diff --git a/metadata/signals.csv b/metadata/signals.csv index bf3b17d..529088e 100644 --- a/metadata/signals.csv +++ b/metadata/signals.csv @@ -2764,3 +2764,15 @@ SWZ;Eswatini;Southern and Eastern Africa;False;ipc_food_insecurity;2024-06-01;Me MEX;Mexico;Latin America and the Caribbean;False;acled_conflict;2024-07-08;High concern;784.0;https://mcusercontent.com/ea3f905d50ea939780139789d/images/f2d42b15-f0ca-0316-364d-cf85c5768a07.png;https://mcusercontent.com/ea3f905d50ea939780139789d/images/53ccdc49-b84d-6337-2127-04004f47ad77.png;;;Protests in Hidalgo, Guadalajara, Morelia, Veracruz, Ciudad de Mexico, and Heroica Puebla de Zaragoza were driven by demands for social justice, improved labor rights, and better public services like water supply and LGBTQ+ rights. Armed conflicts and targeted violence linked to gang activities and electoral disputes occurred in Chiapas, Michoacán, Nuevo León, Guanajuato, and Guerrero, while organized crime violence, including cartel turf wars, was prominent in Jalisco, Sonora, and Tamaulipas. Significant violent resistance to law enforcement and notable protests were reported in places such as Dantzibojay (Hidalgo), Flor de Marquez de Comillas (Chiapas), and Leon de los Aldama (Guanajuato).;Protests and violence surge in response to social and political issues.;ACLED reporting;https://data.humdata.org/dataset/mexico-acled-conflict-data;https://acleddata.com;;"Access ACLED conflict data for Mexico directly on HDX. For more granular data, analysis, and context, visit the ACLED website.";http://eepurl.com/iWt0LI#MEX;2024-08-06; MLI;Mali;West and Central Africa;True;jrc_agricultural_hotspots;2024-07-11;Medium concern;1.0;https://mcusercontent.com/ea3f905d50ea939780139789d/images/d57cf3c1-2787-5c5c-c7af-cbed9984a7db.png;;;;As of July 2024, Mali's agricultural situation is challenging due to a combination of delayed seasonal rains and ongoing security issues. While recent rainfall from mid-June has been average to above-average, earlier deficits resulted in poor crop conditions in regions like Sikasso, Kayes, Koulikoro, and Mopti, where large proportions of active crop areas suffer from greenness anomalies. Despite recent improvements in rangeland conditions and water availability, the overall situation remains precarious. The northern areas face exacerbated livestock feed issues due to limited pasture availability and security disruptions. More than 1.3 million people are projected to be in critical acute food insecurity (Phase 3 or above) from June to August 2024, with an additional 2,500 people in the Ménaka region likely facing a Disaster situation (Phase 5). Security concerns continue to impact civilian protection and hinder agricultural and livestock activities in the central and northern regions.;Delayed rains, security threats worsen food insecurity, impacting crops, livestock.;the JRC-ASAP system;https://data.humdata.org/dataset/asap-hotspots-monthly;https://agricultural-production-hotspots.ec.europa.eu;"https://agricultural-production-hotspots.ec.europa.eu/seasonal_forecast.php?sfreg=africa; https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gDgu6Mptit_YzK679jbmW5DFJw1jkYru/view; https://fews.net/west-africa/mali/food-security-outlook/june-2024; https://erccportal.jrc.ec.europa.eu/ECHO-Products/Echo-Flash#/echo-flash-items?pageIndex=1&pageSize=10&st=Published&c=MLI; https://www.ipcinfo.org/fileadmin/user_upload/ipcinfo/docs/ch/FICHE_COMMUNICATION_-_MARS_2024_VF.pdf";"Access the data directly on HDX. Visit the ASAP homepage to access additional data and use the ASAP Warning Explorer to contextualize the situation.

  1. Copernicus C3S Multimodel seasonal rainfall forecast
  2. Green Africa, Food situation update, July 2024
  3. FEWSNET (June 2024)
  4. ECHO (Daily flash of 04/07 & 23/07)
  5. Cadre Harmonisé analysis (March 2024)

