Nottingham Hackspace maintains a wide online presence, with sites ranging from our social media and mailing list to our wiki and internal tools like HMS. Our online presence is one of the main ways we attract new members, communicate with existing ones, and promote our events and workshops. If you're able to help promote us from time to time whether by retweet, share or like, it is a big help toward attracting new people.
We welcome contributions to all these sites; if you'd like to get involved with any please contact the relevant team, who's details can be found in Section 1.3 - Hackspace Organisation.
Main website -
This is our main public-facing site; where events, workshops and links to other online resources are available.
The website is managed by our Comms team.
Hackspace Management System (HMS) -
HMS was developed by Hackspace members to organise and manage our ever-increasing group. Every Hackspace member registers an account on HMS as part of their signup, allowing them to view their Snackspace balance, book time on tools, see our door access codes, and update their contact details when they change. HMS is also use to manage member project and print approved Do Not Hack labels.
To log in, please click the link titled: “Already a member? Login”, then enter your username and password.
HMS is managed by the Software team.
Discord -
Discord is an instant messaging platform which we to allow teams and members to communicate. Your discord account needs to be linked to your Hackspace Management System account in order to see the majority of channels.
We have a separate policy on using Discord, which covers some basic netiquette. This can be found as Appendix C on our rules site.
Our Discord also has a number of commands which interact in some way with the hackspace. For example, you can check the temperature of various areas by sending "!temp", or search the Wiki with "!wiki <search term>"
The Nottinghack Wiki is where we store information around projects and equipment, as well as organisation details for big events such as Makerfaire and EMF. As a member please feel free to start a user page to hold build logs of your projects, or when you're collaborating with other members on projects and need a place to store information.
You can use your HMS account details to log into the wiki and make edits.
Rules -
You should be aware of all Nottingham Hackspace rules and our complaints policy. These are broken up into sections, much like this guide.
Members Guide -
This members guide is available online, where you can also download PDF and Epub versions.
Want to help contribute to this guide? Make a pull request against it on GitHub or talk to the Membership team.
Google Group -
You can subscribe to the discussion group by email. Emails that you send to this will be distributed to those that subscribe. This is good for non-members to ask questions. It's also a good place to ask about making a donation if you're not on Discord.
Facebook -
Our Facebook page is one of the main ways we promote ourselves to potential new members, whether by sharing photos and videos of events or telling the world about our next big project.
Twitter -
Our Twitter account works in a similar way to our Facebook page, only with 140 characters or less. We'll often tweet while at external events, with pictures of members representing Nottinghack or projects we've taken to demonstrate.
Mastodon -
Mastodon is a lot like Twitter, but decentralised and hosted by an individual or small group. Our official Mastodon page is kindly hosted by Hachyderm and is an approved corporate account.
Instagram -
A popular photo sharing account - tag us in your posts! We love to share your projects.
The Nottinghack account on Flickr contains all the photos that are automatically uploaded from the Hackspace camera.
If you are already a member of Flickr, please contribute your photos to the Nottinghack group.