date | tags | |
2020-06-21 |
- Look among your friends and family or former employer
- Post in social media
- Local businesses
- Don't use a premade template, see what the potential client is about and propose a contribution to them ( new website, social media ) - specific proposal
- Websites and job portals - Traversy media 70+ job find websites - add stuff to portfolio and apply for jobs
- Good clients don't look for the cheapest developer so that's a bonus
- Network with other freelancers, learn from them
- Discord servers, LinkedIn, etc.
- Content creation - blog!
- Write not only about programming, business stuff works too, it's even good. How to start online business for example.
- Referrals, testimonials
- Don't be too aggressive, don't spam them and nag them
- Have a portfolio - website with projects and stuff
- Do your absolute best
- Find a niche (not in the beginning though, you take what you get in the start), but then go into some specific field
- Add other services - SEO, Social media, Hosting, Graphic design etc.