";http://eepurl.com/iWFNo2#MLI;2024-08-09; NGA;Nigeria;West and Central Africa;True;jrc_agricultural_hotspots;2024-07-11;Medium concern;1.0;https://mcusercontent.com/ea3f905d50ea939780139789d/images/c2e86cc7-5585-a78a-9ff9-edc5cae8ea0c.png;;;;As of July 2024, crop conditions in Nigeria exhibit significant geographical disparities. The southern regions have experienced average to slightly above-average rainfall over the past three months, benefiting first-season maize crops, with harvesting ongoing and expected to conclude by August. In contrast, the central and northern parts of the country are facing below-average crop conditions despite recent average to above-average rainfall. Large parts of active crop areas (40%-80%) in these regions exhibit a negative greenness anomaly, exacerbated by protracted and escalating conflicts that limit access to farmlands and drive displacement. This conflict, combined with high input costs and decreased government support, is anticipated to lead to a decline in maize and rice production, while wheat and sorghum are expected to see modest increases. The ongoing conflict, coupled with poor vegetation conditions and economic challenges, has precipitated a severe food crisis, with over 31.7 million people projected to be in critical acute food insecurity from June to August 2024.;"Severe food crisis looms; conflict, economic woes threaten crop production.";the JRC-ASAP system;https://data.humdata.org/dataset/asap-hotspots-monthly;https://agricultural-production-hotspots.ec.europa.eu;"https://fews.net/west-africa/nigeria/food-security-outlook/june-2024; https://fas.usda.gov/data/nigeria-grain-and-feed-annual-7; https://agricultural-production-hotspots.ec.europa.eu/seasonal_forecast.php?sfreg=africa";"Access the data directly on HDX. Visit the ASAP homepage to access additional data and use the ASAP Warning Explorer to contextualize the situation.

  1. FEWSNET (June 2024)
  2. USDA (Grain and Feed Annual:Nigeria, March 2024)
  3. Copernicus C3S Multimodel seasonal rainfall forecast

";http://eepurl.com/iWFNo2#NGA;2024-08-09; +SSD;South Sudan;Southern and Eastern Africa;True;idmc_displacement_disaster;2024-08-07;High concern;575626.4372294372;https://mcusercontent.com/ea3f905d50ea939780139789d/images/ff2eed6c-260d-15e3-749c-f77137071037.png;https://mcusercontent.com/ea3f905d50ea939780139789d/images/b42ae77e-45de-2e8e-5d96-817c2172288b.png;;;People were internally displaced due to floods caused by heavy rains in Maiwut, Fangak, Leer, and Ayod counties. Floods were the primary reason for displacement across these locations. The displacement events occurred between June and early August.;Floods force displacement in multiple counties from June to early August.;IDMC analysis and source reports;https://data.humdata.org/dataset/idmc-event-data-for-ssd;https://www.internal-displacement.org/countries/south-sudan;"https://www.radiotamazuj.org/en/news/article/floods-displace-571000-in-maiwut-county; https://www.radiotamazuj.org/en/news/article/thousands-flee-fangak-villages-over-floods; https://www.radiotamazuj.org/en/news/article/floods-displace-inhabitants-of-3-payams-in-leer-county";"Access the data directly on HDX, and see the IDMC page for more information. Get context from the three most recent reports sourced by the IDMC: + +
  1. Local Authorities
  2. +
  3. County authorities
  4. +
  5. Local Authorities; The South Sudan Relief and Rehabilitation Commission (SSRRC)
";http://eepurl.com/iWQ1CM#SSD;2024-08-13; +RUS;Russian Federation;Europe;False;idmc_displacement_conflict;2024-08-10;High concern;76076.0;https://mcusercontent.com/ea3f905d50ea939780139789d/images/ca39c973-c65a-22a6-9467-0a7e3b76c182.png;https://mcusercontent.com/ea3f905d50ea939780139789d/images/66183b0f-394a-e29a-3d2b-b6f281119cae.png;;;The main reasons for displacement were ongoing military operations, leading to the evacuation of thousands and the destruction of numerous houses and buildings. Displacement events primarily occurred in various regions including Kursk and multiple locations within Belgorod Oblast such as Kozinka, Novopetrovka, Krasnoye, and Murom. EMERCOM reported significant evacuations and regional governments recorded extensive property damage in these areas.;Military operations force thousands to evacuate, widespread property damage reported.;IDMC analysis and source reports;https://data.humdata.org/dataset/idmc-event-data-for-rus;https://www.internal-displacement.org/countries/russia;"https://t.me/mchs_official/21139; https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cy0ngzg9754o; https://t.me/vvgladkov/8780";"Access the data directly on HDX, and see the IDMC page for more information. Get context from the three most recent reports sourced by the IDMC: + +
  1. Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defence, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters (EMERCOM)
  2. +
  3. Regional Government Russia
  4. +
  5. Regional Government Russia