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Releases: Neoteroi/BlackSheep


03 Dec 06:55
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  • Fixes wrong mime type in OpenAPI Documentation for the form binder (#212)
  • Adds OpenAPIEvents to the class handling the generation of OpenAPI Documentation
  • Updates default environment variable prefix for app secrets to be APP_SECRET
    instead of APPSECRET (also accepts the value without underscore for backward
  • Adds missing server import to blacksheep/__init__.pyi


15 Nov 21:28
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  • Adds built-in support for JWT bearer authentication, and validation
    of JWTs issued by identity providers implementing OpenID Connect (OIDC)
    discovery /.well-known/openid-configuration (more in general, for JWTs
    signed using asymmetric encryption and verified using public RSA keys)
  • Adds built-in support for OpenID Connect (OIDC), Authorization Code Grant
    and Hybrid flows, which can be used to integrate with OAuth applications
  • Adds built-in handling of X-Forwarded and Forwarded headers with
    validation, including handling of trusted hosts
  • Adds a TrustedHostsMiddleware that can be used to validate hosts
  • Adds methods to obtain the request full URL, handling forward headers
  • Adds an extensibility point that enables sorting of middlewares before they
    are applied on the application
  • Fixes #199
  • Downgrades httptools dependency to version >=0.2,<0.4
  • Adds some improvements to the testing module
  • Upgrades itsdangerous to version ~=2.0.1
  • Deprecates the encryptor option for sessions, applies itsdangerous
    Serializer by default


24 Oct 18:04
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  • Includes Python 3.10 in the CI/CD matrix
  • Includes Python 3.10 wheel in the distribution package
  • Removes orjson development dependency when running tests
  • Fixes a bug happening in the code generating OpenAPI Documentation when
    running Python 3.10


23 Oct 15:27
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  • Upgrades httptools dependency to version 0.3.0
  • Upgrades python-dateutil dependency to version 2.8.2
  • Upgrades Jinja2 dependency to version 3.0.2
  • Modifies dependencies to be less strict (~= instead of ==)


14 Jul 11:00
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  • Adds support for application mounts (see discussion #160)
  • Applies sorting of imports using isort, enforces linters in the CI pipeline
    with both black and isort
  • Adds support for application events defined using decorators: @app.on_start,
  • Updates Jinja2 dependency to version 3.0.1
  • Adds support to configure JSON serializer and deserializer globally
    for the web framework (#138), thus adding support for custom logic happening
    upong JSON serialization and deserialization, and also for different
    libraries like orjson, to handle JSON serialization and deserialization

Thanks to @myusko for his great contribution to add support for Mounts, and recommending to use isort and to enforce isort and black in the CI pipelines. 🎉


19 Jun 10:50
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  • Corrects a bug forcing camelCase on examples objects handled as dataclasses
    (issue #173), updating the dependency on essentials-openapi to v1.0.4
  • Corrects a bug causing duplicate components definitions in generated OpenAPI
    documentation, when handling Optional[T]
  • Minor corrections to the TestClient class: HTTP HEAD, OPTIONS, and TRACE
    should not allow request content body, therefore the corresponding methods
    are updated to not support a content parameter
  • Automatically generates 404 response documentation when a request handler
    defines an Optional[T] return type (this happens only when the user doesn't
    specify the documentation for an endpoint)


11 Jun 21:19
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  • Adds a TestClient class that simplifies testing of applications - thanks to @myusko for this great contribution!
  • Fixes bug #156,
    preventing route parameters to work when the user doesn't follow Python
    naming conventions
  • Adds support for automatic generation of OpenAPI Documentation for Generic
  • Improves the generation of OpenAPI Documentation for pydantic types and to
    support more object types (fixes #167)
  • Ensures that request body is parsed as JSON only if the content type contains
    the "json" substring


30 May 13:09
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  • Fixes bug #153, reintroducing compatibility with Hypercorn
  • Fixes a bug that made links generated for the discovery of static files not
    working (double leading "/" in href)
  • Provides a way to normalize request handlers' response type when using custom
    decorators (issue #135)
  • Adds support for testing Hypercorn and tests Hypercorn in GitHub Actions


11 May 05:59
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v1.0.5 :crown:


09 May 14:07
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v1.0.4 :crown: