Code for Mudrik, N., Yezerets, E., Chen, Y., Rozell, C. J., & Shabti Charles, A. (2024). LINOCS: Lookahead inference of networked operators for continuous stability. Transactions on Machine Learning Research (TMLR).
@article{mudrik2024linocs, title={Linocs: Lookahead inference of networked operators for continuous stability}, author={Mudrik, Noga and Yezerets, Eva and Chen, Yenho and Rozell, Christopher and Charles, Adam}, journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2404.18267}, year={2024} }
- Please use the google colab example notebook for an example and further explanations.
- Specific example for training Linear-LINOCS is below:
K_b = 20
max_ord = 250
func_w = np.exp
sigma_w = 0.01
w = []
sigma_w_b = 1
w_b = []
opt_A, opt_b,b_hats = train_linear_system_opt_A(x_noisy, max_ord, Bs_main = [], constraint = [], w_offset = True, cal_offset=True, weights=w, infer_b_way='each', K_b = K_b, w_b = w_b
offset_hat_opt = np.mean(opt_b, 1)
full lookahead prediction
x_look_LINOCS = propagate_dyn_based_on_operator(x0,opt_A, offset = offset_hat_opt, max_t = T)
1-step prediction
x_step_LINOCS = one_step_prediction(x_noisy, np.dstack([opt_A]*T), offset = offset_hat_opt)
See demo/tutorial in notebook
To train dLDS:
M = np.random.randint(3, 10)
K = np.random.randint(1, 5)
l1 = np.random.rand()*0.2 #1.2 # 0.9# 2 # #5
decor_w = np.random.rand()*0.1
max_iters = 70
save_path = os.getcwd()
start_l1 = np.random.randint(0, 5)
start_l1 = np.random.choice([start_l1 , 0])
data_run = lorenz_mat
l2_F = np.random.rand()
freq_update_F = 5
cs_h, F_h, F_full_h, cs_full_h = train_dlds_LINOCS(data_run, F0 = [], M = M, max_iters = max_iters, l1 = l1,
to_save = True, save_path = save_path,
seed = seed, start_l1 = start_l1, K = K,freq_save = 1,
l1_int = 1,freq_update_F = freq_update_F,
interval_round = 1, l2_F = l2_F, with_identity = with_identity, decor = decor, addi_save = 'example', decor_w = decor_w
some results from applying dLDS-LINOCS on the Lorenz attractor: