Nottingham Hackspace is registered as a non-profit limited company (Reg. No. 07766826). Surplus after rent and other expenses are used for tools, consumables, and Hackspace improvements (such as infrastructure and refurbishment work).
An elected Board of Trustees comprised of seven people oversee Nottingham Hackspace; ensuring financial sustainability and managing critical issues. All of the board are volunteers, Nottinghack does not have any paid employees or membership tiers. Members' meetings are held in the Hackspace at 20:00, on the first Wednesday of each month in the Blue Room and on Zoom. These meetings, and votes conducted at the meetings, are open to all members. The agenda for next months meeting can be found here:
Please find details of the board members here: Trustee elections take place each May, any member can stand for election.
Our constitution is also available on the wiki:
The day-to-day running of the Hackspace is done by every one of our members. Even quick and simple things like tidying up or putting tools back into their proper storage are a great help.
More specific activites are managed by teams within the Hackspace, a list of which can be found below. Please remember the Hackspace is a community and not a service; we do not guarantee tool uptime or material availability. The teams are all members like yourself, who volunteer their time to help make the space better.
Want to get involved in a team? Drop them an email, or ask them when they're in the space. You can find more information about Teams on the wiki:
Safety - [email protected]
Safety at Nottingham Hackspace is paramount. The trustees are primarily responsible for safety but members can offer assistance to ensure that protective equipment is available, monitor safety of our tools, and identify any new risks that may appear.
Please remember: Wear protective equipment when using tools. Be sure to read, understand, and follow all the safety rules needed for power tools. Using tools properly reduces risk of injury to yourself and others. Some tools require an induction - you must not use these if you are not inducted on the tool.
3D Printing - [email protected]
The 3D Printing team are responsible for the maintenance, improvements and inductions on our 3D printers. The Hackspace currently owns an Ultimaker+ printer that works with 3mm PLA filament.
3D printer inductions can be requested on the `Induction Form`__.
Bike Team - [email protected]
The bike team are responsible for the bike area and its tools.
CNC - [email protected]
The CNC team looks after the CNC area and related computer aided manufacturing tools.
Communications - [email protected]
The Communications team look after our outward facing presence such as our website, newsletter, mastodon, twitter and facebook. If you have interesting photos of the Hackspace, or something you'd like to ask around promotion, get in touch with them.
Craft & Textiles - [email protected]
Craft & Textiles team manage the craftier areas of the Hackspace, to help develop them into appealing areas for all - whether textiles, painting, sewing, dressmaking, or more.
Electronics - [email protected]
Nottinghack has a wide variety of electronics equipment, from soldering irons to PCB manufacturing equipment. The Electronics team is responsible for maintaining and improving our tools and supplies within the electronics area.
Infrastructure - [email protected]
With over 7,300 sq. feet of workspace inside Nottinghack, there's a lot of infrastructure that keeps us running. The Infrastructure team manage major improvements and ongoing maintenance of systems such as electricity, plumbing, refurbishment activity.
Laser - [email protected]
The Laser team are responsible for inductions and general care of the our laser cutter. Nottinghack was the first Hackspace in the UK to take delivery of an 80W Silvertail A0 laser, and our members have gotten thousands of hours of use from it already.
Laser cutter inductions can be requested on the `Induction Form`__.
Membership - [email protected]
The Membership team manage the membership administration such answering questions from members new and old, conducting tours during Open Events, managing signups, and much more. Tours of the Hackspace form an integral part of bringing new members into the space; the Membership team are present at events, as well as our Open Nights and Open Days, to ensure visitors see the best of the Hackspace every time.
Metalworking - [email protected]
With a large metalworking area including several large machines, the Metalwork team take care of all our tools that form, join and shape metal. Please be aware that a lot of the metalwork tools need inductions, this is for both user safety and tool maintenance reasons.
Metalwork tool inductions can be requested on the `Induction Form`__.
Network - [email protected]
The Network team are responsible for ensuring that the Hackspace stays connected with the outside world, and that our automated services keep talking to each other.
Resources and Snackspace - [email protected]
The Resources and Snackspace Team look after all those consumable things in the space, from tea, coffee and vending machine items to toilet rolls and Stanley knife blades. Requests from members are accepted and encouraged, and can be submitted either via email.
Software - [email protected]
The Software team are responsible for keeping all the automation within the Hackspace running, and there's a lot of it! With major systems such as HMS (for membership management), Gatekeeper (how you get into the space), and Snackspace (how you buy snacks), the Software team support the Hackspace on the path to world optimisation.
The Nottinghack repositories can be found `here on Github`__
Woodworking - [email protected]
The Woodworking team manage the woodwork specific tools within the Hackspace, such as the wood lathe and table saw. Some of the larger woodwork tools such as the planer thicknesser require inductions, for user safety.
Woodwork tool inductions can be requested on the `Induction Form`__.