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TopRichard edited this page Mar 30, 2023 · 8 revisions

Welcome to the software-layer troubleshooting wiki of the NorESSI organisation!

Useful Hints :

  • Having problems while making a pull request to NorESSI software layer? make sure to follow Making a pull request to NorESSI software layer
  • Whenever some software got added to the CernVM-FS repository and the accompanying pull request got merged into NorESSI/ dev local clones and other unmerged pull requests need to be updated. Keeping up to date with upstream changes
  • If building software using the bot fails, an interactive troubleshooting session can be initiated following Initiate an interactive session
    • When running an interactive session, be aware of the filesystem size ex:(/tmp)
    • To avoid any unexpected outcome, make sure previously used EB repositories are clean

Known cases

  1. Checksum verification failures

    Problem description :

    FAILED: Installation ended unsuccessfully...Checksum verification failed while building : PR#90

    Resolving The Problem :

    Check for any PRs targeting the referenced package/dependency being built : source URL for ELPA (due to switch to new domain) PR#17357

  2. HttpError: API rate limit exceeded for installation

    Problem description :

    Unexpected error fetching GitHub release...API rate limit exceeded

    Work around :

    Wait until API rate limit is reset and try again.