Behind the screens: 2021 in review
Let’s take a look back at the past year through the eyes of our edge cloudnetwork to explore what we saw across new protocol adoption, security initiatives, network growth, and more.
Cheers to all that we accomplished together this year. We'll see you in 2022!
Docker’s Top 10 Most Popular Blogs in 2021
As 2021 comes to an end, it’s time to look back on our top 10 most-read blogs of the year.
let's see what CSS has been up to this year!
The 5 Key RPA Trends To Watch For in 2022
In this article, we explore the top RPA trends to watch for in 2022, and how businesses can exploit these trends in their digital transformation journey.
With that, let’s take a look at what the team shipped in 2021!
The 2021 Stratechery Year in Review
Today, as per tradition, I summarize the most popular and most important posts of the year on Stratechery.
5 Impactful Technologies From the Gartner Emerging Technologies and Trends Impact Radar for 2022
Smart spaces, homomorphic encryption, generative AI, graph technologies and the metaverse will disrupt and transform entire markets.
Gartner Top Strategic Technology Trends for 2022
Gartner expects these 12 technology trends to act as force multipliers of digital business and innovation over the next three to five years. Here’s your quick guide to what the technologies are and why they’re valuable.
Understanding Rendering in the Jamstack
Rendering in the Jamstack? From client-side to server-side rendering, and even distributed persistent rendering - here’s what sets Jamstack apart.
D2 分享 - ESM Bundleless 在低代码场景的实践
作者详细介绍了 ESM Bundless 在蚂蚁集团的实践,这是面向未来的构建方案,不仅适用于本地命令行,同时也适用于搭建系统。Umi 下个版本会支持,但由于依赖内部服务,只会开源 Client 的部分。
esbuild 0.14.4 引入的 breaking ,正是 js 社区臭名昭著的一个问题,即 ESM 和 CJS 的 Interop(互操作性)问题,esbuild 的 changelog 写了相当长的篇幅总结了这个问题( esbuild 的 changelog 是业界良心,总能学到新东西)。下面内容均来自 esbuild changelog 的翻译。
为大家介绍了语雀以及语雀对文档 & 编辑器的理解,然后以文本编辑器为切入点深度解读了编辑器技术,最后,他结合语雀发展,对编辑器技术的进化方向作了展望。
Everything you need to know about microservice oriented architecture for the frontend from beginner to advanced
Shapeup Jamstack site performance #performance
There’re a lot of ways to build Jamstack sites using different Static Site Generators (SSGs). How do they perform in the wild?
iOS App Architecture in 2022 #iOS
In this article, I want to describe what I think is the best way to build iOS apps. This ranges from how to make UIs to how to structure the overall project, of course touching on the subject of architecture.
We hope this inspires you to start looking into ways you can modularize your current code bases and start reaping the benefits today.
Remix vs. Next.js vs. SvelteKit
In this post, we’ll compare a few of their features, ranging from initiating a project to adding styling.
A Visual Guide to useEffect - Cleanups #React
How to Create a React Typescript Monorepo with Git Submodules #React
自2008年IBM首次提出智慧城市(smarter cities)的概念以来,智慧城市已形成了集成服务框架。
在一个日常需求开发流程中,对于前端工程师来说,输入源是视觉稿 + PRD,输出结果是可上线的页面代码。而在 Deco 的开发模式下,直接从设计稿转化成前端页面,然后通过可视化画布和表单配置配置页面的逻辑,最终输出可运行的多端代码。
从设计出发,TDesign 提供了完整的设计语言、视觉风格指南和设计资源,以及基于 Vue2、Vue3、React (Vue3、React 目前仍在 Alpha 版本迭代中)等业界主流技术栈的组件,帮助开发者可以快速开发桌面端、移动端和小程序端等多个版本的应用程序。
We are happy to announce that we have just released a major update to our Cordova CLI!
AI拟声: 5秒内克隆您的声音并生成任意语音内容 Clone a voice in 5 seconds to generate arbitrary speech in real-time
Algorithms and data structures implemented in JavaScript with explanations and links to further readings
A GUI package manager and package installer for Windows Subsystem for Android (WSA)
Awesome lists about all kinds of interesting topics
]( WecTeam 周刊:第 119 期