This repository contains of the following .NET modules:
- SDL.DXA.Container.Framework - The framework itself to build container and container items
- SDL.DXA.Modules.FlexLayout - A set of example container implementations based on the DXA white label design. Can easily be modified for other designs.
- If you do not have a DXA.NET setup (for SDL Web 8) you can easily do this by following the instructions given here: Installing the web application (.NET)
- Clone this repository:
git clone
- Either open up the solution 'dotnet/SDL.DXA.Container.Framework.sln' or add the VS projects under dotnet to your Visual Studio solution
- Set the environment variable %DXA_SITE_DIR% to point to your DXA Site path (in visual studio or in your IIS instance)
- Restart Visual studio and rebuild the solution. Verify so Container and FlexLayout Areas and DLLs are copied to your site folder
- Add the container page builder to the Web.config of your DXA webapp:
<add type="SDL.DXA.Container.Framework.Mapping.ContainerPageBuilder, SDL.DXA.Container.Framework" />
- Now is your DXA instance ready for creation of flexible layouts