This is a tool designed to pull data directly out of AWQMS into a format that is conducive to RPA and copper/aluminum BLM analysis for the NPDES permit program, as well as provide supporting information about the data pull
The Shiny app currently allows for one to search for data in AWQMS by pollutant (either by groupings or by specific pollutants), monitoring location, organization, dates, HUC8, assessment unit and/or matrix type.
The Shiny app also allows for the user to download the data in an excel format that includes multiple excel sheets: metadata about the pull, a map (must click button in application to include map), the raw data, data in a format for the RPA workbook, a summary statistic page, data in a format for Ammonia RPA, data in a format for Copper BLM RPA, data in format for Aluminum BLM RPA, and a sheet with caculated hardness values (from calcium+magnesium or from specific conductance).
Some words of warning: if data pulls are done for large areas and timeframes it can easily overload the application (R has limited memory compared to SQL). It is recommended that you refine the search by HUC, media type, and limit the initial date range before running the query. However, if you are searching for data on the coast, beach stations or other stations associated with the Pacific Ocean may not appear if you refine by HUC8.
NOTE: The RConnect branch of this code will not run on your local machine without the proper .Renviron file. This information is NOT publicly available. Please use the main branch of this code when running the code on your local machine.