- fixed xss vulnerabilities in onlyoffice-docspace page component
- DocSpace JS SDK version 1.0.1
- use username in user export data if first_name and last_name is empty
- ability to add multiple rooms/files to a page
- block settings (view mode 'editor/embedded')
- hide sign out button on page docspace
- hide request name for anonymous
- structure of tables with files (Name,Size,Type)
- base theme in admin panel for docspace
- support for public rooms
- improved block settings (theme, align)
- improved view of the inserted blocks
- delete public user "Wordpress Viewer"
- minor code corrections, compliance with WordPress requirements
- fix invite users to DocSpace without first name or last name
- fix "DocSpace User Status", when the user has not confirmed the email
- connection settings page
- user synchronization
- opening docspace in wordpress
- inserting a file when creating a page
- inserting a room when creatinf a page