0
    python3 -m 2 -i 0000001,0000002,0000003

    Notice: If the sex option selects male or female, then the list option only can be daily. If you set the list type option to weekly or monthly and the sex option to either male or female, then the list option overrides the sex option.(List type option has a higher priority)

  • Color effect style

    Add color character display effects from version V2.9.8, and use colors to distinguish the attributes of the displayed information.

    Code Background Use
    red black logo
    black red error or failed
    yellow blue timestamp
    blue yellow important info
    yellow black request user input argument
    white black normal info


May the good network status with you.

To ensure that the display output is normal, 
please set the console code to UTF-8, 
the windows system to use the command "chcp 65001".

If you use the crawler too often to request data from the server, 
the server may return an 10060 error for you, 
just need to wait for a while and then try again, or use a proxy server.

If your test network environment has been dns-polluted, I suggest you 
fix your PC dns-server to a pure server or get a proxy server.

Version 2.7.8 is the last batch download solution 
that loads the main-page for the Pixiv website's old static HTML page.
From October 2, 2018, 
Pixiv began to use js-dynamically load the artist's home page information.
On October 4, 2018, in response to the countermeasures made 
on the website 1002 big change event, version V2.8.2 was fully optimized 
and upgraded, the original two download modes were restored. 
At the same time, one request for downloading was suspended after one login.

If you want to optimze CPU and memory usage, you can use cProfile tool to 
analysis object usage and use module gc to collecte garbage.

Since January 2020, this project uses selenium module and chromedriver to obtain cookies 
to solve recaptcha authentication problem of pixiv website.
You need to configure and install chromedriver according to the 
official Selenium tutorial( 
in the corresponding system environment and modify its path in the

If you update chrome in your environment, please update the chromedriver to the same version
in page